reFX Nexus v3,v4 and v5 (Mac/WiN) workarounds, fixes, crashes, etc

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by ArticStorm, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Chandos2021

    Chandos2021 Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Does someone has the *.nksf files for all available expansions? In the NKS folder is just the ".previews" Folder, but all the nksf files are missing. They are needed for the presets to show up in Komplete Kontrol browser.
  2. JimmyB.

    JimmyB. Newbie

    Dec 13, 2022
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    If I use the Nexus 3 Content (170GB) with the new Nexus 4 release, do I understand right, that all the security issues that came with the 3.4.4 release from an unknown hacker are gone? Thanks for all your answers
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yes. you can use the 170GB content from N3 with the recent one released.

    The problem was, we couldnt see inside the plugin code as it was protected with something. So everybody was not sure if that was clean, but nobody had reported something over the time.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  4. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    As far as I understood Nexus 4 works but with some limitations. So I stay on v3.4.4. :)
  5. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    What limitation?
  6. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    asserted it in the comments.

    P.S If he chimes in here to explain more, that would be great.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  7. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    In reality there is no significant limitations between N3 and N4 except loading MCFACT presets. That is not that much relevant because:
    1. If you have saved some custom presets in custom folder with Nexus 2 from Team AiR and now you wanna load exact that presets in a brand new project that is not possible, due to cloud preset conversion or something else is in question.
    2. But if you load project which have been made with Nexus 2, and now with Nexus 4 there should not be any problem, but in case that you have all N3 libraries properly installed, which means, there is no reason your Nexus 2 samples and presets should be present in Nexus 3 folder. Those patches are obsolete.

    3. So basic limitation so far I know is that you can not load custom made or resaved Nexus 2 presets because they need to be updated and they are MCFACT protected.
    That is all I know.

    Other major difference between N3 and N4 in functionality should not be present, actually I find N4 safer to use in any case, and better, it is like little bit improved and optimized in most areas. FASTER!
    So my advice is go for Nexus 4 and don't be afraid at all, believe me.

    My other part of the story was not about limitation, I have already said you in PM.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
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  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The only limitation are those super lame 3rd party presets from Nexus 2 cant be loaded, but this wasnt also working on 3.4.4.

    All other previous N2 XPs have been resaved with N3 to strip the mcfact encryption from the preset, leaving only these 3rd party presets unconverted. Thats the limitations.
  9. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Is there a way I can convert the Nexus 2 preset into Nexus Version 4 ? I posted this on Aduioz but no one has replied yet.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    so far i know in N3 it was possible via reFX server to convert the preset to work with N3 and above. But this server functionality was removed as everything eLic was retired.

    Right now there is no way to convert these presets.

    all legit XPs have been converted to work with N3+. Its really the 3rd party packs, which might not work or did somebody convert them?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the answer.
  12. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    That is why I asked.
    I still don't see the limitation.
    Those MCFACT online conversions stopped working many days ago, anyway, even with V3.4.4
  13. doncaine

    doncaine Newbie

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I hope I didn't miss the answer to my question while searching and scanning through the various posts of this long thread. I just installed V.R's Nexus v4.5.4 Rev. 3 along with the factory soundbank and ROM extensions 3 & 4 (no old 170 GB content yet). Nexus itself is working just fine, but I can't get it to show up within Komplete Kontrol even though I did choose the NKS option in V.R's installer. This option did in fact write some information to the Native Instruments section of the Windows Registry where all the other NKS stuff is saved as well. I wound a PAResources folder within the NKS folder inside Nexus's library. Is that the correct location for it? Anyway, something still seems to be amiss. Do you have any advice for me?
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @doncaine, have you already activated the "Install NKS Support" in the settings?

    Options: Enable (blue toggle) and disable (gray toggle) delete and overwrite confirmations, system notifications and NKS support.


  15. doncaine

    doncaine Newbie

    Jul 8, 2020
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    @BEAT16 Well, as a sporadic hobbyist I'm not using the Nexus cloud installer but rather the non legit 3rd revision package by Team V.R. Their installer also includes an option to install NKS support and I did activate it as mentioned above. Anyway, thank you very much for taking the time to reply! :wink:
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I think you need to install all presets completely, but I can't answer your question exactly.

    Keep in mind that to install all available NEXUS4 libraries requires 150+ GB of HDD space.

    reFX Nexus 3 NKS support?
  17. doncaine

    doncaine Newbie

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I did download a 170 GB multi part zip archive way back when, but while it does contain NKS previews (*.ogg files within ".preview" folders), it's missing the actual *.nksf preset files. (Unfortunately, I can't download that slightly newer huge single ISO file through bittorrent.) However, I think this large package shouldn't be needed to get the core of Nexus working with NKS support. More about that down below...

    Right now I only installed Nexus itself plus the new package containing the factory soundbank and ROM extensions 3 & 4. These latter parts all contain proper *.nkfs preset files along with matching previews and it also contains a "PAResources" folder (inside the "NKS" folder) which should theoretically be everything that's needed for Komplete Kontrol to know about Nexus and to integrate it into its GUI----provided there is a Windows Registry entry directing it to the "NKS" folder containing the "PAResources" directory. This is the case as V.R's Rev. 3 installer created the following registry key: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\reFX-NEXUS". I have to say though that its entry for "InstallVST64Dir" did not reflect the actual location of the VST2 file and it also had a value set for "InstallVSTDir" which normally points to a 32-bit VST2 which, in turn, is nonexistent in this case. However, editing the former to reflect the actual VST2 path doesn't help either. Nevertheless, the all important "ContentDir" key has been correct from the start and is pointing to the "NKS" folder within Nexus's content folder.

    Now, about the old 170 GB content package mentioned above: I did compare the contents of this huge collection to the one from the new package containing only the factory soundbank and ROM extensions 3 & 4. If we leave out everything in subfolders of names starting with "XP", all of which should belong to non-essential extensions, the only things missing in my current installation are the following:
    • "Samples\ROMExt\..." and "Samples\ROMEx2\...": As far as I understand Nexus 4 is not compatible to this old content, or are newer presets using these old sample files?
    • "Impulses\...": Impulse responses are (mostly) used for reverb and sometimes other effects processing but should be irrelevant for NKS integration.
    • "FX Presets\XFX ... .nfx": Similar reasoning as above.
    Having said this, once I have a working core installation, I'll naturally look into these three points as well and into getting all the other extensions to work, but I'm pretty sure they are not the problem of Nexus not showing up in Komplete Kontrol. But maybe there are more files in the large ISO file which are relevant to NKS?? After all, NKS support had obviously sadly been stripped from my 170 GB zip archive. That I can't check of course. So that's where I'm at currently...

    If someone were so kind and upload just the NKS relevant files from the large ISO (i.e. everything inside the NKS folder except for the somewhat large ".preview" folders containing *.ogg files which I already have), I'd really appreciate it as I will certainly need them at least to gain NKS support for all of the extensions later on. But maybe it'll solve my current problem as well!?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
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  18. gzilla

    gzilla Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    The iso has only presets folder. NKS folder is include in Content folder along with Samples folder. Find torrent and you can see folder structure inside no need to download it.

    I'm afraid not all extension that has been released around the internet has .nkfs files. Even some extensions that release after 170gb such as Hollywood Piano, Slap House, Vintage Synths, Festival EDM 2 also has no .nkfs files too.

    Samples\ROMExt\ and Samples\ROMEx2\ for ROM extensions 1 & 2 you can use it in nexus 3&4
  19. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Just a heads up... it will overwrite your Nexus.dll from the old Nexus version 2.2 if you install in the same folder as it calls the plugin the same names Nexus.dll and Nexus.vst3 and possibly others like AAX if they exist. I renamed Nexus 4.dll (which worked) and Nexus 4.vst3 (which didn't work see update) and now having to re- jbridge it and see if that is quicker than reinstalling my old Nexus 2.2 [T e a m A i R]. In future if any updates I will just backup my old Nexus 2.2.dl and replace later.
    Update: no matter what I rename the .vst3 file it still calls it Nexus but shouldn't be too much of a problem and hopefully it will still load old version for older projects. jBridging again worked so have the old version 2.2 back still called Nexus.dll but Nexus.vst3 also exists along with Nexus 4.dll so should be OK as I know the Nexus.vst3 (Nexus 4) has 3 lines next to it in Cubase to tell me it's a vst3 plugin
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2022
  20. NCHO416

    NCHO416 Newbie

    Dec 26, 2022
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    Hi Guys

    Wondering if anyone can help.

    Just downloaded a NEXUS3 from the net which came with some clear instructions however I am having an issue with the library content; it is not loading in FL STUDIO 21. I am a WINDOWS user

    Steps I have taken:
    Copied out the .dll/.dat file into the VST folder on my c drive
    Copied the reFx/nexus folder into my public document folder.
    Updated the settings.json file to point the library to the correct path:


    When I open FL Studio and load NEXUS3, the folders are empty:


    Any suggestions?

    Is my file path missing any additional ''\\' or other parts?

    Many thanks,
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