Using an audio interface + Windows Realtek?

Discussion in 'PC' started by toshfox, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Hello Guys

    I would like to know if there is a simple way to use an audio interface + windows audio on the same computer, in the same time.

    Here what I want to do :
    I want people to be able to hear an electric guitar (plugged in the Audio Interface by usb, RigKontrol 2)
    or a software (Studio One , Amplitube ...using Rig Kontrol 2 drivers )
    and in same time my microphone plugged on the computer (not in the audio interface because 3.5 jack)

    I guess I would need a software with virtual cables.

    I may use Discord:
    I need to set the INPUT and OUTPUT and it can accept only one choice.
    But technically it needs :
    INPUT : RigKontrol Output ( the sound of the sequencer or the guitar electric I play) + Mic input ( my voice)
    OUTPUT : my speakers
    So I need to connect virtually RIGKONTROL2 (output) and MIC (input) as one INPUT

    maybe the solution is there ? :
    but I can't see yet how to do

    If you any ideas or your own experience ?
  2. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
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  3. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Is RigKontrol 2 already your audio interface?

    If so then yes, Voicemeeter banana/potato can do what you want. It is a real pain to set up, can be unstable and ofc it uses resources of your pc. I've set it up twice in my life for other ppl ind it was always like a miracle when it worked..

    If you want a stable 'streaming' setup, I'd go for an interface with a Loopback function (RME, Audient, MOTU,..)

    Otherwise, there are videos on YT that claim to make Voicemeeter setup seem extremely easy. ;)
  4. Roger8176

    Roger8176 Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Hello. This probably has nothing to do with anything, but on my computer I have a Presonus AudioBox USB96 running a set of Klipsch desktop speakers as my main music audio device as well as the stock Realtek Audio drivers (Windows 10) running a set of Bluetooth speakers at the same time.
    That way I can run Guitar Pro with the Realtek stuff and then my Guitar vst stuff with the Presonus and have two independent simulataneous audio "systems."
  5. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Hello :) thanks for you infos

    Yes I have RigK2 now, but I don't use it as the main audio interface because my headset and microphone use 3.5 jack.
    I plan to buy new monitoring headset (maybe SONY MDR , dunno yet) using 6.5 jack but I don't know when yet
    I don't want to buy a XRL microphone so I would still need windows (realtek) to use it.
    Ok thank u again !

    Thank you, I will try it ... !

    Maybe yes
    My situation is the fact that I have a mic (jack) which needs windows (realtek)
    About the headset, I guess I just need to buy a adapter 6.5 or as planned a monitoring headset (6.5) to plug on the audio interface.
    For the mic, an adapter won't work

    I need to digest all infos now and check lol

    I keep you posted guys
  6. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    It was the first ASIO/WDM router I used, IMO it lags a bit, I mean, playing keyboard I could hear it.
    Odeus Asio Link Pro is also difficult (even more) to setup, but AFAIK is kind of abandonware, and it is (much) more powerful than Voicemeeter.
  7. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    I use Voicemeeter, and it does everything I have wanted in regards to software based system audio routing. Yes the interface is a bit quirky, yes the documentation is almost nonexistent, but over time I've gotten a handle on it, I even got VBAN working which still amazes me.