Other DAW users opinion on Bitwig

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Mind Cover, Oct 9, 2022.

  1. emax2

    emax2 Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2011
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    I use Studio One because it interfaces with my PreSonus 16.4.2 perfectly
  2. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    Based on the title of the thread and the original post, the question appears to be directed to users of other daws. To suggest that someone who uses a daw other than Bitwig has neither tried it, nor heard or read anything about it and what it can do is clearly speculation on your part.
  3. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    I've used Cakewalk since it came out 30 years ago. I've tried FL, Cubase, Reaper, Bitwig, n-Track Studio, Ableton, MPC.
    They all get the job done I guess, although a few of them I totally hated. FL was the worst POS ever.

    I find the 'Settings' in Bitwig to be very limited indeed. A tiny subset of all the things I want to be able to setup my own way.
    And I get mad every time Bitwig starts looking for all the presets of my plugins! WTF for!
  4. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Probably very good but unsexy to me
  5. Genoveva Bernhard

    Genoveva Bernhard Producer

    Jan 31, 2022
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    I've used Cubase for years and, for about a year and a half, Studio One. I like Bitwig's XY controllers and sandboxing.

    Cubase has scoring which Bitwig doesn't. I can also correct notes to a scale before or after I've recorded them. Cubase's ASIO-Guard is important for my meager laptop. Integration with my Nektar Impact's faders and knobs works well through Quick Control. I can score to video although I haven't done that yet. MIDI and audio editing is deep in Cubase. You don't need an external note tuner since there's VariAudio. Cubase's built-in sampler is a dream to work with. Many other reasons as well.
  6. Magic Max

    Magic Max Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2022
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    Do you take everything so seriously?
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i have tried bitwig and many others (Sonar 6, Cubase 3 & 5, Logic 5.5, Studio One v5, FL 3-9, Reason 5& 11, ProTools 12),

    My Main DAW is Live 11 (using Live since v8.0.1, before FL was my to go, so ive been using Live very long.), Reaper 6+ for plugin developing, testing. I use Reason 12 as plugin to have access to Malström, Subtractor and its FX inside Live, it this has a very gritty unique character.

    1. I like the sandboxing for 3rd party plugins, Live doesnt have this and it can be annoying.
    2. Bitwig has very cool on board synths, powerful ones, here Live 11 falls short, but bitwig does have imo weaker FX plugins (dont get me wrong, it has certain strong and creative ones, but has not the variety Live has!)
    3. I hate the bitwig GUI, its feels not creative to me compared to Live GUI, which is very minimal and tidy.
    4. What i miss in Live is that you could change the Splash image, in bitwig you can still do this. made this in summer
      it just give a total different vibe, to the original and the plain black Live 11 splash!
    5. As bitwig first released in 2014, i was really up for moving from Live to bitwig, but somehow i didnt like it in the end, particular because there was realy updated release of bitwig, adding to the workflow, which never inspired me. Maybe bitwig isnt just for me.
    Hope those are some interesting points. For me Live will always be the winner, i feel home in it, it just feel natural, like an instrument to me, sure some things annoy me, but i found way to make them less annoying! One thing i never found a solution for is to really pitch an audio clip from lets say 0 pitch to +12 continuously. FL had there always Wavetraveler, which just does this perfect. I also missed the patterns from FL for a long time, but i simply got used to Live's way of doing drums inside the piano roll, not problem now for me.
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  8. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    I think it's a more genre specific daw, it's certainly not a daw I would use if I were recording a rock band.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    think it aimes on the same market Live does. primarly electronic musicians.

    I am not even sure what a rock band would use these days for recording? Pro Tools? Cubase? Anything which maybe handles audio very well? Not sure if Live is up for the task even in version 11.
  10. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    For sure, recording audio multi tracks with Ableton, FL Studio, Bitwig or anything "electronic" oriented is a pain in the a**

    Linear DAWs are kings in this domain.

    I don't even speak about MIXING anything multi tracked.
    Try a "simple" 32 tracks "symphonic cyber metal" mix on them :rofl::wink:
    At 64 tracks, you can jump by the window.
  11. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    XY device (and all the modulation magics) can be solved with MuLab and Gatekeeper/xferLFOs as host transport synched controllers (both of them can emit CC signals)

    there is no .clap poly modulation magic (I wouldn't use PhasePlant exclusively) but Kilohearts(and Reaktor and etc.) stuffs otherwise can do the same container-based modulation effects fx chain handling as Bitwig has... rest of the Cubase is better (for me :))

    offtopic but still dunno which is better synced or synched https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/681/synced-or-synched
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
  12. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    So, what ARE you using?
  13. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Bitwig is like Ableton just in better.
    Former Ableton employees programmed it and actually cared about their userbase. Modularity is one if Abletons biggest strength to this day, now that every DAW has copied session mode - and Bitwig has the best modularity of all DAWs since they introduced Grid.

    Also sandboxing. When will Ableton introduce that? In 10 years? Happy waiting...
  14. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I have given it a chance (I've tested v4.4, available on sister site), but sincerely I don't like it.
    I prefer Ableton Live 11 (even I'm using Lite) and REAPER 6.

    I don't like:
    - the MIDI controllers setup page
    - switching from default WASAPI to ASIO requires application restart!
    - the GUI and its workflow.

    I don't mean it's a bad DAW, anyway, simply I don't like it.
    As usual, for a personal opinion, the best way is to test it.
  15. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Used live since V1 actually since the beta 0.7 or0.9 i think
    cubase since VSt and FT2. Dabbled in in a slew of others.
    Back in with Steinberg. Use to ea lesser extent live but more so reason again (since Plugin)
    and Bitwig the most for Sound Design.

    If they Manage to ease, the sometimes, ridiculous user base its one of the daws of the future
    Instead of forcing you to choose the daws own plugins like Reason used to.
    It makes you forget there are plugins outside, not completely right now.
    But those fellas @Bitwig are really creative at implementing functions.

    like this

    that make you think about sound differently, just like live used to make.
    And Reason about the How. That´s what i like about Bitwig.

    Mixing i would not do in a daw like live or Bitwig
    Cubendo is my choice for that.

  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    lets agree to disagree?

    for me the strong points of bitwig outweights the negative points and what i personal love to do, bitwig cant deliver.

    Well for the sandboxing, simply test plugins through, i narroweed it down to have no bad plugin in Live and Live hardly hardly crashes for me.
  17. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I am Cubase and FL Studio user from my beginning, FLStudio for some sketches, but Cubase for full productions. If I remember I have tried Bitwig since initial release, i can not say just i like it, i love it, but have no time to learn it so I can make full productions there. Couple days ago i tried v4 well it is still amazing, and i love that it can use FL Studio projects. Amazing feature. It has some good things I am interested in. Overal thought it is an excellent DAW if you are totally in. For sure i will try to engage it more in my productions.
  18. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    That's something everyone should do, though, in addition, nailing all your pultecs etc. down to the clone that has the lowest latency but still delivers
  19. luckyLuke7

    luckyLuke7 Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2021
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    It's a crazy DAW lots of possibilities. I really like but I invested so much time and effort on Ableton like controllers and templates, (push2 wrote myself some control scripts for lunchControlXL ) ,effects rack I can quickly come up with anything in Ableton due to been there for so long but If I was to start again today will use Bitwig on Linux to avoid shit OS that you have to use just for DAW. In also avoiding MAC as you cannot open it and add RAM and Change hard drive anymore like used to a decade ago.

    Nowadays there's plenty of tutorials on Bitwig so it's quick to learn also any tutorial on Ableton you can easily translate to Bitwig. In some way it's like Cubase and Studio One kind of thing. It's like the younger brother.

    Supports Linux what else you need. Did I mentioned Linux already ? :guru:
  20. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Bitwig is weirdly a kind of clone of Ableton, and both of them are unintuitive to use coming from normal daws like cubase or reaper. you really have had to start using daws with Ableton in order to get how those kind of daws work i think. i can't get into those kind of workflows, but i wish i could.
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