Synapse Audio Dune 3 mod wheel position not saved

Discussion in 'Software' started by Blu, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    when saving a project or simply duplicating a track with Dune 3 the position of the mod wheel is not saved and resets to 0. In Legend or Obsession from the same manufacturer this is not the case, the mod wheel position stays where it was at the moment of saving/duplicating.

    I tried with Ableton Live and Reaper so i guess it's not a DAW issue.

    Dune 3 version

    Is there a way to avoid the resetting in Live without having to draw an automation?
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  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Modwheel is a MIDI-controlled parameter. I'm not sure you can even automate it.
    Frankly I find it weird that it's saved in Legend and Obsession. Are you sure it is? Most synths I tested it at don't even save modwheel position when you close the interface and open it again without MIDI controller.

    Anyways, you can always just put the actual synth parameters to where you want them with modwheel being on zero. That would be saved.

    Now I'm gonna go and test all my synths. Boy it will take some time.
  4. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Just to be clear with anyone I'm talking about Mod wheel setting on the vst itself.

    You can automate it, in this case in 2 ways: Midi cc 1 (midi cc for mod wheel) or the vst parameter itself called mod wheel.

    If I draw an automation line it will be saved of course but I'd like to not having to do this.

    Yes I'm sure it is saved with Legend and Obsession and so it is in other synths (Serum, Vital or Arturia synths for example).

    I know that I could simply put the parameters where I want them with mod wheel on zero but I'd prefer to not having to do it and simply save and recall without it being reset to zero.

    Other synths don't save it (FM8 or Repro from u-he for example) so I guess there's no way other then put a feature request to the manufacturer to make it an option. No big deal but I was asking because maybe I was missing something like some hidden setting or some work around specifically in Live and Dune
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
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