UAD-1, worth to buy ?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by nikon, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I found used UAD-1 card for around 170EUR, and I can't find any thread about this on Audiosex!

    Is it worth to buy ?
    Does it work on Win7 64bit with Live, Pro Tools 10, etc... most current versions of DAW ?
    Anyone use it, compare with currently Waves plugins etc... (I know it's DSP power) but is it realy worth it ?
    What about plugins it it's used ? I know there is a thing about registring on UAD page.
  3. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Not really (Do not buy ) there are no 64bit drivers for this card and no further support it was discontiued
    on mac it only works on snow leopard and under and win 7 32 bit and under average price is 100 usd dollars and folks sell em
    shortly after buying realizing to old and out dated Save your money ! Seriously 64bit processors in pc replaced these and perform better with newer vst plugs
    they were great back in win xp days to take load off Cpu, besides plugs are around 100 and up a piece for each one, though theres a crack full package one floatin
    around for these cards . but only protools 8 and under they will work with....
  4. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Really if you are going to buy a 170euro used UAD1, a new UAD2 card is only 299us. Only a few more dollars to get a new UAD2. Seems implausible to spend that much on a used UAD1?
    Always wanted to try these cards out, seems very promising. Never had the money for one of these cards either.
  5. Tonk

    Tonk Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Do not buy this card. :wow:

    The UAD plugins are heavenly good, but some of them are just working with the UAD 2 card.

    Especially the newer ones are ONLY working with UAD-2.
  6. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Their plugs are made to work for UAD 2 then can work on UAD 1 but takes loads of CPU card than previews plugins.
    So depends your need …

    Yep their stuff are expensive, but if you become a customer, you'll have nice % off for several "save campaign sell" .
  7. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Gone Postal
    All the essential UAD plugins in my very humble opinion if one is going for a UAD setup are UAD2 only and getting reworked still.
    The old UAD1 versions are easily bettered with native alternatives, That wasn't the case maybe 4 or 5 years ago. A lot of them are
    a lot like the old Bomb Factory plugins that mostly behave like the real deals in operation along with the photo realistic
    GUIs but do not sound really at all close to what they claim to nail 100%

    So UAD2 if you are willing to spend the money and would like to free up some resources on your audio machine or stick with native options IMveryhumbleHO FWIW. I'm still using and a fan of Focusrite's LiquidMix, It only does equalization and dynamics but compared with UAD1 I
    found it absolutely no contest, The only thing the UAD1 had going for it was the photo realistic GUIs and some fairly decent effects which
    the LM does not of course. UAD2 is a different story and the developers have stepped up their game

    Hope that is of some help, Obviously just my experience whereas many others may have vastly differing one's. We are spoilt for choice these
    days and that is a good thing most of the time
  8. coolout

    coolout Newbie

    Nov 2, 2013
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    I have 2 UAD1s in my old PC and a UAD2 in my laptop. They have some of the best plugins made and it's kept me from having to upgrade my computer year after year.

    Unfortunately, Universal Audio shut down the UAD1 (but not UAD2) servers at the start of 2014.

    That means no one can transfer UAD1 authorizations. You can't start a new UAD1 account or add new plugins to those cards.

    The only advantage of getting UAD1 these days would be if it already had a bunch of expensive plugins tied to the hardware ID and the previous owner gave you a copy of the final authorization file. Better yet, if it was already installed in a computer and they gave you the whole PC.

    The best deal on a UAD2 would probably be to get a used UAD2 solo laptop. They usually sell for dirt cheap ($100 or so) since newer laptops don't come with expresscard ports, but the cards actually with work with both expresscard to PCIe adapters ($20-30) or expresscard to thunderbolt adapters ($140).
  9. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Oops, that's good to know!
    Thanks for this info.
  10. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    UAD-2 solo is around 400EUR, the new one.
    I love you guys :)
    Thanks to all.
  11. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i was going to Buy the UAD Apollo But then i saw Waves Digigrid ios interface that runs all Waves plugins and is going to run plugin alliance and third Party plugins awesome it will be out in a month or so :wink:
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Funny you spoke about Liquid Mix. It is a killer concept, a kind of Nebula in-the-box with dynamic convolution (not volterra kernels).
    Really near that "analog" feel. Especially for a 2006 product, only nailed by alternatives(apart Nebula) some years ago.
    In fact, with LM for compressors and EQs, and Nebula for saturation/tape/EQ too, you can probably get the best ITB sound :wow:
    At least 5 years ahead the competition...too bad they messed the whole thing :snuffy:
    I was tempted to buy one dirt cheap, but i think it is too late for me to jump in.
  13. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Gone Postal
    Pipotron3000, I was gutted and couldn't make any sense of their reasons to drop it either and agree it was ahead of the pack for sure. Nebula can do it and much more but the LM is simply faster to work with and even though I am a fan of Nebula, Giancarlo is a crazy genius and its much more solid now plus the number of 3rd party top-notch libraries are plentiful which is more plus points for Nebula, It can overwhelm whereas the LM is 'limited' but what it does do and offers it does it well :) Agreed also that the prices I have seen them for used are pretty incredible and I picked up a second in case something goes wrong with my original. Also agreed that it probably is too late to jump in as what is on the Focusrite site is as far as it will ever go, Not looking good for future OS compatibility...etc. sadly. It never even made it to v2 which is an injustice :(
    Not sure the eventual reason or reasons why it got whacked, I've heard many variations from losing the quality developers that could of/would of taken it further to Sintefex licensing and so on (Still they have their Liquid Channel still available and also one of the interface my fellow studio worker and myself both have for our home setups have a pair of Liquid Preamps in the Liquid Sapphire, So your guess along with anyone else's is as good as mine). Whatever the reason it is a pity indeed Pipotron3000

    Cheers and yeah a shared frustration that one
  14. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The new universal audio cards start out at 300$ now and support 64bit.
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