What is the deal with 8Dio and Soundpaint?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lost In Translation, Nov 19, 2022.

  1. Lost In Translation

    Lost In Translation Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    So 8Dio's own Soundpaint has entered it's 2.0 version. It's supposed to embed technologies Kontakt wouldn't allow for, etc etc.

    A few things don't make sense to me.
    1. Edu discount is off the table with Soundpaint (...why?)
    2. 8Dio seem to repack their older libraries. Sure, there might be some advantages to using Soundpaint but: no crossgrade upgrade offer for customers already owning what are basically the same libraries for Kontakt, they don't acknowledge where the samples come from (unless you ask them directly...) they even go as far as naming the products for both samplers differently.
    3. They keep on releasing libraries for both Kontakt and Sounpaint at the same time. Why just not fully commit to Soundpaint?
    What is even the difference between Studio Soprano Saxophone and 1999 Soprano Saxophone Moonlight for instance you might ask? Well, the engine.

    I find it all very confusing, bordering on misleading...

    P.S for the mods: sorry the bold wasn't intentional. something on my browser seems to trigger it automatically, idk, even while writing this PS i had to manually turn it off two times. No idea why
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
  3. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Same reason all the other big names (VSL, Spitfire, Orchestral Tools, EW, ...) want to or have moved away from Kontakt.
    Your own player framework = your own DRM, your own pricing model, no licensing/distribution fees to NI.
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  4. Lost In Translation

    Lost In Translation Member

    Jan 8, 2019
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    Well I understand of course the goal is trying to move away from Kontakt. The thing is, none of the other companies act the way 8Dio does... this was the subject of my post and the 3 points I raised.

    You won't see see Orchestral Tools creating a brand new "Deep Solo Violin 2023" for Sine, selling it as "revolutionary" and "brand new"... while it's the exactly same solo violin that's already been inside the 'Inspire series' for Kontakt (without writing anywhere that the samples are the same) but with a different price tag and some minor script differences. (and new bugs that the Kontakt version didn't have) WHILE still selling the old Kontakt version, for a even higher price, but a totally different name.

    Nope, Orchestral Tool just dropped Kontakt altogether and now only sell the Sine upgraded libraries. EDU discount is even bigger than before, and they do a lot of flash sales. Etc, etc.
    That's understandable and customer friendly. 8Dio has a really dishonest branding and transitioning from Kontakt strategy imo.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022