A little history on the making of a legend...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dl65875, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    To be clear, I am nothing to do with this but I thought some might find it interesting to read...

    Interview with Sandor, ex-founder/leader of Radium
    1998 August 28

    Enjoy guyz, here is the 1st official Radium interview, an hot interview with Sandor himself.

    Special thnx to him to have wasted 2 hourz to answer to all my questions.

    Thats for u now, enjoy:

    Fri Aug 28 00:16:47 1998
    <_KaY_> When did Radium group was created?
    <Sandor> Back in July 1997.. a little over a year ago :)
    <_KaY_> Whats is the primary goal of this group?
    <Sandor> Well, i remember especially downloading my 12th copy of a 'Cubase 3.0 crack fully working', and it didnt work at all, audiowarez was really getting neglected by warez groups, and a lot of the releases didnt work or were very badly tested, so i figured it was time someone who actually used the apps started releasing them :)
    So now, our goal is to release programs that will be useful to Musicians and try our best to make sure they work well.
    Our goal is also to have fun :) We are all doing things that we like to do - cracking or making installers or gfx, etc...
    <_KaY_> Was it hard to create this group, i mean was it hard to find suppliers, good crackers...?
    <Sandor> Yes actually.
    At first it was just Deepz0ne and myself, and we released together a little number of programs like soundforge cd architect.
    But then Deepz0ne had to leave for a while and for a little time it was just me.
    I was very close to dropping Radium, because im not a cracker, but things started going well, and i met Whouse, and then JazzMaster. Jazz had some experience in cracking dongles, and we decided to jump in and tackle a big program: (Cubase 3.5)
    It took us a long time, an we spent weeks and weeks testing.
    After we released Cubase Score, things took off again and we met up with Pterra-X and Freeform.
    After some time, we had released quite a few bigger programs like Cakewalk 6.01.At that time, j@ker was hanging out on ABSU (alt.binaries.sound.utilies) and was doing cracks there. I emailed him and he was very happy to join, meet other crackers and get new interesting things to crack.
    After a few months, Deepz0ne was free and came back into Radium again, and then Drugstah joined too... and with all that cracking talent its been hard sometimes to keep them busy with enough things to crack :D
    <_KaY_> At the beginning of your group what was the way to find software, coz its very expensive?
    <Sandor> Thats always been the hardest part!
    Some Radium members work in music stores, so that helps, but we've recieved a lot of programs and support from certain people on #audiowarez, and most recently a few people have goten together to help buy some programs that noone seems to be able to get, but would be very good to have cracked.
    <_KaY_> Do members meet just online or do they have already met in real life?
    <Sandor> Radium is very much across the world - Europe and NorthAmerica so its hard to meet.
    Since Radium has gotten more well known, Im also fairly protective of my real identity, as most other Radium members are too.
    However we have become very good friends over time, working together, chatting, having fun, helping.. so its not impossible we might fly somewhere to meet someday.
    <_KaY_> Does the channel #audiowarez was created at the same time u created the group?
    <Sandor> I created #audiowarez a few months after Radium began. At that time there was not any channel about this type of thing on effnet. Of course it started small, just one bot (hi sugarush!) and a dozen people, but it grew really fast.. now on some days #aw has had over 200 people in the channel at one time.
    <_KaY_> Whats the goal of this channel and if it continues to grow will u fix a limit (invite only or pass)?
    <Sandor> Audiowarez doesnt really have a goal.. its just us musicians all meeting to gab about what we love - making music and using music software :)
    When Radium people have time, we try and help out if people have technical problems, or dont know how to apply a crack, etc
    I cant imagine a day when #audiowarez went invite only... for the most part i think the channel runs really well, and the people who come regulary are really great people! And btw, many thanks to Ism, steph and slip - who have helped out so much in the channel.
    <_KaY_> Which important rules would u want to remind to #audiowarez users?
    <Sandor> Well i dont need to anymore.. the D00t bot seems to do it all haha
    <_KaY_> :))
    <Sandor> People in the channel seem to be helping each other a good bit recenly .. settig up an ftp to help those who dont have things, sending a program to someone who needs it, or helping solve common problems. :)
    <_KaY_> Some rumors tell the group became famous all around the world and some software companies contact your group to delay cracked releases of their softs, is it true? Have u got any contacts with software companies?
    <Sandor> Yes, ive talked to some of the programmers of the software. And overall, its been surprisingly friendly. There has been only one developer who came and complained that he didnt want his program released, and so we havent actually, but then he came back in complaining later that he didnt have enough promotion, and started advertising in the channel.. But you cant have it both ways.
    There have been some odd experiences, like programmers contacting us asking how they can make their audio protection better. ;)
    But the rumor about Propellorheads contacting us asking us to delay the release of Rebirth wasnt true. We had a hard time getting the program at first, and then the protection was EXTREMELY complex of course.. they had a lot of time to work on it.
    We've never talked to the propellorheads - although they did make an offer and say they thought it would be interesting to chat about protection.
    Im sure it would be an interesting converstation if it ever happened ;)
    <_KaY_> Do software companies estimate they lost lot of money till Radium exists?
    <Sandor> Thats a hard question.. how do you measure?
    Im not convinced that Warez necessarily means the loss of monely the BSA claims..
    I think a lot of warez users are curious and want to know whats available to them, even if they dont use it and then of course there are the people who like to have collections and dont even use it at all :)
    On the other side, warez people are generally very well informed and they know whats REALLY good and useful.. not just what the ads say. Knowing all this info makes the warez person almost a 'magnet' of useful information..
    So when someone needs a suggestion of what to buy, its likely they will look for someone who KNOWS the software.
    I know a lot of people in the channel have been directly influencial in helping people buy some things because they could say to them 'Yes, it works .. Ive compared it to everything else and its the best. And i think (i hope!) that warez users buy the programs after they have made a decision that its really a good program.
    Im really against people who sell warez, on cds, or otherwise
    Ive had some people ask me to help them remove a radium logo from a product because they wanted to sell it to someone as an original... this type of thing pisses me off
    Warez shouldn't mean free copies... I hope people use it as a way to get really informed about things.
    <_KaY_> Do some companies or 'spa like' tried to track some members of your group or to make u feeling afraid of continue your job? Do u think it can be risky in the future for your group to continue his work?
    <Sandor> I dont fool myself.. warez is still illegal and we all take a lot of precautions but we havent had any direct heat or pressure yet, recently WiReD magazine asked Radium to do an interview for a feature article, but we all agreed that this type of thing wouldnt be good and could mean bad things for Radium. (too much exposure!)
    <_KaY_> What will be the way if radium becomes very famous and the most part of ppls get their software with Radium label? Could it be a risk that software companies stop product quality software coz they aint gain enough money?
    <Sandor> Warez has existed as long as software has, and essentially if Radium didnt release one of the big programs, someone else would.
    But i still dont think Radium releasing Sonic Foundry ACID for example has made a significant decrease in their sales. I guess that if it became apparent that people we'rent buying software anymore and were just getting from radium, i would be the first one to leave.
    <_KaY_> U told me above: 'if Radium didnt release one of the big programs, someone else would' So is there some competition beetween your group and some others (now or in the past)?
    <Sandor> The 'general' warez scene is actually very dead in my eyes.
    It seems a lot of the scene outside audio is run by couriers who dont even care what the programs are.
    In the General warez scene there is a fair bit of competition, but i think a lot of the bigger groups have decided that Radium does Audio pretty well, so why compete?
    We've also made some friends in some groups, like siege and dod and weve helped each other a few times - weve sent them some non-audio programs and they've sent us some audio things :)
    <_KaY_> Do Radium members make music in real life?
    <Sandor> Yes.. everyone in radium is a musician.
    I think i would be hard for a non musician to crack or test some of the harder protections .. It takes a lot of dedication and you need to love what you do. :)
    <_KaY_> What sort of music do u make yourself?
    <Sandor> Short 4 bar loops for installers hehe
    <_KaY_> hehe :)
    <Sandor> But usually Ambient Dance.. also some jazz. I like classical.
    <_KaY_> Do u play any instrument?
    <Sandor> My beloved Kurzweil k2000 and i love to play hand drums (although i only have cheap ones).
    <_KaY_> Is it not too hard for u to keep time for your private life (job, family...) and to have enough time to work for Radium (U seem to be lot of time on irc ;) your girlfriend or your wife must be angry :))
    <Sandor> haha.. Yes it gets hard to make sure i leave enough time for everything.
    Ive found if i dont sleep i get an extra 8 hours each day for free
    <_KaY_> :))
    <_KaY_> Do u want and do u think Radium will got long life?
    <Sandor> This is hard to say.. i hope things can continue for a long time, but im always prepared for a time when it might have to end.
    This is a hobby for everyone, not a real job - so i think if it stopped being fun we would decide it was time.
    I dont see an end in sight though.. everything is running pretty well :)
    <_KaY_> Is there an important thing u would like to tell to all radium software users?
    <Sandor> Remember to eat your vegetables
    Always use antivirus software
    Look both ways before crossing the street.
    Oh, and of course.. if you USE a software a lot, please buy it :)
    <_KaY_> so is there anything u want add?
    <Sandor> Just to thank all the people who have been so helpful.. all the Radium members ..
    The crackers of course, but also Zenta, Spelunk, Audi0, Madmax -- some of the people you dont always see but do a lot of work
    <_KaY_> thanx to u sandor, thanx for all the job u did and u do all dayz, thanx for the time u waste for this interview, thnx to all your group and continue for long time to bring us tools to make our music -
    <_KaY_> :)
    <Sandor> :)
    <Sandor> Wow.. 2 hours hehe
    I think i need to go get some food now :)
    <_KaY_> hehe :) cya
    Interview with Yazz, ex-cracker of Radium

    Fri Oct 29 23:57:04 1998
    <_KaY_> Hi :)
    <Yazz> Hi
    <_KaY_> Till how long time do u crack software and how did u begin?
    <Yazz> Since 1984 on an old Commodore 64 imported from West Germany, i couldnt buy any softs so i cracked them to get them.
    <_KaY_> Whats your main goal when you crack a new program?
    <Yazz> Its only fun and learning more about Pc system.
    <_KaY_> What sort of knowledges do u use to crack proggies? Was it hard or long to learn?
    <Yazz> The longest to get was experience and to combine asm c coding with understanding in the same time what it does.
    <_KaY_> Do u use in real life your knowledges to gain money? I mean do u work in computers domain or is it just a passion?
    <Yazz> No my job is absolutely different...
    <_KaY_> What are your hobbies in life? Have u got enough time for private life and your cracker work?
    <Yazz> No real hobbies (except cracking), only little bowling.
    <_KaY_> Do u practice music in life?
    <Yazz> No absolutely nothing, I cant play a note!
    <_KaY_> How did u meet Radium? Why did u accept to work with that group?
    <Yazz> i meet radium after my cracks for Cubase released for the group called Pentium. Radium has the best power in group management i ever seen! This structure is absolutely cool.
    <_KaY_> I heard u work for other groups b4? What was them?
    <Yazz> ~ Pentium-pft now apps ~ Dynasty games ~ Paradigm games ~ Paradox german apps ~ and last but not least Radium.
    <_KaY_> Which crackers work do u most appreciate? (best coders)
    <Yazz> ~ Deepzone of Radium ~ Beowolf of Razor ~ Grudge of Class ~ Brainski in coding c win98 ~ and Hankman a newcomer.
    <_KaY_> Do u think it could be risky for u in the future to still crack pro-software like Vst? Aren't u afraid of Steinberg reactions when they see each time '<Yazz>' nickname in the nfos? ;)
    <Yazz> Hmmm... I'm not sure, all cracking is risky, but selling cracked stuff is more.
    <_KaY_> Do u think one day u could stop to crack software?
    <Yazz> Hmmm... Hard question, i could say yes when i will find a full job which needs my full life - but cracking will stays a little hobby for me till the end of my days on earth :)
    <_KaY_> Did u ever find uncrackable software?
    <Yazz> No all is crackable, its only a question of time and power.
    <_KaY_> Have u got some contacts with soft-developers?
    <Yazz> No
    <_KaY_> Would u like to work on the other side? I mean would u like to help software companies or developers to set better protections? (Maybe u alredy did it...?)
    <Yazz> No they didn't have all phantasies to do easy and good things.
    <_KaY_> Can u imagine an ultimate protection in the future, what would it be?
    <Yazz> No. Someone tried with pecrypt 1.02 by using randomized functions, but its too much difficult to understand to be able to use it. I have many ideas to set one but no one is really good at all.
    <_KaY_> Whats your story with Cubase? Why are u the only good cracker of this prog?
    <Yazz> Ha! Its only a story of time, i spent very long time to study Cubase protection till its out.
    <_KaY_> Why VST is so hard to crack especially? How does work the dongle protection?
    <Yazz> Its not easy to explain in few words. The more difficult in that protection is the program reads information's in the dongle, and each information is different for each function u use.
    <_KaY_> Does the 3.6 version is harder to crack than the old ones? why?
    <Yazz> Yes, i think. Im not sure but it seems they did something more than dongle calls.
    <_KaY_> How many time do u think u need to crack the new 3.6 update (approx)?
    <Yazz> 1 week with all testing and checking i hope!
    <_KaY_> Could it be possible to emulate a 100% software dongle that will support all the future updates?
    <Yazz> Yes with really hard work.
    <_KaY_> What are the bugs differences beetween your 3553 crack and the dongle version?
    <Yazz> There is none.
    <_KaY_> Did u get some feedback yet from steinberg about your cracks?
    <Yazz> No and i hope i wont get some in the future.
    <_KaY_> Did u try to work on Logic protection yet? Do u think Cubase dongle is harder of Logic one to crack?
    <Yazz> Yes i tried it, a hard thing in 16/32 bit coding with segmentation. Deepzon3 and int 69 are the best guyz for this job. 40% logic 60% steinberg
    <_KaY_> What do u think about warez, could it become death of software development?
    <Yazz> No. Most warez dont work for users. They must pay and get beta version without testing and something, This is the real prob!
    <_KaY_> What would u like to add or tell to audiowarez users?
    <Yazz> I hope you like Radium :)
    <_KaY_> Thnx for all <Yazz> :))
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  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

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    dtmd Platinum Record

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  5. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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  6. Colin

    Colin Producer

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  7. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    The first AudioWrz my friend and I downloaded was a Radium release, I think it was an VST effect, at the end of the setup there was a (BIG) surprise: a robotic voice saying something with "Radium", can't remember what exactly, but I almost jump on a desk hearing that!

    One day someone reminded me that one of the firsts real, serious Cubase cracking effort came from Radium!

    After that, people who desperately requesting an updated cracked Cubase on irc channels and wrz sites, the warez audience in general, was not realizing that each time a version was cracked, Stberg have updated the protection, when beloved AiR made the last effort for v5, the MCFACT protection was in version 3... and have evolved many times after that!

    Even an ignorant like me have realized that, I always was surprised that requesting people have absolutely no conscience of the incredible difficulty of certain protections... Still today, I always find people that behave like if cracking groups was at their service, and so they should release exactly what they want!

    Famous cracking Teams work very hard to do what they do, sacrificing a LOADz of time for their passion, but they don't work for us, they work only for them, and sometimes to compete with other groups. It's why I never posted a request at sister site, 'cause I know it's useless and vain.

    For 2023, I wish each and every (aspiring or not) cracker / reverser to have ALL the freedom she-he needs to do (or to not do) exactly what she/he wants (or doesn't want).

    It's like in real life: more I like, appreciate or even love people, more I want them to be completely FREE, with no useless obstacle between them and their dreams and projects' concrete realization. What I hate the most: closed doors and easy judgements, especially for women and LGBTQIA+ people. I do know that there is - rare - female crackers out there (I don't talk and will not evoke here a certain "drama queen", which was a very, very disappointing exception), and I hope for them that nobody will ever tells them crazy, stupid things like "girls can't understand reversing", "scene is a male thing" or crappy shit like that...
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