PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional v6.0.1 issue with NVMe

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by WIMA, Nov 19, 2022.

  1. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Hello... :shalom:
    Please help me.

    I did a clean uninstall of PreSonus Studio One 5 Professional v5.0.1 R2R, then installed PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional v6.0.1 R2R.

    Then there was a lag in the visuals and it affected what I clicked on the Studio One interface to be delayed.

    Then looking at the task manager there is no CPU spike, it's just that every time a lag/stutter occurs, my SSD (NVMe) experiences spiking as shown in the picture. And only NVMe's experience it.


    Even when I was idle or didn't open the project at all my NVMe experienced spiking when opening Studio One versions v6.0.0 and v6.0.1.
    Finally I had to go back to v5.0.1 again and the NVMe spiking problem went away.

    My question is :
    1. What should I do to prevent my NVMe from spiking when I open Studio One version v6.0.0 and v6.0.1?

    2. Why does this NVMe problem not occur in version v5.0.1 or any other DAW?

    My system is :
    Windows 11 Pro 21H2
    NVMe M.2 V-Gen Hyper 512 GB
    Intel Core i3 12100F
    ASRock B660 Steel Legend Motherboard
    RAM Corsair 16GB DDR4 3200MHz
    GPU Radeon 6500 XT with the latest updates
    Audio Interface - M-Audio MobilePre 2nd Gen

    I also did this optimization long before I installed Studio One version 5
    And there was no problem until I installed a version higher than v5.0.1

    With this PC I play games like The Witcher 3 no lag/NVMe spiking issues at all...
    Even any DAW like Cubase Pro 12 v12.0.20-R2R is smooth without problems at all. Only in Studio One versions above v5.0.1 (v5.5.1 , v5.5.2 , v6.0.0 , and v6.0.1) this problem occurs.

    I would really appreciate any help and info about NVMe and Studio One 6 troubleshooting.
    Thanks in advance. :bow:
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  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Keep in mind that a system tune for gaming may not function optimally for audio production & vice-versa.

    Also. With the 12100F, the system will be looking to disk & memory more often due to available on-board cache. An i5-12400F would have been a better option.

    Could this be an issue?
    Performance Issues? Check your Cache Settings!

    Not knowing what the BIOS & Windows 11 settings are, it is difficult to give a definitive answer.

    Some things to check:
    • SSD slot is not being shared with another PCIe/SATA slot
    • SSD seated properly & not overheating
    • Windows indexing is off for that drive, TRIM is active
    • Item that needs attention in Device Manager (exclamation flagged)
    • Device Manager: Disk drives>(your SSD)>Policies>Write-caching policy - off/unchecked
    • Device Manager: USB controllers>(device)>Power Management off/unchecked
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
  4. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Yes, exactly... That's why I have tried in several DAWs including Cubase and Nuendo but no problem... Like I said before.

    I did before... And my NVMe still spiking at Task manager (lag on studio one v6)

    But thanks for advice :wink:
  5. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    How to check this?

    So far seated properly and not overheating :wink:

    How to do this?

    I checked them and no exclamation flagged

    To make sure, this thing should be off/unchecked to get my SSD properly right?

    To make sure again, this thing should be off/unchecked right?

    Thanks for advice... :wink:
  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you see Powershell instead of Command Prompt as outlined below:
    • go to the Start Menu (click Windows logo or hit Windows super key)
    • scroll down to Windows System & click to expand
    • right-click Command Prompt, highlight More & click Run as administrator

    To check if TRIM is on:
    Step 1. Press Windows + X keys, click "Search" and type cmd in the Search box.
    Step 2. Right-click "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as administrator".
    Step 3. Enter the following command: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify and hit Enter.
    * If the output is DisableDeleteNotify = 1, TRIM is currently disabled on your device.
    * If the query result is DisableDeleteNotify = 0, the TRIM support is enabled on your SSD.

    Enable TRIM on SSD via Command Prompt
    If you prefer a Windows built-in way to enable TRIM on your SSD, follow the steps below:
    Step 1. Right-click the Windows icon, select "Search" and type cmd in the Search box.
    Step 2. Right-click "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as administrator".
    Step 3. Type: fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0 and hit Enter.

    According to the spec sheet, either M.2 Socket (M2_1) or (M2_3) should be used for full x4 NVMe performance.

    Unchecked (blank selection box) means off.
  7. HikaruSniper

    HikaruSniper Kapellmeister

    Nov 20, 2021
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    When I talk about a clean uninstall+install, when a new version of a program comes out, I refer to:
    1- Uninstall (preferably using an uninstaller, I use IObit Uninstaller, but there are many options)
    2- Reboot
    3- Clean traces with a registry cleaner like CCleaner
    4- Reboot again
    5- Proceed to install

    Hope it can be of any help.
  8. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Can you try running and posting a screenshot of CrystalDiskInfo?
  9. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Trim is not necessary with never SSD, it just shortens it's life span
  10. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Actually my SSD/NVMe is fine on Studio One version 5.0.1 and other DAWs, is this method safe?
    Sorry I asked, just wanted to make sure. Thanks


    Thank you for the advice.
    I've done all those points.
    However I used Revo uninstaller then CCleaner.
    And the result is the same. Lag and stutter occurs only in version 6.
    Then I went back to version 5.0.1 and boom... The problem disappeared (no lag / no stutter).


    Hi, thanks for responding...


    CrystalDiskInfo & Task Manager on Studio One 6.0.1

    CrystalDiskInfo & Task Manager on Studio One 6.0.1 5.0.1

    CrystalDiskInfo & Task Manager when idle on desktop
    I'm curious, what is the SSD/NVMe writing when idle?
    Is it normal when idle?


    What do you suggest?
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022
  11. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Windows is smart enough to handle Trim when necessary, it is absolutely unnecessary to even try looking at these settings if you're running Windows 10 or higher.

    Definitely not. I'm using a XPG Gammix S11 Pro nvme over here, and it's sitting at 0% usage while I'm writing this.

    The SMART info you posted in the screenshots looks fine, and it seems to be a very recent drive, since it's still sitting at less than 10tb writes. It's still a shot in the dark, but I have a few suspicions:

    1- the drive is dying (unlikely?)
    2- there is a compatibility issue with Windows 11 (just like how Windows 10 has the 100% usage bug)
    3- there's a resource hog somewhere in the system that needs troubleshooting to be found

    With the system idle, I suggest opening the resources monitor and sorting the list by Total descending (under the disk tab) and see if you can find anything causing those spikes. One other thing that might be interesting to check is if there are any errors noted in the Windows Event Viewer under Windows Logs >> System (also try Apps).
  12. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Rather than me spouting off about how TRIM works, below are links to article aboust SSD performance & settings.

    Improve SSD Performance on Windows 11 Using These Simple Methods

    Windows 11 SSD Fix: Improve SSD Performance Now!

    How to Improve SSD Performance in Windows 11 [Step-by-Step]

    How to Optimize SSD for Faster Performance (Windows Tweaks)

    Hopefully this will help clear the fog...
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022
  13. macciemaccie

    macciemaccie Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I have no idea if this will help BUT

    I had flickering and lag issues with my Studio One 6.0 when I installed it first. The solution was playing around with the Nvidia 3D Settings for the particular app (Studio One 6).

    Maybe this will help
  14. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Alright, many thanks for responding to my question. :bow:


    I just assembled this computer around May 2022

    Is this NVMe brand really not compatible with Windows 11 Pro 21H2?

    I remember, the last thing I did before this lag problem appeared was when I deleted the backup on system restore and made a new one.

    But at that time I was not aware of this problem until one day my Studio One version 5.5.1 / 5.5.2 suddenly experienced a lag / stutter and finally I returned to version 5.0.1 then the lag problem disappeared on Studio One.
    And on other DAWs no issues at all so far. (no stutter / no lag).

    What is the relationship between NVMe and graphics performance on Studio One? What do you think?

    Like this?

    Like this? (Reload if the video doesn't appear)

    Thanks in advance :bow:


    Right. Useful guides.
    I will read them one by one.
    Thank you for the information.


    What things did you change in your NVidia 3D settings?
    I wanted to see if I could implement this in my AMD Radeon graphics settings.
    Thanks in advance
  15. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    I'm really not seeing anything that truly indicates what is going on. At this point, I'm leaning towards an issue with Windows 11. If you get really sick of it, maybe try downgrading to Windows 10 to see if this issue keeps happening there.
  16. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    There are known issues with Windows 11. Recoomended to have current version totally up-to-date.

    Would recommend updating to Windows 11 22H2 for much improved performance, fixes, etc...
  17. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I'm a Windows 11 21H2 user, if I update to Windows 11 22H2, in your experience will it make it worse?
    I read in some cases, 22H2 has problems.

    It's not possible for me to install Windows 10 because all the app installers that I use 90% disappear when one of my hard drives is corrupted like this: (So I can't re-install everything it takes to get me working again.)

    If you understand how to make this hard drive readable again, I will PM you.
    Because all installers are on this hard drive.
    Thanks in advance :bow:


    I see :yes:

    Is there an official offline installer that I can download to update to 22H2?
    Can you show it please?
    Thanks in advance :mates:
  18. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Not sure if you've tried this but change Studio One's dropout protection to max instead of minimum.
  19. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Hi Havana, thanks for response
    Anyway, I did but nothing change regarding of visual stuttering / lag issue
  20. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Uh... is this HDD still connected to your PC? If so, try removing the SATA cable from it (or from your motherboard, whatever is easier) and see if the stutters are gone.
  21. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    This hard drive was removed a few months ago. still waiting to be fixed, although I don't know what to do.
    Right now I put it on my desk and it doesn't connect to the PC at all.
    The photo was taken at the time my hard drive was damaged.

    Recently my Studio One version 5 issued a pop up like this.

    This is the first time this has happened in Studio One v5.0.1.

    Is my memory RAM problem?
    I use Corsair VENGEANCE® RGB RS 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz C16 Memory Kit.
    I bought it at the same time as assembling this PC around May 2022.
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