In search of a useful loop organizer

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lil G, Dec 25, 2022.

  1. soundgen

    soundgen Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    As said i can not use it offline it requires internet account.






    Audiosex won't let me include an image... it says "image URL" which i paste but it does not load it....
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
  2. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Thanks for the suggestion. I took a look at Sononym and ADSR Sample Manager. For auto-categorization Sononym is absolutely awsome. Just no good loop handling functions. ADSR does a far less good job in automatically categorizing the samples, it's still quite useful. If they would elaborate a little more on their loop-handling functions, these could indeed be really great tools.

    I do know algonaut and XO, too. They're great for one shot drum samples, but I'm a Native Instruments Battery guy when it comes to work with drum oneshots. Would be great if there was a new version of Battery integrating this kind of similarity search and auto categorization to search for similar sounds...
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
  3. Ghostripper

    Ghostripper Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2022
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    not exactly a manager (although you can use the favourite option) but nothing beats geist2 imo.
    it slice your loop and for every single hit you got a adsr.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
  4. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Yeah, thanks. But it seems, this also does, what lots of other tools do. Great, if you already have a loop, that you know you want to use. You can then use these tools to manipulate your loop and replay it.

    My search is for a loop-plugin, that uses the slicing techniques, in order to be able to high-quality stretch the drumloops (by stretching only the tail and not the transient of each slice) on the fly and so making them auditionable in sync to your host session, so you would be able to quickly browse them through while playing your song, every loop starting to play on the next downbeat automatically, hence never being offbeat. This way you could go through your loops quickly and preview them in context of your song. That would really be the main thing I'm looking for here.

    Additionally then, it would of course be great to have a good browsing/categorization system to go along with that, as well as the usual function of mapping the slices to your keyboard allowing for slice-groups, so you can route kicks, snares, hats and perc to separate outputs.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
  5. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Ok, i just realized, that ADSR Sample Manager is actually capable of playing your loops in sync with your host session. that's absolutely awesome! Now all that would be needed for my dream plugin is the slicing and routing options to cut up your loop, map it to keys and group the slices to separate outputs. And a stretching algorithm that takes advantage of the loops being sliced up. That would be so incredibly awesome! I really hope my dream might finally come true within my lifetime now...
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
  6. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Just to wrap things up, since nobody seems to have an answer to this one. After testing ADSR Sample Manager a little, i got to say that it's unfortunately too buggy and unstable to work with. In my case it stopped working entirely after a couple of hours of testing and now just freezes on opening. LOL, this is ridiculous. I'm going back to Recycle then...
  7. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    I've tried all of them -- multiple times -- and I've never actually found any of them to be more useful than the ability to organize samples yourself in Windows Explorer and add the folders you need in the DAW of your choice. For me, they just add an extra and unnecessary overhead, and create a humungous database file. If anything, they slow my workflow down rather than speeding it up.
  8. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Well, i think the ability to browse your loops playing within the context of your song in the right tempo is crucial, if you want to get serious about working with loops. Up to now, i've sliced up all the loops i really liked in recycle to use them in stylus rmx. works great, but it takes forever and it's extremely tedious, because recycle is just a horribly made application.
    ADSR Sample Manager is the best i could find so far. Crashes i mentioned were due to a corrupt wav-file i tried to import. This corrupted my database file beyond saviour. So if you're working with ADSR SM, you definetely need to backup the database files everytime before adding a new library, or you might lose all your tagging and editing work. Also, don't import too many samples at once. I hope, that they will provide stability improvements in future upgrades, because this is a useful plugin, or it would be, if improved just a little bit.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
  9. Xenon

    Xenon Producer

    Jun 23, 2022
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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    if you are going back to recycle, then you should at least use Zero-X Beat Creator. When I had SCSI with sampler on pc, I had much better luck with it. But it is an old program, so your mileage on what bitrate files you can squeeze out of it are not details im going to look up atm.
    16/44 I'm sure. Anyway, it's like recycle in that you can stick a wav into it and zap it out to a sampler with everything key mapped and a midi file dropped onto your desktop. There was a multi-track version of it called Zero-X Beat Quantizer. again ymmv. They were hands down way better than recycle 2.0 (which is the last version with SCSI support). Especially if you are loading pre-made REX and RX2 files. Way way way faster than that chickenshit business.
  11. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Yeah, I mostly work in Ableton and the loop browser in the DAW does that for you.
  12. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    I quite like this one because it's a lot smaller than the others and doesn't create an enormous database -- but I'm not seeing real advantages over the windows browser. Sure, it lets you audition your samples -- but only at the speed they were recorded at.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I am using xyplorer with a dual pane setup, which lets you play audio files on going over them with arrow keys. The dual pane setup is to sort the samples into folder. This works flawless for me.

    And then one can use the sorted sample library inside any DAW with folders.
  14. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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  15. kidstretch

    kidstretch Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Fyler seems nice, loopcloud is better for me. made the mistake to install version 7, was perfectly fine with version 6.5.3.
    Has anyone got Loopcloud version 6.5.3 that can send it to me? Cannot find it anywhere.
  16. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Ok, this thing unfortunately isn't able to import folders and create a database. You can just drag in one loop at a time. So this is usless for browsing loops in realtime. Also, the transient detection mode to auto-slice doesn't seem to be very accurate, you'll need to make all the slices manually. I guess there are better tools for auto-slicing and auto-mapping the slices. There are some useful functions here, but overall this is not what i'm looking for.
  17. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    So if I understood correctly, the main or sole purpose of the slicing feature would be to be able to preview loops in real-time with the DAW tempo and have the loops stretch to automatically match the tempo?
    Then Reaper can do this on the fly without the need of slicing the loop first and it also has some tag reading features as long as those tags are embedded in the loop of course!
    That's all done right from Reaper's Media Explorer. Then once you find a loop you want to work with, you're just a few clicks away from several slicing options done easily within Reaper.
    As for a simple quick sample previewer, I like Resonic Pro which reads rx2 as well as wav, mp3...
    It's convenient because it will automatically load the entire folder from where the loop was first opened and then loops will automatically...loop or skip to the next one in the folder depending on how you set your preferences and other features as well.
  18. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Well yes, the ability to audition loops in context by selecting them in a browser capable of filtering loops by tags/categories and allowing for search by keywords would be the most important feature for me. Ideally the loop tempo shoud be set by automatic analysis, rather than just by looking at the file and folder names. Also, my main focus is on drum- and percussion-loops, not musical loops. Therefore, if you slice up a drum- or percussion-loop at every transient, this theoretically allows for a stretching algorithm, that only stretches the tails of every slice, leaving the transients completely untouched, hence improving soundquality dramatically. So it would be cool to have a loop player/browser that makes good use of this. Then, additionally, it would be cool to make edit groups for the slices, which you can then route to separate outputs for post-processing. I'm looking for a vst-plugin that combines these features. I'm working with Cubase, so switching DAW is not an option for me, otherwise i would certainly go for Ableton Live, when working with loops.
    The closest so far is ADSR Sample Manager, which has all the features, except for the slicing functionality. But for categorizing, auditioning in context, browsing and searching your loops, it is indeed pretty nice. Once you have found a loop, you then would just have to drag it to your DAW, or any plugin of your choice, to do the slicing and key-mapping there.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
  19. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Your demands are getting very specific and I don't always understand them either so I'll just recommend you give Reaper a shot. it's lightweight (+-15Mb) and is portable so you really have nothing to lose. You can be up and running in under a minute and if you don't like it, just delete the install folder and move on.
  20. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    REAPER media browser + Speedrum VSTi; or ACID.
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