I have a problem with Splice.

Discussion in 'samples' started by Mythos91, Nov 22, 2022.

  1. Mythos91

    Mythos91 Ultrasonic

    Oct 27, 2016
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    I want to search Splice but it keeps asking me subscribe. Its irritating like why should I subscribe if I can't browse your selection properly. Also I refuse to use subscriptions if I can't buy a sample pack outright. Sucks that Sample Magic got bought out, I have no idea what they are bringing out.

    When this new recession hits, subscription only companies are going to have a nasty shock. :/
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  3. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I go on and off with Splice meaning I activate my subscription and then after a few months or half a year I close it again when I don't need it anymore until I opened it again next time so take what I say with a grain of salt. I do remmember being able to still browse their selection so I assume it's either a browser error or that's a totally new way they have been doing things because last I canceled my sub was last year now.

    You can buy the sample outright, you choose different sub plans with varying degrees of points and you use those to download either whole packs or single hand selected samples/presets and they are yours after you close your account so they are yours forever. The content you choose with your Splice Points get automatically downloaded into a folder on your drive and Splice never takes them back out.

    Same with plugins, you rent until you pay it off and then you own a liscence. I would have gone the rent to own Serum until I paid it off which was my plan but they could never give me the newest version until I paid it off so I just used my crack until I bought it whole from The Duda himself.
  4. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Oh I should mention that they do often come out with some very cool usable content, sometimes even quiet unique. You should check out those Power Tool sample series. HOOO Those are hot!

    Splice has reliable, quick customer service with an overall positive attitude and their whole service just seems to imply they minds are in the right place when they offer up cheaper alternatives to people who are trying to go legit or at least get get a fraction of the way there without killing your bank. That's why they let you come in and out of the door as you please without charging you some 5 dollas like they're meathead bouncers at the front of a club each time you need to leave or come back.

    I say it's been worth it for me and I will most definitely open up my sub for like the 4th time now when I can afford it again come the new year. I actually purposefully try to not look at what new goods they have out unless there's been sister site crossover thrash metal happening there with that shit! Otherwise, I try not to bum myself out then want to open up my sub again when I can't afford to at the time. Like right now, haha!
  5. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Yeahh.. Splice. Had sort of a bad experience. They were pushing something "upgrade, upgrade" on me and I thought it was about their bridge SW. The second I pressed that button my phone was beeping bc my CC was charged. It was 10 bucks or something for something.. anyway, they're quick on the trigger and these "little" things are kind of annoying.

    I also prefer buying from dev. eg. I like Freshly Squeezed Samples and bought quite a few of their releases. OTOH I remember the FFS guy writing about going Splice. I guess it's good exposure for business, idk and I'm just old (school)

    I mainly used it to get Serum legit and a couple of weeks ago wanted to pay the remaining sum. The option vanished. I contacted the support and a (nice) guy wrote back that that's currently not possible with Paypal, only CC. Again..

    You can get the latest version from duda's site, before you pay it off. Maybe it wasn't always the case. Just log in to Xfer with your Splice mail and then select "forgot my pass".

    Anyhow, I'll just try to pay my remaining Serum rents ;) but I probably wont get a Splice plan.. right now :)
  6. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Sorry I probably made an edit after you finished reading but i did mention that I had issues with the rent to own Serum and they never gave me the newer version after trying like 3 times it was still the old version I already had on a crack so I closed that part of the service and bought Serum from Duda himself soon after.

    That's really shitty you had this experience man I'm sorry and I have read some nasty horror stories from them too so I guess should be happy I never had those weird fast trigger charges like you're saying. It is cool to see what new stuff is out sort of like this site, it gives you insight you otherwise might not have heard about. But you always can just use it like a newspaper for free to see what goods have come out then buy straight from the dev and not pay a Splice fee, haha.

    That's insane that the rent to own part got even worse since they couldn't stop the hiccup with their dick up each time I requested a new version otherwise it wasn't worth it for me which i have mentioned to them numerous times. They actually got rid of paying for the rest of the synth as an option? That's shitty if true. Yeah I only use them like revolving door for samples or the occasional preset so that way i never run into any issues.
  7. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    TBH and to be fair to Splice, for me it wasn't really a horror story (well, it wasn't a big sum..). Could've been my mistake.. it's a long time. It felt like a trick IIRC and I didn't like it.

    Agree, I can confirm that for now.
    Nope. As I was informed from their part that is still an option. But not if you're paying with Paypal ("at this time"). They suggested I switch to credit card and that the option should reappear. Did not try it yet so I can't confirm.
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