note selection in midi clips

Discussion in 'Live' started by gimmechords, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. gimmechords

    gimmechords Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    Is there a way to select notes like every 8th, or every other note in a midi clip? I found nothing in the manual, so my guess is there isn't but maybe there's a m4l device somewhere that improves the piano roll?
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Best Answer
    it's the same in every daw I have ever used personally. you should shift+click or ctrl+click to select any multiple events you want inside a piano roll.
    A lot of times I have to do this, I will even look at the smallest alternating repetition I can make, repeat it x number of times, and then join it with a keyboard shortcut like J. It's way faster than sitting and counting out every 8th one or whatever.

    When you hit a limitation of a program, research in the manual, and it seems like they skipped something basic? You are probably just approaching things the wrong way. Like with a Scissors Tool when you should use a Marquee, or something. :deep_facepalm:
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
  4. executioner

    executioner Guest

    If anyone is curious how to accomplish this in Logic, you can shorten the selecting process by just highlighting the notes you want in one bar and pressing Shift+P (Select Subposition). It will then select the exact position (so it only works on quantized notes) for every bar in the midi clip/region.

    I hope an Ableton user will be able to give you your answer/workaround OP. :mates:
  5. gimmechords

    gimmechords Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    My only concern is maintaining the timing of the notes without doing too much. Doubling or hitting x2 sometimes messes that up unless i export & mess with the grooves. Your method is probably the best way. It works well most of the time unless the midi note starts before the clip. In that case it deletes it.:crazy:

    Still better than doing it in the piano roll though.

    Can't speak on logic, I only use it at the apple store.:boombox: Clone's method works for the most part so I'll set that to correct answer, but with so many m4l devices out there who knows.

    I Appreciate ya'll!
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Another Stupid Producer "trick" I will do to maintain timing between spaces is to just add a note with the duration of the pattern, copy both, repeat X times, and then delete "jig" notes. If they are two different notes, you will find options like " Select All Following" more helpful. That can be useful for sitations like drum patterns. Where your snare and kick are on different notes.

    the "jig" trick works with audio just as well.
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Nice tricks and tips @clone :wink::shalom:
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