Trying To Quit Smoking Or Move To E-Cigarettes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I really need to stop smoking and I would like to at least make some kind of progress to that end so at the very least I want to supplement and possibly eventually move to e-cigarettes. I have patches but I don't think I could just stop because I've been smoking since I was like 11 so I was thinking of going the e-cigarette route since it still satisfies the smoking process. So this one's a two-parter, part one is open to any comments about quitting and part two is about e-cigarettes that you tried and can recommend.
  3. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    don't give up, you are stronger than you think.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks brother. :mates:
  5. PsYAuM

    PsYAuM Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Patches or E cigs etc you are still feeding the addiction :(
    you have to stop completely! the 1st 3-5 days are hell (i smoked for 20 years so speak from experience) but after that it becomes much easier (even though you still have cravings for years after).
    take up running or swimming when you quit. you need to get the blood flowing again. the sooner you start feeling the benefits of quitting the more steadfast you will be in not starting again.
    motwest is correct you are stronger than you think ;)
  6. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I used to smoke (very heavily sometimes 40 per day!) and what I had to do to quit was work out what my 'triggers' were that made me want a cigarrette and cut them out as much as possible until the cravings died down to a reasonable, managable level.
    My triggers were mainly beer and writing music! I'd got so used to sparking up a cig while mixing a track that I associated music with smoking. So locked the studio up for 3 months and avoided the pub. (hard to do!)

    Someone gave me some advice once and they said never completely remove cigarretes from your house when trying to quit. Keep an emergency cigarrette in a hard to get to place. Think it was something to do with if you cant have one you panic and get stressed out about it! I quit nearly 2 years ago and my "emergency cigarette" is still in the attic! Good luck :wink:
  7. necrophagist

    necrophagist Newbie

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Smoking's BADASS! NEVER GIVE UP! :rofl:
  8. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Try taking a bath in pure nicotine you will soon give up :rofl:
  9. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Ok, I might have a good advice. I was on 12,5g tobacco pouch a day for 15 years. I quit in october cold turkey and still going strong. I had many many failed attempts before...
    Basically before I quit I was rethinking my strategy. What you need is a strong motivation obviously. For me and I guess for everyone else is of course health. You know that smoking causes cancer etc etc... However, when you quit smoking and you get extremely strong cravings you think more rationally, in terms of statistics. The equation is not 'if I dont quit I will get cancer' ,but instead 'If I dont quit there is % chance I will get cancer. So obviously in the wave of strong cravings, you re gonna light up. I mean we should be thinking less like animals and be more rational and really health should be number one priority in everything, it should have far greater utility than pleasure of craving release, so to speak. So I decided that I should use this animalistic stupidity to my own advantage:
    Basically, instead of health my motivation was MONEY and how it can be spent on my studio. Basically I made a list of all the things I would like to have in my studio such as new monitors, new computer, new reclining chair etc. I know that i spend 4£ a day on smoking paraphernalia so every day I add this amount to mu gear fund. And it also made me realize that there is no excuse in not having essential gear for so long when all this time I could have saved money in this way. Music is my passion and I was a bit dissapointed in myself that I was working with headphones and shity speakers for so long when really I didnt have to.

    Now for next stage, you know how they say the best way to beat addiction is with another adiction. So I m thinking I m going modular. Its absolutely unlimited amount of modules you can collect. So I m intending to save 4£ every day until I have money to buy the next module.

    I mean you have no idea how smoking was big part of my life. People would wanna smoke when they see me smoking. I had that sort of bad charisma. One would think that for me to quit would be impossible. But this simple method worked wonders.
    A couple of practical notes though. Set the quitting day maybe 2 months in advance, it helps in a strange way. Also, stay away from smoking triggers like coffee (I had to quit it too, coffee was my other addiction), dont go out drinking alcohol at least for a couple of weeks. DOnt gorge in food, it helps short terms, but as we know, the cigarette is the sweetest after a meal. So instead use loads of soups in a cup, herbal teas.

    And good luck. You can really do it. 5 days is difficult due to phisical cravings, after that you only need good motivation
  10. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    I tried patches, chewing, even hiking & camping in the wild, many miles from anyone with tobacco, but nothing seemed to help. :dunno:

    Then someone told me that having something to play with in your mouth & fingers is a large part of what we miss when we quit smoking.

    Carry a lot of toothpicks. Pop one in your mouth when the craving hits you.

    Worked for me. I have been tobacco free for at least 14 years. :headbang:

    By the way, if you sing you will be amazed at the difference.

    Good Luck! *yes*
  11. seacreature

    seacreature Newbie

    Jan 11, 2014
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    i recently heard from a friend that e smokes are not so good for you,cause of moister or something in the lungs...but i don't know,look it your self.and i think that the time period that you choose to do it is very got to be in good state of mind and just want it....there is nothing you can do...

    good luck buddy!
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    E-cigarettes feed the addiction but they have WAY less chemicals and don't include things such as cyanide. Also analog cigarettes have added chemicals and alterations that make the nicotine kick in much faster, with e-cigs it can take time for you to feel it so it changes that quick fix mentality. I think it can be really useful to those people that really want to quit but need some help and don't want to just drop it cold turkey.

    Badass is much more than a cigarette. You know what else is badass? Control, breathing, money, health, etc. Ever seen someone die from lung cancer...I have. Nobody wants to be that badass. *no*

    Yeah my triggers would be alcohol and drugs, sex, food, music and pretty much everything else that I enjoy. Life is such a much of what we enjoy is likely to kill us. :(

    It's funny that you mention that advice because right now to cut down I always take out a cigarette and put it on my desk in plain view. I tell myself that I can have it anytime I want but I try to take care of another task first...and then another and another until I really decide to go for it. Often I can push it back quite far. Thanks mate. :mates:

    For me a big motivator for quitting is control, I abhor that there is something that I'm helpless in repeating over and over again ad naseum and I'm paying for the luxury. :wow: Then of course there's the ridiculous sums of money that go into it and the fact that it slows healing, lung problems, increases likelihood of infections...there's so many reasons. Thanks for the advice man, modulars might be just what the doctor ordered. :wink:

    Yes toothpicks are a good idea, lollipops too. *yes*

    He's probably referring to how it makes the environment in your lungs moist so it's a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.
  13. clem

    clem Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    NE Ohio
    I quit over 20 years ago so no patches or e-cig experience. One of the biggest factors is you won't really be successful unless you truly WANT to quit. None of this "I probably should quit" or "maybe I'll give them up", it has to be a strong desire since nicotine addiction more powerful than heroin.

    A couple of things that helped me was to take a deep breath whenever I had the desire to light up. Another was to get out the calculator and figure just how much I spent each year on the cursed addiction and translate that into how much gear I could have bought had I not squandered it on the cancer sticks.

    Best of luck to you Catalyst. It really boils down to a mixture of desire and will power. We'll be pulling for you.

    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    I bought a E-Cigarette (KANGERTECH) at December 1st .. and I haven't smoked normal cigarettes since then.
    I smoked normal cigarettes 8 years.

    It's pretty fun.
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Mr. Clem
    For me it's I have to find a way between here and there but I find it so difficult because I drink a lot of coffee to stay up and get everything done and cigarettes are "me time"...a time of reflection. It just seems like if I want to quit I also have to quit pretty much everything else that leads to it. Feeling up smoke a cigarette, feeling down smoke a cigarette, just had sex smoke a cigarette, just ate a meal smoke a cigarette, got some coffee smoke a cigarette, went out for drinks smoke a cigarette, smoke a joint smoke a cigarette, listening to music smoke a cigarette...

    What's left to enjoy? It'll just be me sitting there sober with no cigarettes or coffee with no music playing in the background eating a cup of fucking noodles and some herbal tea. :rofl:

    Thanks everyone!

    Yeah and they have a lot of flavors now too plus you can smoke anywhere.
  16. alphacu3

    alphacu3 Newbie

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Hi Guys, and Catalyst this is my first post... n i thought of contributing a very great tool to completely quit smoking... not a sham just the way i quit, 2 years ago. N i never crave for a single cigarette.
    there is a Book that i read,(Cuz we're pirates) its actually paid but i got its pdf Its called "Easyway to stop Smoking" by Allen Carr.
    Believe me guys the rule of the book is that you need to read it while smoking.

    GOOGLE IT!!!
  17. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    My girl friend was heavily addicted too, and I introduced her to the E-Cig world. Of course she was sceptical at first, and in the first weeks she still had a conventional cigarette from time to time. I didn't expect wonders and tried to be patient.

    Now, after about 2 years of pure e-smoking, she even reduced her e-smoking amount so much I wouldn't even speak of addiction anymore.

    I was very interested in what makes people keep smoking, and after those two years, here is what I have learned:
    - Buy a good e-cigarette, or you won't have fun e-smoking. ego-T is a good model, even today, because many of these fancy and well-advertised "high end" e-cigs are actually not robust enough for daily use. Vaporizers burn, reservoirs break and adjustable 2-cell batteries don't last much longer than the single-cell versn. My girl needs a new vaporizer (atomizer) only about every 8-10 months, and that's a good lasting time I think.
    - Be careful when choosing liquid. You can get all kinds of flavours, but most such liquids will rapidly destroy your vaporizer, no matter what these experienced guys will try to tell you. I mix all liquid myself, using only PG and PG+Nicotine mixed by my pharmacy of trust, and I only use pure eucalyptus oil as flavouring, which even has a positive effect on your lungs
    - Do NOT EVER AGAIN TOUCH A REAL CIGARETTE. This is very important because one single cigarette contains enough poisons to make you addicted again. YES, one single cigarette. REALLY. It's not the Nicotine, but some other chemicals (including burnt sugar) that make you addicted. There's a good wikipedia article on the different poisons btw. If you feel like doing it anyway, you have to increase the Nicotine amount in your e-liquid. 12mg per ml is fine usually, if you are heavily addicted you may have to go up to 18mg per ml.
    - Don't inhale too much e-vapor initially because the Nicotine effect comes with a slight delay you have to get used to.
    - Some people smoke much more when there is some problem in their life they cannot easily get over. If you think you're in this situation sometimes, try to find the reason for it. It's usually some kind of fear that you feel helpless about, and you can learn to at least handle it better.

    I wish you luck!
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check out the pdf. :thumbsup:

    Thanks for the in-depth advice man, I really appreciate it. :bow:

    Yeah I'm heavier addicted and so much so that 18mg is going to be a stretch. :wow:
  19. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    It's difficult to advise someone you don't know, but for me it was all about pride (ego??).
    From day one when you decide to stop, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you'll be a piece of sh...t if you go back to it.
    The hardest thing was the first step, as for most things... if it's hard, use the benjy jump method => do first, think later ^ ^

    Well, it worked for me.

    This and four months with nicotine patches (the three standards months and one for the fun of it), plus nicotine candies.
    Cardio exercise helped a lot too (running is good, swimming better).
    I've read the Allen Carr book, after having stopped. Didn't do any bad either.

    Try to avoid your smoking friends for a while, they'll understand if true friends. It's hard enough to minimize risks of failure.
    Usually the craving is no more than a minute, mostly 30 seconds... take a deep breath, drink a glass of water, time has passed and you're good !
    Day after day there's less cravings and they're less intense. You get back your smell (mmmmm women skin anyone ??), and your taste !!

    Before you know it, you're a non-smoker.
  20. SkyRed

    SkyRed Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    As an active and satisfied user for now almost 5 years, my vote for best solution between health and (self-destructive) enjoyment goes to e-cigarettes, flavourless e-liquid.

    What has always helped me, is to transform, personify the craving into an actual being, call it the devil or whatever. It is much more easy if you personify the enemy.

    The more days pass by without touching nicotine, the more silent his greedy screams get. It is a long path until his voice is covered by the usual cosmic background noise inside.

    So after years of trying to get along with this fucker (trying to quit, ridiculously expensive patches, and so on...) i made a deal with him, he gets his daily shots but they are less kick-y, and in return he promises not to hurt me anymore.

    And this deal is called e-cigarette. Even after months, he will still try to trick you into combustion, so you need to be aware at all times. Then after 2 years or so, it should be ok.

    After i started ecigs, my home is now clean as never before, no more yellow tracks, no more ugly smells, i feel more alive, i can now enjoy my shots and even can do sports.

    I can now fuck my gf and take a hit inbetween without having to stop banging for 5 mins. My teeth are white like ivory. I can point a finger towards the cig industry, NO MORE MONEY FROM ME.

    Honesly if i could i would give the nobel prize to the inventor of ecigs.

    I pay 80€ for 1 liter of 36 mg nicotine base, my usual dosis is 12 mg so i mix it down, equaling 3 liters, enough for over a year,almost 2.

    80 EUROS FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS: Thats even less money than the costs of 3 weeks of combustion!!!

    So my actual recommendation: Have a look at Joyetech products. In particular the eRoll and the Ego-cc.

    Always make sure you have 2 devices, just in case one dies or is empty, you always have a backup, make sure you're always covered in the beginning, because you know, HE is always there, lurking, waiting... {innervoice: yes i am..) >:)

    Why the eroll? Its the cig like shape we are so used to, it helps fooling HIM.

    And the Ego-CC is just a nice steam machine, wonderful flash, good tech.

    Hope this helps, buddy...

    I got more psychological tricks up my sleeve, so if you need help with a particular problem regarding smoking, just let me know. :mates:

    Just don't give up. You will make it if you want to. And the reward is golden.

  21. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Smoke joint - it is better for musical inspiration :) WTF e-cigarette :)