Is Pro Tools demise near? Which DAW will become the new standard?

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by The Pirate, Dec 27, 2022.


Which DAW will displace Pro Tools as the industry standard in the next 10 years. Explain why.

  1. None. Pro Tools will remain the industry standard for next 10 years.

  2. Studio One

  3. Reaper

  4. Cubase

  5. Ableton

  6. FL Studio

  7. Bitwig

  8. Reason

  9. Sequoia

  10. Logic

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  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Maybe backwards, as long as there is Pro Tools, there will be people willing to pay for Avid.:hillbilly:
  2. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Sometimes it pays to take note of my madness. 99% of the time its gonna be mental but every now and then its genius... No fuckin idea which bits those are though ;)
  3. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I stand corrected.
  4. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    I really do not know what's with all the hate, Pro tools demise, Pro tools dead, Pro Tools bla bla bla, The daw itself is in my book the best Daw suited for mixing (at least FOR ME), i know alot of people are into Reaper and Studio one, and i do respect that, i tried all of them but for "ME" and "MY NEEDS" Pro Tools is the best, Pretty sure other daws are on the same level if not better, but AGAIN for me? Pro Tools hands down, and i didn't learn it in a school or anything i'm self taught, and everything i know i learned by myself and i was lucky enough i avoided the Pro tools is the "industry standards" phase, so i know everything i use is because "I" chose that...

    If Avid is killing their own product then so be it, i Use the "half crack" By R2R i have been happy, the Software is ultimately Stable to the point i do not get the "Pro Tools quit unexpectedly" memes and jokes, maybe because i mainly use R2R releases? i do not know i have encoutrerd issues with S1, Cubase, even FL Studio, but not With Pro Tools the only issue i once had was the result of a badly cracked Plugin...

    now to the main point, i have no problem against the author, but if you ask me the time spent on this post woulmdn't have been better spent mixing or doing something actually productive? because you say "Pro Tools" and there goes daw wars in an instant...

    please excuse my tone as i'm genuinly baffeled why such posts exists?

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  5. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    This time I didn't read all of the above so this can be extremely off off..

    I think there is always some general confusion in this forum bc lack of distinction composers/producers vs rec/mix/master eng, linear scoring vs loop based, recording vs ITB, electro vs acoustic.....

    HZ, Holkenborg (Junkie XL), Göransson, Elfman.. etc etc are 'industry standard' Trademarks and they DO NOT use Pro Tools. (some of their recording, mixing, mastering engs DO)

    Dave, Jaycen, CLA,.. etc etc are also 'industry standard' Trademarks and they DO use PTs.

    Some of the studios that I know and work with ditched AVID for Merging Technologies. When I once asked my rec engineer about why, he just replied: "so did the BBC for many of their shows.." (I did not understand the rest, lol)

    Can you compose music in Pro Tools? Yes. Can you mix/master in Ableton? Yes. Still, I believe only a few professionals will do so.. Recording 90+ players symphonic orchestra? Ummm... A bit apples and oranges, isn't it?
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  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You should have read what the "author" said. Author sold studio. On top of that "author" has been doing it successfully for over forty years. Therefore, now that author is semi -retired, and without financial worries, author gets to spend time as author chooses , and not how you seem it fit. In other words, worry about your time, author has plenty of free time. Author now asks, if you worry about time, what are you doing here wasting your precious time? Excuse author's tone as author is genuinely baffled that every time someone has the initiative of starting a thread some other members have to bitch about it.
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  7. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    1) audio engineers (and other ppl too) are selfish fucks, they think like "hey I use this and I'll laugh at you because you use something else", historically, DAW ProTools users were among first to bitch around like that, and even nowadays objectively the PT user base is big enough to act like that - that's not a joke, I know plenty professionals who behave like that, and I take it as their unique style, not disrespecting their actual audio work results though
    2) AVID is seen as "seller", not "maker", they're doing lots of marketing bullshit such as excessively abusing term "industry standard" all over the place (seriously, check website for Cubase, Nuendo, Reaper, none of these is so obsessed with industry standards to mention them on their pages) so naturally people have been making fun of their bullshit marketing
    3) long-term PT users are continuosly getting tired and fed up with some ill decisions throughout PT evolution, AVID support and pricing etc... most pro users are happy with what they had 20 years ago and they don't need changes, they just want to remain relevant and keep doing what they're good at, it's hard to blame AVID for being stuck between long-term and new users needs, sustain their business model, inevitably loosing some and gaining some
    4) newcomers, either self-taught or in educational institutions see PT more as a legacy, some value it, some make fun of it, nobody cares what was 20-30 years ago, new users want what's best right now, 30 years ago it was PT, now it's not PT being burdened by its legacy, and because there's so much more diversity in what you can do with audio and computers - just take a look at poll results here at forum - does it mean something important? well not really, just that everyone is doing their own stuff best way they personally feel
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I dont see Pyramix taking over Pro Tools. How long has it been? 30 years? I personally dont see it.
  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Here comes @The Pirate with more shit. This time is all about the INDUSTRY STANDARD term.

    Everyone here has something to say about it. What some of you don't know, or have decided to ignore, or maybe do not remember is the fact that the term INDUSTRY STANDARD went to Pro Tools because it replaced the industry multi-track standard which was the 2" tape. :hillbilly:

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
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  10. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Generally speaking, people like to use tools they are accustomed to, and know exactly how to use.
    Guaranteed results, especially when you're confronted with deadlines, make the decisions for you.
    'This thing works, I'll stay with it'.
    That is a powerful force, not easy to overcome.
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  11. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    ALL DAWS will be obsolete in the next 10 years. AI will advance to a point where you'll just type out whatever track you want into a prompt and it will shit it out. "Producers" will look back at this point in time as "the golden years" when music "meant" something but the majority of people could care less and music and art will be relegated to pointless commodities that only computers make, with the exception of an aging generation trying to relive the good'ol days when they made music the old fashioned way by pirating music software and arguing about it on forums.

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  12. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    money love when work done fast.
    To work fast (and with all mainstream requirements for moment when I’m writing that message) you need good tools, and flexibility to use it.

    now look at protools
  13. zpaces

    zpaces Producer

    Jul 29, 2016
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    DAWs like Ableton, FL Studio, Reaper, Bigwig and Seqoia will never be a studio standard. Their recording capitlities are just worse than worst. Studio standards will be Pro Tools and Logic Pro X. Many studios work with older versions of ProTools, like version 9, 10 and 11. Cubase lost its studio standard due to focusing on bedroom producers. There are only some studio who still use Cubase.
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  14. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    They were saying the same things in the 80s about what was going to happen in the futuristic 2020. Here we are hahaha. Technology will improve, it will be more and more convenient to produce music, but man will always be the master.
  15. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    #protools #liverecording #orchestra #prootoolsforthewin #pro #iampro #industry #proindutry #indutrypro #industrymultitrackorchestra
    #multirecordingspro #madewithpro #prowithprotools #tenyears #tenyearsofpro

    So everyone talking about some ephemeral "live recordings". Live recordings of what? Of nexus? Kontakt? EWQL? Virus Ti? 808? Serum?

    "Live recordings" died somewhere in 2009. Otherwise where are rock/alternative, pop-rock, jazz and other music with actual real musical instruments performed and recorded? Last 10 years billboard was just a showcase of the same VSTI presets with some variations of other VST presets. 12m $/year Dutch kids with fuityloops shitting on 800k$/year "pro with protools". Fact. So the answer is super obvious. Next "omg industry standard daw" is the daw that can be handled by a kids. Happy holidays. :cheers:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
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  16. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I think the union machine behind Slow Tools will continue to prop it up for a long time. However, major Hollywood composers like Hanz Zimmer are in deep w/Steinberg. BUT they also have 500k PT rigs. So, who the Hell knows lol.
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Reminds me of that weird time in history when DASH, RADAR & ADAT were caught in the middle.
  18. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    I think if you take the popularity of Pro Tools in different countries, it will be very different from those whose tracks are in the world charts.
    And no one is saying that in other countries, the quality will be worse.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    There is always going to be confusion on internet forums between what tools are good to work with for large groups or organizations with steep vertical integration versus when one is working in a small group with few decision makers and very few departmental decisions where the time it takes is the time it takes.

    If you are an artist creating a product then your DAW of choice doesn't matter. If you are a small studio space (under 50 people) it doesn't matter much either, but it starts to be a serious consideration. The choice to use AVID versus a competitor like Yamaha's Nuage and Dante starts to matter at perhaps the level a local newsroom. By the time you get things like live sporting events it matters even more as the cost of a system is dwarfed by the actualized cost of failure.

    Take a football game for example, doesn't matter which shape of ball as prices will be about the same for any top tier league NFL, EPL, LaLigua... A crew will show up for broadcast with about at least two trucks with about $13 to $14 million dollars each worth of equipment on them. So a normal crew 18-20 cameras, plus the crew and directors in the OB EFPs about 30 in each one the live lead and the backup at an average yearly salary cost of around 75K per person, plus the on field and sound techs and signal engineers everything between the EFP and capture source you have about 200 some odd people involved.

    If it's a big market game or something like playoffs or UEFA Champion's league add a third EFP Truck and 10 more backup cameras.

    The cost of protools versus reaper isn't even after thought at the end of the day in that scenario. So sometimes when you call AVID and start yelling at the small client or sub tech support because you own two PT licenses and it will not recognize a second HDX card you just got off eBay and the guy doesn't understand what that means take it all in stride with a little perspective.

    Personally for myself and for fun I use and like Logic, but let's talk in big general terms. The needs of the general internet "producer" and NBC or ZDF are not the same. Also as I think it has been mentioned multiple times here for those use cases AVID usually is also the cheaper installation when compared to Nuage or Pyramix.
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  20. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    No sure.. around $56,000 over three systems. How much did I make? Well I sure as shit aint gonna post that in a forum but running a bussiness is fucking expensive.

    See my original post. there was no other companies at the time doing TDM-based systems that provided reliable digital multitrack systems under 150K. Short answer was there were no Native systems back then and my Tape machine was expensive to run. I was also an early adopter and invested in Samplecell at the same time. So I was heavily invested in Digi before they were acquired by the once-great Avid.
    Their support is by far the worst I have ever encountered from a company. Unparalleled. They literally wait for an upgrade to fix known issues. So they release software, you tell them of the problem and they wait 6 months to fix it blaming Apple, then put a minor feature in the software and make you pay for an upgrade, fucking infuriating.

    The Training was a freebie so I could train my staff and yes I made money from it training others as I did with Logic Audio.
    As far as financial returns go, I made way more money staying in Logic, to be honest. I like many, needed those systems up 24/7. I wished my wife would go down on me as much as those systems did.
    Well, that's my point, Last 5 years I'm a DAW of choice Native evangelist. Industry Standard for me is just a kick ass Dixie Dregs album.
    I have a copy of Protools and guess what? Nobody asks for Tools sessions they ask for stems so it remains an unused and unloved serial number. Ask yourself if Avid is so good why can you buy a HDX system from studios going under for peanuts? they're boat anchors.
    Again Fuck Avid, Fuck Protools.
    As far as the baggs on Evil Empire goes
    Do you know this guy?
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