Fruity Wrapper Bridged Mode

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Someone, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Problem: A VST completly fails the export of a track. The VST is called Serenity Pro by HGF-Synthesonics. I contacted HGF, and he stated I should enable Bridged Mode in my Fruity Wrapper in order to fix the problem, and being able to export the track.

    There is no such thing as a option where I can enable this fucking mode.

    So I made a topic on FL-forums, and blabla FL9 dont have that mode, FL11 should have it. But guess what, my FL11 dont fucking have it. And of course neither does my FL9.

    Google -> No direct tutorials on how to get this god dammit option in my wrapper. A tutorial about updating the Wrapper in order to get Omnisphere work with briged mode. So I updated the wrapper in my FL11, because I dont wanna fuck up my FL9. Guess what, theres still no motehrfucking bridged mode!

    I mean WTF? Why dont have have that bitch of an option?

    Basicly my question is do any of you might have something near to an idea that could possibly lead to a solution?

    Because honestly, this whole problem just occured because I changed an octave of an oscilator in the VST thats causing this problem. One fucking octave, and nothing works! But I cant just mute one osc, and load the plugin a second time and mute the other one and just play the thing an octave lower in my piano roll, because than again nothing works. Im also not able to create a second project in order to export just one osc playing, because again NOTHING WORKS! Because of one fucking octave!!!

    Sorry for my language, this just sucks...
  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    The Hidden Gem, ill find it for you

    Edit: I think i know what they are talking about
    Do you see the icon that looks like a gear(right beside Fruity wrapper(Vst -Name) when you are looking at Serenity Pro Gui..
    Click it, then click the Processing Tab, then click Bridged
    This should be your ticket to freedom
  4. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yeah I figured that out a long long time ago... Problem was I only used 64Bit plugins on FL11, therefore the option never came up. A guy over at the image line forum helped me to figure that out.

    Now I guess its time to back everything up and update the wrapper. And hope it doesnt fuck up and I have to make use of the backup, because that just sounds really annoying...

    I think its still incredible how much effort I put into this, just because I wanna have one octave changed. Thats not even worth called editing a preset...
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    have you tried changing the vst first, saving/exporting, then trying Senerity again?
  6. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yes I tried a lot of stuff... So far Im at the point where I can export it with FL10 and that bridged stuff. The file exports properly, I guess. Have to relocate all samples first to make sure everything works 100% but so far FL is able to export with Serenity. Not without a big white noise commotion at the end, but hey... at least the MP3 works :wow:
  7. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Strange. Why would you run it bridged? It's 32-bit. I tested the free version and it plays and exports fine on FL11. FL11 loads all x64 plug-ins automatically bridged and they also run on separate ilbridge processes. :dunno:
  8. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    A have no clue... It always worked fine before. I use Serenity a lot, and never had any problems with it till now. I dont know, some bug I guess... Some bug only appearing at one preset, and only if you change the octaves :dunno: And it dont work properly in FL10 either, it just fucks up differently and not completly, so export worls and thats all I care about.

    Well, I'll just export the project via FL10 in the end, I mean I'm still able to produce wihtout problems.
  9. RemiliaStalker

    RemiliaStalker Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    You can try some 3rd-party bridging plugins such as jbridge1.5 for x64 plugins,just a bit more stable than the Wrapper itself...
  10. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    FL Studio 64x bridge does not work very well and is VERY unstable when used how it's sopposed to be used. I mean it seems like a great idea, even allows you to fake memory with virtual memory literally allowing you to use 30gigs of virtual memory as real memory in bridged mode but as you've come to find out one of the problems is exporting.

    As for jbridge... It in all honesty has a whole net set of BS problems that go with it not to mention it leaks memory like a 7 foot hole in a dam.

    Personally I'm waiting for the true x64 FL Studio to be released.. Because finding work around for such small but frustating things can be rediculous.
  11. mr.mackie

    mr.mackie Newbie

    Jan 31, 2014
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    im also wondering y the bridge has issues. sometimes wen u open a plugin it gets stuck in bridge mode.
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