My tracks

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by svmiller, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    At the moment I have 4 tracks on my soundcloud account.
    Please, if you can, take a listen to any of them, and let me know what do you think, what would you change, etc...
    Here's the link:

    Thank you! :wink:
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi Shiki!

    I like "Home" and "We don't like people".
    But cannot give you advices because i make completely different music.

    Kind regards from Italia - CiAO! :wink:
  4. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    What do I think they need? More tempo, more aggression. More hooks and more activity all around. Smash it up man!!!! ;)

    I'd say more bass too, though the sound is pretty decent overall imo. So, not too bad, but not dense enough with audio, music or ideas. I feel like I am waiting on it, rather than being taken along. Just my opinion though - feel free to discard it! What do I know? ha. Good luck - keep going!!
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    What Kook said...

    plus, I think too much emphasis on effects and not enough on the actual musical structure.

    I've heard much worse electronic music tho, so.. keep at it mate :thumbsup:
  6. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Thank you all for your advice. I highly appreciate that :)

    @String: yes, you're probably right... They may need more emphasis on the musical structure... Anyways, these tracks are kinda experimental for me... I've done the tracks in about hour or hour and half each, so yes... you're, almost sure, right.

    @Reason: yes, as I said the tracks are kinda experimental for me, so I've put more effort on the sounds than the structure itself.

    @Kook: thanks for listening :) What kind of music you make?
  7. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    1.5 hours each? In that case they're pretty good! But that's surely also why they aren't dense enough, as you note. Seems I am in much the same boat tbh - I can get as far as your tracks go, kinda, but then adding more music, and properly developing the ideas I find very, very difficult. But it's coming along.....every day they get (a little) better. So stick at it, and don't get disheartened..... ;)
  8. touma

    touma Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I am not really a fan of electronic music, however when I listen to a song that has some catchy melody played along... then I may just focus on that song even though it is not my music. Try using your MIDI keyboard and look for a nice progression, something that after you've played it for two days you still are like 'alright this is good'. That's kind of the way I look at it, hope it helps mate.
  9. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    @String: yes, about an hour, or hour and half each... I mean... It may took me more time doing the synths sounds, although for some I started with a preset... But it took me no more than an hour and half on doing the "track" itself. I mean, the drums, pads, FX and so... And yes, I got disheartened, that's why I rendered them instead of keeping working on them...

    @touma: thanks for your advice :)... I tried to sound just like the wachiturros on them (just kidding)... As I said these tracks were experimental for me, so I didn't took the right time to make a nice melody, or a strong progression. I wanted to create the bass/synths sounds and play with them. Anyways, I really need to take more time on melodies and progressions. BTW, what is your kind of music?
  10. rubenscarv

    rubenscarv Newbie

    Sep 3, 2011
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    HI Everyone, I´m a Brazilian Musician,
    my works are here.

    I do a Remix in the Conquest in IndabaMusic, can u hear it and vote if u like it ?
    tell me what u think, here´s the link...
    it´s my first remix in a conquest.
    Hug´s to all.

    here´s the link to vote.

    Thanks to all
    and sorry about me come to here and ask your vote...
  11. touma

    touma Newbie

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Hey dude, I'm blown away... how do you know those idiots?. It's the crappiest music ever for real, lol. I didn't know they were known outside Argentina. That kind of music is very common here for it is what is mainly used at clubs/discos.

    I tend to compose 80's glam metal rock, although I do add some 'modern sounds'. You did a fine job, considering just 1.5 hours spent on each it's decent. What I always tend to do find a progression/melody I like is... start singing "lalala" "mmmm" or words if you can, in falsetto and then I look for the right scale for the melody I was singing. If nothing comes up, I just pick a scale and start jamming on the guitar/keyboard. Eventually if nothing comes up, it ain't a good day for composing. I have even came up with songs in the shower lol, yeah out of the blue. Take a deep look into each of the tracks you posted and try to find places for the melody. Sometimes I compose a song and then I am perfecting it for a month (adding parts, switching keys, adding keychanges, doubling choruses, re composing solos, re writing words, re composing piano, etc).
  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Good work man, like the squelchiness of the basses. Layer your sounds deeper man. I might have the same midi driving 4-5 synths all in the bass group, but some spread, all eq'ed to fill out the bass and make a WALL OF SOUND. More pads and or strings to fill out the rest.
  13. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Completely worth to have a listen.
    In some of the tracks the sound is smartly drifting to some kind of dark texture...interesting, (Supernova/ We don't like ppl)
    One of my friends thinks that dubstep is a brainfucking style, lots of people think the same...not a very fair idea, though.
    Maybe you need more music, but everyone does...And maybe you should to give more than 90 mins to your work, deepening in elements you have already found.
    Specially in a style in which deconstruction plays some sort of role.
    Good luck with next!
  14. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Your tracks on Soundcloud is great. Great mixing (mastering) technique for that style of music ! WTF 1.5 hour for track you are master if this is true. I spent 1 month or more for track and i agree with "touma" workflov.
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