New Synth on the Block : Rapid from Parawave

Discussion in 'Software News' started by yabiss, Nov 7, 2016.


Is this a Nexus killer?

Poll closed Nov 10, 2016.
  1. Sure i never liked nexus anyway

    5 vote(s)
  2. I hope so, i'm fed up with the nexus cash machine model

    6 vote(s)
  3. Close, pretty close, dude

    2 vote(s)
  4. Are you kidding? In your dreams may be pal

    6 vote(s)
  1. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I heard there's a developer version of Nexus that has a higher range of control but the dev doesn't want to release it.
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  2. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    That reFX guy Markus is like Urs Hekmann's insidious and even more greedier brother who is not as proficient at DSP. I wouldn't buy pot from him, let alone a VSTi. :hahaha: I remember some KvR threads "featuring" Markus... :wow:
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  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    It's true. It's not even a developer version, it's actually the retail nexus version with "dev mode" enabled. From a business point of view (aka expansions sale) it makes sense not to let end-users have access to a 60-oscillators full-fledged synth. However, all the limitations are known before purchasing the product so I don't see this unfair.
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  4. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    what sinewave said!!
  5. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Unknown fact . You CANNOT resell your license. If you buy it, it's yours and yours only. You cannot change your username and your email. Interesting marketing theory for an unknown product :dont:
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  6. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I have a question, if anyone has experience in this field, feel free to let me know.
    I want to buy this synth together with a friend, where one of us buys the synth and downloads the licens, data files, etc. and the other one logins and downloads the same stuff. Will this be possible or is there a chance that the licens might be limited to only one PC/IP at a time? I think that it is very normal to have multiple instances of plugins across your devices (fx: laptop and desktop).
    So what do you guys think?
  7. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I really really fail to understand what's so fascinating about this such a limited, preset based synth, and its price, and the developer is just deterring and repulsive. I don't get it?! :mad: Am I mad, or who is mad actually? If you want a preset based synth with limited editing you can buy Omnisphere. Why is this POS so, so enticing for some people? :sad: It really doesn't sound like anything special, on the contrary it sounds quite average, or even worse than that. :sad: I just keep asking myself WTF when it comes to Nexus.

    One word: Serum. Two words: Serum and Spire. Enough said. :wink:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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  9. mottell

    mottell Kapellmeister

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Serum (or Spire) can't import multisamples or have multiple samples though. Might be a little feature, but i like "spicing" up sounds with some attack from samples and have the synth engine be the body of the sound. :)
  10. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Rapid can't import anything (be it wavetable, sample or multisamples).

    In Serum you can import audio samples in the noise oscillator although they must be prepared (attacks, noises etc) as that oscillator don't offer much functionality.
  11. total babe

    total babe Guest

    I know this is an old thread, but rather than start another one, I just wanted to ask a few of questions about this Rapid synth. After listening to some product demos today, I like what I am hearing and it looks like quite a versatile synth, easy to use but with lots of features to explore.

    Does it usually go on sale around this time of the year? After searching around it appears it went on sale for 45% off around Black Friday in 2020 and 2021. It's an expensive synth for me, so if my poor ass can save a few bucks that'd be ideal.

    Is it true you cant sell/transfer a license? I can only find one instance of someone advertising it for sale in the secondhand market (apparently already sold). I read on another forum that after purchasing you have to register online via email address to receive your license, but that it is possible to install on an offline machine (which is very important to me because my work PC never goes online!), so I guess even if the developer says they wont transfer licenses between people, you actually can so long as you're offline and don't want any future updates :dunno:

    Which brings me to, is the developer not developing this synth anymore? It appears it hasn't been updated at all in 2-3 years. I don't want to invest so much money in a synth that is already "dead" and unsellable, so to speak.

    If it is possible to sell/transfer and anyone wants to get rid of theirs, please PM me!

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    Jun 21, 2019
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    getting rapid would be a blessing ;)
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I get the feeling if you send an email to a company like this one about it, they would take your money happily, now quietly. Before you download something else, maybe change your mind about their product, and put your card away instead. You'd think 50% in the hand now is better than later.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
  14. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
    It seems that Parawave Rapid is sold at 45% off at Black Friday every year :"parawave"+"rapid"+"black+friday"&newwindow=1

    I just also saw, on their FAQ, that you can install it on as many owned computers as you want:
    Frequently Asked Questions

    On the page Terms & Conditions, you also have other answers to some of your questions. This :

    Refund of digital products
    Because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet Download we generally offer no refunds.

    Please note that we do not bear any responsibility and therefore we do not satisfy any refund/return requests based on incompatibility of our products with some third-party software. Although we generally make sure our products works with a wide number of available DAWs, we do not guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party programs and we do not provide support for third-party applications.

    The customer may at any time cancel their order before payment has been processed. We reserve the right to refuse any refund requests.

    When the customer rightfully purchases a digital product, we grant a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferrable right to install the product.The customer is allowed to install and use the product on any computer or device that is and remains in his private possession.

    The customer is not allowed to share, sell, rent, lease, transfer, license, outsource or otherwise distribute the purchased product or any part thereof or make the product available to any third party.

    The customer is not allowed to install or use the product on any third party computer or device that is not in his private possession.

    The customer shall undertake any necessary steps to protect his product and account against unauthorized use.

    In the FAQ you also have the way to contact them.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2022
  15. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
  16. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
  17. total babe

    total babe Guest

    @BlackWinny Thanks. Those are right up there with some of the strictest rules I've seen with VST plugins. Is that even legal, worldwide? :dunno:

    However, I don't see any way they can enforce any of it - other than not allowing "official" license transfers on their side I suppose. Once a customer has the license any computer in the world can use it to install offline yeah?

    Given that it hasn't been updated in almost 3 years, unless they're planning a huge free update/upgrade in the very near future (which I haven't been able to find any indication of), with all of the newly released and constantly updated OS's on both WIN and Mac PC's, it will inevitably become abandonware and people will be stuck with a digital boat anchor of sorts. Its hard to invest a couple hundred bucks into something like that.. but it does sound really nice to my ears and I could certainly use it on my Win 7 laptop or Win 10 desktop machines, as is, potentially forever. In fact, I'd probably use that laptop as a dedicated Rapid synth machine connected to my new DAW work PC.

    I have tried Surge and Odin a while ago, but didn't like them (I forget why). Vital, I am just diving into. So far so good, but I am not getting the same tones and workflow I see/imagine with Rapid. The Rapid demo shuts down after 20 minutes, only enough time to fiddle around with it, not even close to enough time for me to sound design one complex preset and there is no saving or recall which sucks and makes it hard to decide.

    Anyway, given the above rules Parawave set forth and current status of the plugin, I would rather give my money to (or trade services with) someone who wants to get rid of (or share) that "anchor" and save me some bucks at the same time.

    If all else fails I guess, if I still want it bad enough in a few weeks from now, I'll just bite the bullet and fork over the $100 when its on sale. It'd be nice if they included a choice of a couple of the expansions, like some other developers do with a new purchase, which is a substantial added cost - actually, at 49 Euro each, it will add up to much more than the synth itself. :deep_facepalm:
  18. total babe

    total babe Guest

    I did subscribe and contact them as such to find out and have not received any response whatsoever. With their pricing, no updates in 2 years, these sorts of absurd rules and a total lack of customer service, I truly hope somebody cracks and releases this before it ever goes on sale again. If any company ever deserved it, its this one.

    Also, I was PM'd a link to the "sister" site where the full retail installer and content was uploaded earlier this year, which makes me seriously wonder what sort of malarkey is going on here preventing it from being released by a team yet. Makes no sense.

    I've never had to beg a company for information or answers to simple questions, but it sure feels like ive done that with this one. At this point, I really do not want to give this company my hard earned cash.


    Jun 21, 2019
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    Rapid is a beast of a synth too bad R2R and other teams don't seem to care :( I want it so bad
  20. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Many comments here are false.
    Rapid can import, wavetables, sigle cicle waveform, and mutltisamples files, including dynamic and round Robbin layering.

    But, it's major advantage is it's resintesis engine, which allows to use a sample without the typical sampler artifacts when changing the pitch. It's other unique feature is it's true granular engine, which can go up to 100 grains, so tiny that it's completely smooth.
    All this allow to created really unique sounds that you can't achieve, even with the other most power synth for now, like Phase Plant, or VPS Avenger ( for Avenger, they are working on an update that include a new granular engine. Let's hope it will be smoother than the actual one).
    Not to speak about it's very good filters. And excellent effects.

    The only cons I can say is that you only have 4 envelopes and 4 lfo per layer of 3 oscillators, which is short, specially the envelopes and no free form envelope or lfo.

    About comparing Rapid with Nexus it simply does not makes sense at all, these are 2 completely different tools as Rapid gives you the possibility to create your own sounds from scratch with a lot of tools as I explained above.

    I own it, but I really wish that some team will crack it for everyone to discover this incredible synthesiser.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
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