I had one of the worst panic attacks. Can you give me some advice?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Dec 17, 2022.

  1. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Weed does increase heart rate, and get to do crazy stuff sometimes that we regret later. that aside.
    did that get u anxious, i mean did that give u a panic attack.
  2. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    Doctors are useless, never forget their creedo "A patient cured is a customer lost" I used to get panic attacks, what helped me was getting my mind on something else, I would get busy at something physical, exercise, work, etc...
  3. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Find vacate fear youtube channel. All the info about panic attacks and panic disorder is there. Panic attacks feel awful but they are harmless. Its a bluff.
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  4. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    To put it simple, pain is a sign. And like any other sign, it begs to be (correctly) interpreted.

    When a car does not work, we are used to think that something is wrong or the car is "broken".
    You can also see it in a different way. There is nothing wrong with the car. It is rightfully behaving as it should!
    If there is no battery charge, one cannot expect the car to work! It is just making you aware of something...
    By correctly interpreting the signs, you can then choose the appropriate fix. Wrong and broken, is a misinterpretation of the viewer...

    "There is nothing wrong with the world" - the only thing that is wrong is the parameters we use to "judge" the world.

    Do I like wars? No! Do I favor killing and suffering? No! But like or dislike is not appropriate to observe cause and effect, events and their consequences.

    There is no objective threat - Gnosisrausch - love it!

    Jumping from one medication to another is not cure. To be dependent on medicine is not cure.

    We see the world as polar,

    Light - darkness
    Positive - negative
    Men - women
    Panic - ? (exercise?!!!)
    Anxiety - ? (xanax?!!!)

    So what is cure?

    I love this one...have you seen it?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2022
  5. progressman

    progressman Newbie

    Aug 17, 2022
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    deleted post
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2023
  6. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    My suggestions would be to read and learn about your "pathology", take your time do it as simple mean of elevating your general culture level and capacity of rational thinking around this issue

    Have you noticed if this attacks happen around or are directly triggered by certain life factors or situations? Even if this is a clinical matter there are often concrete situations in life that can cause it to go over the top, reach a threshold and make you crash and result in panic attacks. If so analyze those situations to hopefully avoid them as much as possible.

    Someone wrote about "confronting your fears" that is far from physiologically proven method to make anything better. Its at least not any sort of universal solution and could very well cause even more despair.

    Also, maybe you carry a burden of negative feelings that cause chronic states of depression? like feelings of lack of accomplishment and/or you look down upon yourself?

    If so, try to instead learn to live more in the moment and value the good you do have, appreciate the “small” things and avoid projecting into the future. Don’t entertain thoughts of “what if” and “if only I” and avoid putting expectations on your shoulders and focus the "small" things your are good at.

    Men are often lousy at this, women are generally much better at it.
    Women focus on the now and the realities of their current life instead of daydreaming and distancing from their feelings. Men are experts on distancing from their feelings and taking the people who love them for granted, looking down upon themselves and others. That is the perfect ground for anxiety and depression.

    I think you wrote something about having a sedentary life? that plus isolation invites to repetitive monotonous poor mental and physical states, again a nice bed for depression and to trigger feelings of loss of control and anxiety.

    Obviously only one thing will not solve it but you can create a better mental state where your psychological defenses stand a better chance to cope with everyday life

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2023
  7. Jacob12177

    Jacob12177 Guest

    I'm from south america. I don't have girfriend, friends or even a good family. The only grandparent I have is my grandmother from my mom side, and she hates me.
    I didn't have an chance to get a good job. My last earnings aren't too much, and I'll give all the money to my sister, because she has the same bad luck as me and she wanted to be a streamer.
    I suffer from anxiety and depression. To be honest I started to make music to fight these feelings.
    It's difficult, I know... but try finding something you like and makes you happy.
    For example: Apart from a PC to make beats, 2 years ago, I bought a semi-pro camera to take average quality pictures to set my mind into different activities. When I get tired or bored from producing, I change to taking pictures and share my shots on social web.
    I have some people on social media and they see my work, it makes me feel a lot better.
    Last week, I signed up to english school to improve it and then start a english teacher career.
    The main problem of this condition, is not having something to take care of... or to think about... to maintain your mind busy.
    When you have nothing in your head, you start to think and think again...
    Let the trash go... leave it.
    Thinking about me, I don't expect too much... the only thing I want is a future for my sister.
    You are not alone, try finding something you like and get professional help. Cheers
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  8. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
  9. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    THC can worsen panic attacks so that is *NOT* a very good advice without knowing the other person or her/his history.
    A lot of people are sensitive to THC and can get severe panic attacks and even paranoia. Delta-8 THC *is* psychoactive and has intoxicating effects, even at "micro-dosages". As far as I can search, it is not approved or tested anywhere in the world as a treatment for panic attacks.
    If you like it, it is up to you.. but be careful to recommend it to people you don't know.
  10. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Ryck, Im gonna give you the best advice anyone can give you...change your diet. Go on an intermitent fasting diet like Keto. Its not an easy transition for most but MORE than worthy of doing it. Trust me, you'll thank me later. You'll be able to say goodbye to your scripts and finally get your life back. Happy Holidays! :cheers:
  11. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    i used to get panic attacks. one piece of advice cured me. it goes like this: "once you realize you're having a panic attack, that's as bad as it's gonna get"

    it's the worrying past that point which is the problem. for me.
  12. northwinds

    northwinds Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2014
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    I went through so many things through the decades trying to deal with similar - all kinds of therapies and prescription drugs. Only now that I'm in my 50's have I managed - after three attempts at it - to get mindfulness meditations to finally calm my mind! Message me if you want further info - but I must warn you it didn't work for me the first 2 times - I guess it's only after figuring a lot out in my own head that it finally made sense. It's just part of the journey I guess.
  13. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The biggest problem that many suffering from panic attacks don't think about is how your brain keeps on triggering the attacks itself, over and over, harder and harder, and it only does so after the first attack ( most of the time)

    Remind yourself, and analyze, how you keep triggering those attacks yourself by focusing on "what could happen, is it happening, why did it happen, was it the food, the medicine, too little sleep, stress, will I become psychotic, etc,etc"

    Stop it, stop thinking about anything that has with your panic attacks to do, and move on, it is hard as fuck, but that is how I got rid of them.
  14. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I had a panic attack on New Year's Eve.
    Recently retired from 21 years as a building operator for a special needs school I hoped to use my music skills to entertain the kids.
    The principal agreed and had me go through a rigorous police check which involved me going to police headquarters and getting fingerprinted.
    As a lifelong pothead with 2 ancient busts this scared the shit out of me but I went ahead anyway and somehow got approved.
    Was proud and even bought a pa system to bring joy to those special needs kids.
    It would have meant so much...
    The principal emailed me and said the school didn't need any music.
    I was devastated and went through months of depression wondering if the 21 years helping those kids was a waste of my life :(
    Then, months later this New Year's Eve I was trying to buy some food when the principal came up to me and said hello.
    I was frozen, my mouth hung open and shook.
    It took everything I had to keep from bursting into tears.
    She left looking as bad as I felt and I've spent the last week trying to crawl out of the rabbit hole again.
    Funny how it's always women who cause me panic attacks.
    Men can't hurt me as much, even if they beat me up.
  15. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Hi Ryck,

    Just wanted to let you know that your message really hit home here.

    I suffered from a serious trauma for about 5 years ( not going to go in detail but you can think about one of the worst thing that could happen to someone and up that a notch).

    That also triggered some anxiety first until it grew up to become many Panic attacks that once brought me to the emergency room as I fainted, couldn't see anything anymore and my heart beat went up to 150 beat per minute for a bit over 10 minutes.

    Anxiety issues are a serious things nowadays and it will require all your will to fix it and that mean changing something in a drastic maner in your life.

    To me, it was my guilt and the blame I was putting on someone for a specific event. Being able to let go and understand that we are all human and nobody is perfect and that there is things I cannot and will never control in my entire life even if I put an whole army on it.

    I was diagnosed by a professional and they told me I suffer from Cognitive disorder for believing that its moraly not ok for a mother to keep a son from his father for over 5 years long for no valid reason other then revenge of being rejected.

    That being said, I understood that I have no control over her thought process, my son's growth and any morally irrational laws that keep fathers from their kids for no other reason then a mother difamation that cannot be proven.

    All of that to say that I had to make huge internal moral change in my life and tell to myself '' fawck the world, fawck what they all think, fawck them all, from now on I will do what I want, when I want and how I want as long as it also cannot be proven or reprimended''.

    So I decided, after about 3 years of suffering of anxiety and serious panic attack, to start building on my teenage dream of having wonderful, porn star alike, colombian women in my bed as often as I can.

    So I saved maney, went down in Colombia and worked on my dream and it came true. Nowadays I dont suffer from very mild anxiety and never had anything that come close to a panic attack for a few years now.

    I also have a beautiful folder filled with Busty Latinas women I swang on all sides of my bedroom and I'm now living my best life.

    I suggest you find your ''thing', and focus on making it happen.

    This is what helped me get rid of my anxiety.

    You can do the same.

    Live your life NOW. Tomorrow might be the last and no one will remember it a few hours after you died so DO IT FOR YOU AND NOW!!!

    Put your warrior suit on and go get it!! You're a giant. You will do it I KNOW !!!
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