Trying To Quit Smoking Or Move To E-Cigarettes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Good luck packing in dude, it's a vile habit anyway, unfortunately, i can't offer any sound solid advice as i'm an addict myself

    Smoking is my achilles heel, i can take or leave booze, weed, food, anything, but smoking has got me by the balls

    I do plan to pack in soon but i've got to mentally prepare myself for it, so that's my advice i guess, get mentally prepared
  2. Dr. Howard

    Dr. Howard Ultrasonic

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Bavarian Pretzels, Dude! :grooves:
  3. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    This is the right attitude and was my main motivation to quit. The fact that it's more the cigarette smoking you...rather than you smoking the cigarette. I hate being a slave to anything like cigarettes, money, alcohol, job (!) etc..but some of these we can fix.

    Also this is a tricky one but if you have friends who smoke try not to hang out with them too much for a week or 2 (until you get firmly on the quiting ladder) as it's so bloody hard to quit when a mate sparks up in front of you. Theres the whole social element of smoking which is probably the only aspect I still miss!

    This is a very good point. When you get a craving, even though it's really strong at the start, it really won't last very long.

    When I used to get cravings I'd go and do the washing up etc and by the time you've done that "other thing" the craving will have passed.
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Good idea, but what if this craving comes back every 10 minutes or so?
    Some people are strong enough to say no once and stay away forever, but these are rare.

    @Catalyst: If you are *strongly* addicted i.e. hardly any time passes without you holding a cigarette, you might need to go up to 24mg/ml.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    That just fucking made my day. :rofl:

  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I am sorry Catalyst, never had such problem, as I've never ever had a cigarette in my life and don't feel like starting. I can't understand the reasons behind taking up smoking, most of my peers smoke and once asked, they mostly don't know why they started. For some it was peer pressure.

    Anyway I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to accomplish your mission. :wink:

    Some habits take quite some time and energy to get rid of, like procrastination for me. :rofl:

    Xsze, I thought this would show up any minute in this thread, good old vid. :wink:
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest


    There is DIY thing some folks I know tried, they pour milk on cigarette, let it dry overnight and try to smoke it next day, in their words, that is most disgusting thing, they can't even think about that, not mentioning smoking another cigar :dunno: :thumbsup:
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    For me it was never peer pressure, I really don't care what people think enough for that. :rofl:
    In the beginning it simply feels good and it's something that is taking time out. Also I'm sure tons of stress played a role and the fact that everyone in my family smoked couldn't have helped. Plus there's something about smoke that enthralls human beings and the act of smoking is psychologically addictive in itself. Why do people smoke? Why do people drink alcohol? Why do people drink coffee? It's simple...because it feels good and they've repeated that action enough times where it has become firmly implanted in their mind, add to that the chemicals that keep them hooked and there's your answer. :wink:
  10. SkyRed

    SkyRed Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Perhaps - I also switched from burning herbs to vaporizing them with my lovely Extreme-Q :) WTF combustion :)
  11. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    My wife told me that shes read that those E-Cigs and things like that can actually be just as bad as cigarettes...
  12. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Been there several times in my life!!!!

    I´ve had a few breaks from smoking, and I still want to quit!! Longest break = one year!

    My experience so far Catalyst:

    -Motivation .... you need to have a deep wish for stop smoking!

    -Alternatives when you get the hunger ....... physical activities are extremly helpfull ... like bike jog, spin whatever!

    -Substitutes like nicotin-gum, nicotin-plaster, E-cigarets etc etc will just keep you addicted to nicotin, and then you´ll have to fight with that later on!

    It´s about willpower and the positive perspective of not being addicted to something very unhealthy and very expensive!

    I´ll cross my fingers and wish you luck ...... I´ll soon do another try myself - hope I succed this time!

    Best wishes :wink:
  13. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I smoked for a long, long time. Decades. In June, if I get there, it will be 2 years off. I didn't think it possible. Toughest thing I ever tried to do. I'm still amazed I got this far, as I had tried to quit so many times before. Every time I have a little cough I figure the grim reaper is knocking at my door, and it's time to pay the price for a million Marlboro's. Though I have been off for awhile now, the truth is I still wake up many days wanting a cigarette.

    I don't really believe anyone can give you advice about quitting, because getting to that point ultimately has to come from within. What I can do is tell you about some of my personal experience.

    For awhile I tried a product called Nicotrol. I think of it as being somewhat similar to e-cigarettes. Nicotrol looks a little like a cigarette holder. You unscrew it, pop in a nicotine cartridge, then hold it in your hand just like a cig and inhale through the holder. It's just like smoking without the smoke. Nicotrol got me off smokes for a little bit, but in the end I give a thumbs down to this type of solution. You have to decide you want to be off of cigarettes, and this sort of thing doesn't really do that -- it's too much like continuing smoking and makes it that much easier psychologically to wind up going out and buying a pack. You want to quit, not continue with a pretend-style of smoking. For this reason I wouldn't go the e-cigarette route.

    Because I was a very heavy smoker, I went with nicotine gum rather than patches. I had tried the patches but with that, you basically have to accept the manufacturers dosing scheme. The patch releases nicotine into the bloodstream when it wants to, and not necessarily when you feel you might need it. With gum, you're in charge of the dosing and you can chew it to your heart's content. I chewed that damn gum so hard I cracked a few teeth, and literally felt I was breaking apart my jaw. But I kept chewing that crap like there was no tomorrow. It helped.

    My doctor gave me a script for a Zyban variant (Bupropion), which also helped. I know, who the heck wants to take pills like that? But the fact is it contributed to getting off tobacco. If you're really struggling, as was I, it's worth asking your doctor about it. Generally they will Rx it for about 3 months.

    For awhile, if you can, avoid places, and even people, that you strongly associate with smoking. Torturing yourself by being around it won't help much.

    Most important thing of all? Learn to love life a bit more and recognize that if you continue smoking it will take that life out of you. It will. Two years ago it took my brother. This is just people making money off of killing you. That's all smoking is. For that reason, and that reason alone Catalyst, I would even try helping you.
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Well, I myself don't see a problem when you smoke for pleasure and relaxation. If only one could keep it that way. Like a smoke with coffee, smoke after dinner, smoke after the work has been done etc. I mostly manage just that. ;) So I don't think smoking or anything is a problem unless overdone. Pot also helps. When I smoke pot and play music I can be "gone" for hours without even thinking of smoking, just music. In general smoking a joint makes me don't want to smoke. Pot probably "regulates" the stress factor, relaxes me, so I don't need to smoke. ;)

    What I'm saying is I think it is alright when you smoke up to a dozen a day and not so harmful, especially when you smoke my pure tobacco without any additives, just for your enjoyment, but when you smoke a pack or more per day, especially of these processed and "enriched" cigarettes, I would be worried for my health and try to give up myself. Well actually, that's happened more than 10 years ago to me. I stopped smoking "normal" cigarettes when I was on one pack per day and started rolling my own from natural and non-processed tobacco. I immediately cut down the number of cigarettes to about 10 per day because you have to roll them yourself. Just don't roll them in advance... :) Keep it a ritual, satisfaction, something glorified, not just an unhealthy habit. Also, these rolled cigarettes taste sooo much better! I find "normal" cigarettes disgusting to smoke now. :wink: I also noticed the change in lung capacity when I went from normal cigarettes to rolled ones. Really, these industrial cigarettes taste like shit and bring too much shit into your body. So there is a possibility that you could try rolling a good natural tobacco on occasions when you need a ciggie and see how you like it. "Virginia" tobacco blend is a golden, light tobacco that you should try. Anything dark tobacco like "Samson" or "Drum" try to avoid, those are too heavy and also processed. Try "American Spirit" if you can, it's a good, unprocessed tobacco that my wife used to smoke before she tried my tobacco. ;)

    I'd feel really down if I had to sit in the shadow on a sunny day after a great meal I made myself and sipping coffee or tea and not having a ciggie with her!! :) Or having some wine after supper, looking at the clear sky and moonlight and stars, but not having a cigarette! aaargh! :)

    Great film:
  15. murry

    murry Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    lose interest in it. have no need for it. address the issue honestly why do you smoke. when you address that issue then you can understand how to change it, as for habit (actions) change the association(s). I did it with hypnosis used my own script, I took a script online and edited it, recorded over music I liked, I enjoyed, and played it on loop as I went to sleep a few nights, my own voice, and it worked. as someone said in a previous post you got to want to, ask yourself what you don't like about it and focus on that, how you would you go about quitting, then do that, don't be extreme, unless extreme work with you but honesty is key. If you enjoy it, then stop looking at it that way, look at the reasons why you don't enjoy it, focus on those reasons, focus on that, focus only on those things, what you focus on expands. they stink, they're dirty, look at it honestly, look at the mental associations, smoking is pent up energy, if you were not smoking what would you be doing? look at why you smoke and address those issues, and confront the associations with truth, how would you enjoy your life if you didn't smoke .. anyway hope that kinda helps, enjoy every fresh breath you take :)
  16. SkyRed

    SkyRed Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Science is well aware about the non-effects of propyleneglycol, since it is being used in various everyday products, in asthma sprays, and even disco vapor is pure PG.

    I don't think it would have been around if it was not considered harmless.

    They even arrested a bunch of monkeys to live in rooms filled with PG vapor 24/7 for years, the only effect they noticed was a light weight increase.

    Hell, the Fraunhofer Institute even found out, due to combustion a cigarette releases way more PG than an e-cigarette itself, since the tobacco is being treated with PG during production... :rofl:

    So, in this specific context I consider "He read that some she heard about a guy mentioning that" as F-U-D brought up, caught up, by the almighty lobbying Tobacco industry.

    I don't say or think that e-cigs are 100% safe, but it has been suggested by various sources and reliable scientific institutes that it is by far the lesser evil.

    Good enough for me... I'm not trying to convince anyone, but i think i've made my homework. That's one reason why i don't use juice which contains FLAVORS. :thumbsup:

    Regarding vaping herbs, i was referring to a solution involving hemp, suggested by another member, not tobacco. :bow:

  17. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    > They still have chemicals in them that they are unsure of how the lungs will react (i.e. proplyene glycol [the main ingredient in ecig 'juice']).

    I'd really like to clarify something here:
    1) Of course the cigarettes industry will spread as much misinformation as possible as long as it makes their victims keep smoking
    2) PG (Propylene Glycol) is exactly what's filled into Disco/Theater/Live Show Steam Machines. I'm sure you have already inhaled fair amounts of it even if you're a non-smoker.
    It's used because it helps produce some steam that, well, somehow reminds cigarette smoke. It's different of course but it's at least something similar.
    PG is also a common ingredient in medicine, but better google about the details...

    PG has been tested several times for any health risks because its use is quite common, and until today I have not seen any scientific study that says that small amounts of PG will damage your health.
    Even if there was a risk, it would certainly be by magnitudes smaller than the risks of added chemicals in commercial cigarettes.
    I say "commercial cigarettes" because from what I have read, the synthetic additives and the way tobacco is grown today are considerably more dangerous for your health than naturally grown tobacco would have been decades ago.
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Let's Make a Deal CATALYST :wow:

    You tell me how many Man Hours it took you to stop smoking:excl:

    And I'll take those Man Hours to Crack Ilok 2 :bow:
  19. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    KG, you give Catalyst a hard time!
  20. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Cold turkey or you'll probably won't nail it this time either. Patches, chewing gum, e-cigs, I tried all these and it's no use. However, it comes a moment in your life when you realize you can't breathe, you can't climb stairs, run after a bus, smell the good food your mother cooks, bang the nice chick who lives next door and smiles every time she sees you and... that you begin to get an old vicious cunt, and then, if you're not completely out of your mind, you quit cold turkey and forget about it. I know it's hard, but take it from someone who knows:).

    Just to cheer you up, I'll quote mr. Twain on this: “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”

    Good luck!