Studio One 6 R2R Questions

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by anonymous1119, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. Hello guys,
    I have a few questions about this:

    1. is it possible to log-in with my presonus account without problems?
    2. can I download the content from their downloader in the S1 start page?
  3. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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    No and no
  4. thanks! so I just use the sister site to download the content, plugins and so on?
  5. also another thing:

    among the licenses that I have created, there are a few that are already inside Studio One and seems to be activated already. For example, I have got the ampire license ready to use, created from R2R but if I go in S1 I already have that plugin and it seems to be working without the need to have any license.

    how does this work exactly?
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    if using S1 from sister site then download everything else from same site (or similar), ensure S1 is blocked from the internet, don't try to mix and match (connecting to internet and using your presonus account on non offiical downloads), otherwise it will end up in tears (and your presonus account will be banned)

    certain plugins are already installed in S!, if you have downloaded them separately, they are to be used with the S1 hub which allows the plugins to be used in a different DAW

    use you presonus account ONLY for official presonus downloads/installations
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  7. 1. actually my S1 is not blocked from the internet, in fact I receive the newsfeed on the start page, but I have not logged in with my presonus account yet. should I be fine?

    2. so the presonus hub that I saw on sister site is completely different? it just serves with other daws?
  8. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    what i did

    i installed v6 over v5 problem
    i didnt installed as studio one 6 folder as that would result in 2 versions
    ,all files went installed to that v5 folder as my current location as F:\Studio One 5 ..its v6 but placed inside v5 folder

    reason : idont wanna change the current setting/vst location specially when i have over 1000s plugins
    in certain locations at local drive like common files and vs3 folders

    i opened the add on extensions simply after i opened the daw and installed them all
    and everything is working fine (remember to block online connection and install everything as offline

    i have to thank the guy who said that v6 is just another update for v5 its no big deal
    its true its just an small update (which is why they didnt follow up with update fixes as they usually do

    so have fun guys until v7
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
  9. PumasNFatLaces

    PumasNFatLaces Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Chicago, IL.
    My question is how to properly get all extensions to activate and work? Any more instructions to this solution. Thanks.
  10. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    read my reply just above yours the answer is there
    i dont know if you are on pc or mac..for pc i can help

    in short
    go offline/open daw once it scanned your plugins double click any add on to install/ done
    then go to the next add on after that restart daw/

    if you are new installing daw make sure R2R v6 license are placed properly here
    C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus\Studio One 6\License Store
    and soundsets are placed/shortcut here
    C:\Users\yourpc\Documents\Studio One

    you cant download from presonus any add ons if you are using R2R
    these add ons are on download site and follow it r2r instructions
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
  11. Hey so basically even if I don't login with my presonus account, I should always use studio one offline? (Using R2R release)

    Because right now I am not using my presonus account but I have studio one connected to the internet since I receive the news feed on the start page
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2022
  12. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    yes you can go a head now and install the add on without login to their website (me too i can read the feeds even without connecting or login)
    just open the daw and create any track then find the add on extensions folder from r2r2 release
    simply click on the add on you want to install and let it install ,the daw will ask you to restart once you finish adding all extensions

    good luck man
  13. bIlZbUb

    bIlZbUb Newbie

    Dec 10, 2022
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    i probably already know the answer to this. i dont gaf about the extensions, im more interested in collaboraton and soundcloud integration. just for the sake of me being a numbskull... if i create/link a presonus acct to my studio one 6 install, despite having the registration server blacklisted in my firewall, will the presonus mothership brick my install? i dont mind trying but i just got everything setup including my remote app control, and id really love to use the new features, which is what brought me to studio one in the first place.. otherwise ill just go back to reaper where i dont have this ridiculous bullshit trouble.. ya get what you pay for, i suppose.. .. .heheh any info ius appreciated, thanks in advance..:like:
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