How many seconds of a song can I sample without a license

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Luka, May 10, 2018.

  1. illinoise

    illinoise Guest

    So that's the way those big artists do it 356 days on the road no time to create your own tracks but still time to drop tracks without making any effort into it.
    It's all about the money it's all about the dum duh duh duh duh dump.
  2. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    If you are an in-house -producer for a major label, studio or production company deadlines are the norm. You are swamped with projects. That is why every IHP has a team surrounding him. The IHP will have to delegate some of his duties to others in order to fulfill those deadlines. Indeed, this is necessary due to the fact that IHP is rarely working on a single project at any given time.
    Free choice as to what? Remember, the way major labels operate is totally different than what a "bedroom" producer is used to. The A & R people will be overseeing everything you do. The artist has a vision which any good producer must respect. Therefore, you must strike a balance between what the A&R expects, the artist's creativity, and your own vision of what the final product should be. You must be willing to work with others and leave your ego at the parking lot.
    With that said, being an IHP you have many freedoms that outside producers dont get. You run the show.
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