EQ1979 - Neve 1073 [jsfx]

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Sinus Well, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    EQ1979 is a frequency accurate modeling of a Neve 1073 filter stage combined with an input gain-compensated saturation.


    EQ1979 models all the sonically appealing bumps and drops that shape the sound of these original console strips. Those analog filtering stages with many capacitance/inductors resonances are reproduced, including input transformer contribution.

    It also includes an input saturation stage that provides smooth saturation with automatic gain compensation. The first two third of the control range add slik-soft arctan based saturation, whereas the last third adds some DC bias error just like in a real class A analog console strip. Input can be trimmed after saturation upon preference thanks to the Trim control.

    - Neve-inspired GUI was designed by Steph at Fluidshell Design. Many thanks for his kind contribution to the project.
    - All signal processing methods are derived from the excellent CookDSP library by Olivier BĂ©langer.
    - Designed by cascading ~40 peq/butterworth filters to reproduce frequency response, bumps and drops of the original console strip,
    - Neve-inspired GUI with big knobs and that slick Neve soft blue background.
    - Input saturation based on brute "arctan" sat which is gain-compensated.
    - Includes additional independant gain trimming.

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