help authourizing ez 2 within reaper

Discussion in 'Software' started by one eyed willy73, Nov 12, 2022.

  1. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Modesto Ca.
    Hello, basically have givin into trying to make crack work for my needs, so i purchased ez 2 and 13 other expansion packs.
    With that being said, when i try to open a virtual instrument inside reaper, it wants me to login to toontrack and then gives me the option to either put serial online or offline.
    My problem is when i select any of the 2 options, i then copy the serial to clipboard and then paste it .
    I then try pushing the authourize button, but nothing happens.
    I am putting in the right credentials , but reaper wont allow the serial to activate the ez 2 that says in my toontrack account ready to use. I am blind and use a screenreader to navigate everything on the screen.
    Maybe my screenreader is not activating the actual authourize button .
    what should happen when it activates within reaper interface?
    I previously had everything working great from crack but i uninstalled an update that broke everything that made or allowed the crack to work inside reaper on my roland module.
    Ifanyone has any ideas of what i need to do to authourize ez 2 within reaper, would be a great help.
    I also tried installing latest ez 3.0.4 vr crack. The problem with that vr crack is my screenreader cannot recognize the or any newer graphics that are on newer vst 3 options.
    The only vst 2 options can be recognized by my screenreader.
    I did get as far as installing ez 2.1.8 without installing latest update 2.2.3 update.
    I then was able to open the stand alone on pc navigate all of ez 2 interface, but i could not hear any sounds through my roland module.
    I could hear all sounds within interface , when i would select kit pieces etc.. So i would have not needed any more help but the biggest thing i want ez 2 is to play on my e drums.
    I do have and own sd 2 and 3, so i know i am not needing those to run ez 2.
    I think if i can get ez 2 authourized and running in reaper i should be good to go.
    Thank anyone for suggestion on my new issue.
  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Answer
    Why are you trying to use a crack when you own the retail package?

    Make sure you have the original, clean retail downloads saved/backed up.

    You need to do a total uninstall the cracked EZdrummer software and clean up any registry traces and SSD/HDD installed locations.

    Now reinstall the retail package and choose how you want to register & activate. Either offline or online.
  4. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Modesto Ca.
    Ok thanks for info.
    Looks like i am gonna need to pick up another external drive to to be able to run my new legit version of ez 2.
    Thanks Quadcore for advice.
  5. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Modesto Ca.
    I did have the older r2r crack working , but i uninstalled a update from the drum kit from hell and ever since i did that action i cannot figure out what uninstalling the update did to undo everything that was working on crack?
    Basically i dont understand when the toontrack installer say we have detected a previously directory, it then suggest installing onto my external f disk drive, but then also says it will the pluggin on c program files steinberg vst pluggins.
    Why does it say it will install onto f , but also say it will install on c drive?
    When i install the 2.1.8 c crack, it gives me many options to install several different selections.
    I will then select the 32 bit ,64 bit, rtas, then for sounds and midi i select my external f drive.
    For 32 bit i choose c program filesx 86 steighnberg vst pluggins, for 64 bit iselect cprogram files , stineberg, vst pluggins.
    the crack does not ask where to install rtas option, then i install stand alone on c program files , toontrack.
    Does that look right for me wanting to rrun ez drummer 2 inside reaper as a virtual instrument?
    I wait for around at least 20 to 30 mins. for install.
    After that i then install older tbv r2r crack install 32 and 64 of ez d 2 to same locations like i did with the 2.1.8 c.
    I then perform the update for both 32 and 64 ez 2.
    I then update the sound lib. aswell.
    I figure that is when i can then go to crack dll folder , then copy the 64 bit patched tbv , then go to c, program files stineberg vst pluggins, then toontrack, wich is created from previous 2.1.8 c install.
    The only file i see inside the toontrack folder , is the original dll created from the install.
    I then paste the cracked 64 dll from tbv.
    Does that sound and look like the way both those installations should work?
    I may not understand the option when during install toontrack says about we have detected a previous ez drummer directory.
    Maybe this is where i get confused, cuz it says it will install on f drive , but also say another location on c drive aswell.
    And lastly , that brings me to sayingthat is why i finally gave up on trying to make those cracks work, cuz previously, i had both versions of cracks working just great, any lib from ez drummer would open with no dialogs saying you need the latest ez drummer to run this lib.
    That is why i recently puchased the 15 libs. with ez 2.1.8 .
    I really want the crack working again, cuz i have spent more than enough money on full versions of ez 2 libs.

    I have read on here that when replacing dll files, with tbv ones, they are sopposed to be outside of the toontrack folders , basically pasted on stineberg vst pluggins, and not the toontrack folder created by the 2.1.8 c version.
    Would love to make the cracks work for me again.
    I cannot use or apply the newer 3.0.4 vr versoions, cuz my screenreader cannot read or recognize the newer vst 3 install options within that crack.
    The only version that my screenreader can recognize is the older vst 2 options available on ez drummer 2.
    I have sd 2 and 3, installed on pc, from what i can understand, as long as i have sd 3 vers. 3.1.6, then i should be able to run all the later ez 2 libs. like into the dark, death metal, in the pocket, and so on.
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