Line 6 Pod Pro (legacy)

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Kris, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Kris

    Kris Newbie

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Hey guys =], so I bought this piece of gear from eBay last week and it finally came in!

    Problem is it won't power up at all. I've tried 3 different kettle leads that work and still nothing, there's a fuse inside that can be described as 2 silver ends and glass in the middle but it looks fine to me. (Pictures will follow)

    I eventually found a manual for it via Google and I followed instructions on how to reset in case that was the problem but it's not. Pod Pro Legacy

    I know it's silly but I've tried to power it up with just the power lead for starters and then set it up in studio mode and connected it to my Focusrite interface with a guitar as well just in case it only boots up when it's set up. I've also drove down to my Grandmothers Bar and set it up as if I'm using it live and still nothing.

    I'm hoping some sharp minds on here might have a solution for me cause I cant afford the newer model at the moment and I got a good deal on this guitar processor and chances are the seller won't take kindly to me sending it back to him.

    Attached Files:

  3. Kris

    Kris Newbie

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Just had it tested and it's fried!
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    oh no you've been had on the old Evil bay, Sorry to hear that! yrs back I would buy none working stuff like this dirt cheap
    the Remedy was get yourself a Heatgun off around 30.00 heat the board for a minute let cool then it resolders itself and all is uasally Good.
    or file a claim on Evil bay if uncomfortable attempting repairs, Sorry to hear that though. Good Luck :)

    PS have you wrapped the fuse with tinfoil just to make sure it wasn't bad?
  5. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    DO NOT WRAP THE FUSE IN TIN FOIL!!!!!! the fuse is there for a reason!!!!

    Ok maybe its just a fuse gone bad but maybe the fuse blue for another reason and shorting out the the fuse just send the signal now to the next weakest circuit or component... and if that over loaded then you got real problems. burt circuits or blown up IC's

    all electronic can be fixed accept if a cat pee's on it or the PCB is broken beyond repair

    Il help ya if i can

    its what i do


    what do u mean fried... did it catch on fire?

    Glass Fues like that are cheap and sometime become undone in the caps where u can't see them

    You could have bad transformer too.. but those can be replaced as well
  6. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    First of all start with the basics before blowing a gasket on your head......

    head down to your local hardware store and buy a 10 dollar multimeter (checks a lot of voltage and more important RESISTANCE!!)

    1.You need to pull that fuse out and set your multimeter to 1 k ohms and put one leed on one side and the other on the other side, as this will induce a small current through the fuse to see if the fuse is any good.

    2. now it's time to check your power adapter cord ( test this cord on another product) and socket on the POD pro, Line 6 makes some shitty power sockets ( Hello Spider 3 amp which I have LOL!! piece of crap socket)

    Since your already can open up the unit, look at the wires going into the unit and the socket on the Board that the power socket ( Female) attaches to. Sometimes this female power socket gets lost solder contacts from many inserts/ pull cord pushes. This is what is happening a lot to the old Spider 3 amps ( I own one and love it but had I had to take the board section out and reinforce the female socket with more solder and A dab of HOT GLUE to keep everything sealed.

    Post some feedbacks.. and Sorry ..
  7. steevj

    steevj Newbie

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Check the power switch. I had the power switch stop working on a PodXT so I wired around the switch. Still using it in that condition.
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