The Sheffield Scene: How to sound like The Human League

Discussion in 'Music' started by BEAT16, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I think Jarvis was only in about 3 minutes of the film, but it was a great interview. Have a listen to their early track recorded at Electrophonique on Mixcloud above... Its at about 39:30... The FX are amazing considering the limitations

    If you search for "sheffieldforum electrophonique" you can find links to James's contact details. You could try contacting him to see if its being played anywhere else or if it will be released online... It was a great watch at The Trades Club in a cinema kind of setting because of the shared atmosphere and laughter etc

    The art of the 80s songs is lost in this generation, but it leaves a massive space to be different and recreate it. Everybody is obsessed with 'push this button to have instant success', so anything that has a bit of substance is going to sound amazing

    Listening to that Pulp track on Mixcloud you can hear how much work they had to put in before they became that radio Band, but the general outline of raw talent was already there. Personally I think our sound is born of our taste and looking at your inspirations it looks like you have catchy influences. I personally think that its just a matter of perserverence if tracks like that are inspiring your evolution, if you have all of the tools, so the vocals, songwriting and music writing...

    Start a new movement. The 80s were built on the backdrop of nuclear holocaust and a lot of destitution like we have now. Its what inspired a lot of those songs. The inspiration is always there if you embrace it. Its difficult to embrace hard times and turn that into some lyrics and a song, but it tends to create a more pure emotion in my experience
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