ISO files in Steinberg and Native Instruments

Discussion in 'Software' started by nmkeraj, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    Those kinds of files are included in releases from R2R. Why are they archived as iso and not used as standard exe/msi installers? I experienced in the past that some installers for NI stuff needed to be started from iso file mounted in a virtual CD drive but most of them worked from exe/msi file from HDD. Can I extract those iso files and keep them as single files in my HDD for later using them?
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    They are image files to prove they are untampered with. it is considered a higher quality of work when the original release has the least amount of modification from it's original incarnation. It is viewed as more elegant work.

    They can also contain installations for other operating systems. Like DMG files for Mac, but both should have the same additional content, and so separate releases are not needed. At also reduces the number of duplicate efforts.

    Because they are an ISO they are also an installer. you need the content moved onto a local/network volume so it may be accessible by the program you are installing. They typically demand their own hard disk space. But you can always use a Symlink to direct one folder to another hdd.

    This applies generally to all ISO format archives, etc. try bchunker sometime with a samples iso format disk sometime. It rips directly to wav in seconds.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  4. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    Thank you. Yes. This is fully understandable if we have legit releases. But are they needed for sister site’s releases? R2R used iso files recently but other releases of the same app didn’t use them. And iso is larger in volume. This is also important factor for many apps’ collectors to archive them.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    So, this depends on more than just a rule of thumb. For example, the last full version Komplete was accidentally leaked by an employee who uploaded the entire things as ISO files to a Google Drive. Altering the original files doesn't make any sense.

    Scene Rules are not meant for the benefit of Userland, or someone storing the files later on, as an archivist. Many Groups and Teams have all agreed to certain rules, guidelines, release types and structures; and this is not just with the Audio scene. So they follow those as best as they can. If some other Team or Group does something one day, and R2R do it another way; 99.99% of the time R2R will have done it the proper way. (it's more like 100%, but possibly anyone can make simple human error). You are correct about storage space, but it's not a consideration typically. You just need to find a better deal on Hard Disks :)

    It's like the difference between buying a New Car that has been test driven a few times at the Dealer, vs. buying any random junker off the street from people who have little to no reputation to consider.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If you extract the ISO contents 99.99% of chances it will install fine. Then you can archive like you want, rar file and so on
  7. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    @Xupito Steinberg’s releases work because other than R2R’s are not iso. But some NI’s ones need to be iso. And with those I am in process of checking. I will report the results.
  8. stmp

    stmp Member

    Dec 4, 2018
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    Sometimes the install path will be too long if the files are extracted from ISO...
    ie. c:\Users\{{user}}\downloads\{{installer folder}}\{{installer.EXE}}
    Running the installer from ISO ensures you are using the shortest install path possible... ie. d:\{{installer folder}}\{{installer.EXE}}
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