Danger ! ! Plagiarism everywhere

Discussion in 'Education' started by Menorah, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Peligro !!!! Plagio por doquier
    En este momento me veo obligado a comentarles la lamentable noticia del plagio, hoy me pasó a mi, mañana te puede pasar a ti.
    Resulta que hoy, salto de la cama a la computadora, me pongo a escuchar un poco de radio local y para mi sorpresa me encuentro con una canción que de fondo tenía una melodía de flauta que era exactamente la misma que el de la flauta traversa de una de mis pistas :wow: :wow:.
    Lo peor de todo es que yo no suelo registrar mis canciones y temas, ya que en mi país es un trámite muy engorroso,a demás lo hago solo como un pasatiempo sin ánimo de lucro y los publico vía soundcloud.
    Sé que yo no puedo hacer nada ahora, no tengo pruebas reales.
    Por eso les pido humildemente a alguien que me ayude a registrar mi música internacionalmente de forma legal para poder evitar futuros plagios. Desde ya muchas gracias !!
    Consejo para aquellos jóvenes y no tan jóvenes: antes de publicar sus pistas en soundcloud u otros, registren sus composiciones para evitar plagio !!

    PD. Por favor no se burlen que estoy de un mal genio y bastante frustrado por mi inocencia y estupidez

    Danger ! ! Plagiarism everywhere

    At this point I am forced to tell them the sad news of plagiarism , today I went to my morning you may happen to you.
    It turns out that today , jumping from bed to the computer, I listen to a little local radio and to my surprise I find a songthat had a background melody of flute that was exactly the same as the flute in one of my tracks :wow: :wow: .
    Worst of all is that I do not usually record my songs and themes , because in my country is a very cumbersome process , besides I do as a hobby only nonprofit and public via soundcloud .
    I know I can not do anything now , I have no real evidence .
    That is why I humbly ask someone to help me record my music internationally legally to prevent future plagiarism . From already thank you very much !
    Tip for those young and not so young : before posting your tracks on soundcloud or other, record their compositions to avoid plagiarism !

    PD . Please do not tease I'm a bad temper and quite frustrated by my innocence and stupidity

    I apologize for my bad english :bow:


    my "psedo plagiarism"

    Please note that this is a simple demo unfinished (for quite some time) and what I do in a few minutes after a whirlwind of ideas and improvisation.
    No EQ, Comp, reverb, etc. (containing your audiophile ears)

    The "real version"

    Beautiful folk song :grooves: :grooves:
  3. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Yes.. yes you do.
  4. johanna

    johanna Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I didn't quite understand you! :bleh:
    If I don't post it on SOundcloud, no one ever will hear me/ knows about my music!
    Basicaly, music is then secure only as idea in my brain, then so.

    But ideas belongs to world.
  5. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i m glad nobody can play my guitar parts,the few who can,surely don t need to copy my music
  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Than let the world be "inspired" with you :thumbsup:

    And by "inspired" I mean usual "I'm not copying, I was inspired with that", but most of our ideas are recycled from something we already heard, but that's not the point, if you are putting your music online than you are aware of consequences, if you want to give something to world, than let that guy be inspired also, even if that means copy-pasting what you done, but I guess giving have different meaning to everyone :thumbsup:
  7. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    You can post on soundcloud but make sure you get the rights to our songs FIRST. Otherwise it isnt 'stealing' so to say, because you dont 'own' it yet. and look up proving some music is yours online. Youll find HUNDREDS of cases that go to court and the people who write the original that 'gets stolen' dont usually win because they cant prove it was their production BEFORE someone else re-released it.

    Will.i.am blatantly re-used songs from other people that were protected. But it may be the manner in which he did it that made it ok??? i dont believe anyone is sueing him over it. Could be wrong though. I know people down-talked his stuff after that fiasco though.

    Sampling is another fickle matter. Sometimes you need permissions, sometimes you dont. All rather obnoxious, but protective, structure to the industry.

    Maybe take it as a compliment (if it was only a flute), and not as a blatant theft of your idea.

    Im waiting to release ANYTHING from my upcoming EP until i get the rights to the entire thing. Though i would allow sampling, you still need to do it to prove its yours. Until then it remains hidden from everyone.
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Spot on Organic, I saved all that thoughts for later, but now, well, I don't have to :mates:
  9. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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  10. johanna

    johanna Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    @ XSZE
    see guys
    giving myself away

    how sounds!

    @ at green new mod
  11. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1

    Not sure what country your works are based out of, but if its the US you can contact the Copyright office to have a 'one and done' copyright placed on your works. Its a single fee (if that) and then your copyright is set.

    that SafeCreative site wants a subscription every year and virtual storage. To me that seems odd. But if your from another country where things are less...formal?/Structured?, then that may be your solution.

    I must say im not familiar with the business end of Audio as its a field that rather pisses me off. So much blubber bullshit you have to wade through for some rather basic function it seems. (if your in a band you need to register as a business (fucking stupid) and create a business name and public name. You need to copyright your works or create a commons to allow your work to be 'reworked' (with consent and showing you as the original owner of the work). And more that i probably havent even skimmed into yet (sampling, Trademarking, etc.)


    We should have someone whos rather knowledgeable in the topic of 'Music Business' create a thread to explain some procedures and protections and such. I know basics, but as im an engineer i dont deal with much of the business end of things. Thats for the artists to handle... But now that im getting ready to release my own personal work i need to learn this stuff. Everything else i was just the producer or engineer, now i AM everything in it so i need to get it all done proper.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Rick Snoman has a chapter in The Dance Music Manual where he goes in-depth on getting copyrights for your tracks and as others have mentioned this should be seen to before making your work public. The truth is that what sadly passes as music in the majority of the world is really repackaged works by other artists to varying degrees. Of course then there is the whole question of originality in that your art was inspired by other artists and whether intentionally or not their art has seeped into your tracks as well. It's really a balancing act in that you should be inspired by other works but still add your special brand of creativity to the mix to make it uniquely yours...some are just too lazy for all that and want to be big stars. We call them wannabes. :wink:

    It's considered plagiarism when the melody is identical to another track. The scale, chord progression, etc. are not able to be copyrighted only the melodies because that is above all else what gives a track its identity.
  13. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Depends on where you live.

    In the US the State you live in OWNS the wildlife. Thats pretty insane as i dont see any Deer on the planning committee...

    Just to show you that it may not be you (or us) that OWNS something, but if you use the wrong persons copyrighted works then most likely they will sue you. The bigwig companies are rather 'sue' happy too, and they dont lose. They use the chewbacca defense...

    and if we are going to split hairs... The first time even the slightest vibration in the universe was made, all music was made. Every single note. Cause thats all they are is variances in vibrations (frequency and pitch). And the universe will sue you! :rofl: Ask Brian Eno, thats what happened to him.

    But seriously Catalyst has it right. except for the repackaged works part. I disagree to an extent. But its really just opinion. My eyes its people just 'go with the flow' and whats popular is what you will see the majority of new artists creating. How many fucking EDM artists have come up in the last 4 years. And whats been the 'big money music' in those 4 years. EDM. repackaged? maybe. Following the crowd? possibly.
  14. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I'm from Argentina, I'm really new to this and this is the first time it happens.
    But to finish with some humor this topic, which made ​​possible plagiarism was me, LOL, a colleague friend explained to me that the melody of the flute song I had heard on the radio, had been created long time ago and I was the alleged plagiarist.
    Then I got to thinking that there are two possible answers to my psedo plagiarism:
    1-We recycle all the time, nothing is new, everything has already been created, remember old tunes, songs, etc. and unconsciously we capture in our tracks without realizing it.
    2 - It happens (very casually) you actually create a melody, a chord by yourself, without influence you in anything or anyone (very difficult, but possible), but it is already was created back tempo (different artists, songwriters, but same ideas.) :rofl:
  15. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Complete and utter nonsense my friend. Sampling from copyright covered material ALWAYS requires permission. First from the mechanical owner (record label), second from the Publisher/Writer. It may seem obnoxious to you having to do that, but unfortunately so is going into a store and walking out with something you didn't pay for. It's just the way it is man.

    Anyway you could just get one of those magic sounding sample replays from a company like Scorccio, and then you'd be covered plus you wouldn't have to worry about the obnoxious music industry.

    Back to the point though - I don't get how the OP says he can't record anything and yet he manages to somehow post his tracks on to SoundCloud. Did I misread that or something?
  16. coolout

    coolout Newbie

    Nov 2, 2013
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    That chart is complete bullshit. The "Boom Boom Pow" issue was ruled by the courts to not be plagiarism and BEP won the lawsuit.

    Most of the other songs Will.I.Am directly admitted to being fans of the original writers/producers and basically wrote lyrics to the original track.

    In the end, he either worked with them directly or eventually gave them credit. You best believe Will.I.Am probably paid those guys more money than they would ever see off those tracks.

    One could only be so lucky. I wish Will.I.Am would "steal" one of my tracks. My girlfriend wants to buy a house.
  17. sicksystem

    sicksystem Newbie

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Regarding copyright and the stealing other peoples music, "This is my story" folks.

    I joined a band in 1984 as a singer and began writing lyrics for them. I bought my first
    guitar in 1974, and have been a prolific songwriter ever since. All of the original
    members eventually left the band, except the bass player who continued until 1996. A lot of
    musicians came and went, but it all happened in a respectful way.

    By 1980 I was the only
    member of the band who wrote songs, and this continued until 2002 when the band officialy
    broke up.(or down, which ever way you look at it). I either wrote the songs completely at
    home, or an idea came up in a jam in the practice room,and I took the idea home and made it
    into a song. Everyone was happy with this situation, and I think a lot of bands work this

    Around about 1997 with the introduction of CD Writers I started compiling CD's for the
    band, and my girlfriend who was a design student at that time, did some great artwork for
    the CD's. All in all, 11 CD's were made between 1997 and 2002. I never used the internet to
    spread them because there was too much abuse in my opinion.

    At the end of 2013 audiosex started their project of compiling members music,
    which was a great idea. I was thinking of uploading one of my newer songs and started listening to the songs of other members, to see
    if I was up to the standard. As it came, I visited soundcloud for the first time and was
    amazed to find my own songs there under another artists name.

    You can imagine how shocked I was !!!!! After a lot of google work, I discovered a website that was done by a Keyboarder
    who played with the band between 1992 and 97, who then left to become a tax adviser. He had
    uploaded the first 6 CD's completely, with covers, lyrics photos of the members, members
    names, everything for free download (around about 60 of my songs), claiming he had
    co-written them.

    It got even worse, he actually redid 6 songs and claimed they were his. My
    songs were everywhere, Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Reverbnation, Lastfm, to
    mention a few. At twitter he had the cheek to tweet (in 2010) he was writing the lyrics to
    the song "xxxxxx" which I had wrote in 1996, and the lyrics he then published at Facebook,
    were my lyrics. He also tweeted that another one of my songs was "the most evil he had ever
    written". I am so sick and angry!!! For the last 5 weeks Iv'e been doing nothing except
    trying to get it all removed.
    I would never have been bothered if the songs had been shared
    over the net, as long as they were spread under the real Artist name.

    So as you can all see,even if you don't put your songs in the net, it doesn't mean you are protected.
    Thanks for the therapy!
  18. Ridley

    Ridley Newbie

    Nov 1, 2013
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    es verdad eso me paso miles de veces jaja tambien soy de argentina :D crei que era el unico en este foro
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