Studio Monitors, Eve or RCF.

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Evorax, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hello guys!

    I know these models are not the same size and the RCF Mytho 6 is a little more expensive here, but i never tried them yet but i was wondering about your opinion about these models, if you ever had the chance to hear/test/work with them, and if you did so what would you choose between these monitors?

    I want to upgrade from Yamaha HS80m and Esi Aktiv 08 (these pairs are my actual studio monitors) to a higher quality solution, and i found out from some friends that Eve monitors sounding not only as detailed on highs as ADAM but also more smooter and more sweeter, whitch tempting me so bad to try them.
    I worked in the past on Adam and Dynaudio monitors, i liked the Adam more than Dynaudio, so Eve i think is something similar but a bit more sweeter than Adam (which usually some users called Adams being a bit harsh for their tastes, so i guess Eve is the best balance).
    The EVEs are also very linear with a punchy and neutral sound, even the smaller models like 204 they say it sounds bigger than they looks and the design seems appealing too.

    Anyway, Mytho monitors from italian company RCF founded in 40 by big guys like Rossi, Campari and Ferarri, even if these monitors are a no-name in the monitoring solutions for most of the big recording studios but more known for their quality live speakers (but even so, there's actually a few studios who uses them), these MYTHOs are actually UNBELIEVABLE sounding for my friends who tested them, saying that these are the only studio monitors on earth with a normal metal dome tweeter that is capable to sound so DAMN SMOOTH AND DETAILED but also CRAZY LINEAR!!
    They said that the mids are perfect and on the low-side its great too but they lack somehow the punch of the Adam and Eve in the 120-200hz area (you know, the thump of the acoustic kick) but they said that i can compensate that with a subwoofer set on a higher crossover.

    Other details about these Mythos are the fact that they are carefully checked before packaging and that they have integrated DSP to make sure that is gonna behave properly, but what do you think guys?

    Did you heard both Eve and RCF? if yes, what would you choose between those?

    Thanks! :mates:
  3. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I heard both speakers, i've tested arround 30 different speakers before i bought mine.

    Get a pair of Focal and you'll be happy ;-) belive me. :grooves: :mates:
  4. MehdiMuzikk

    MehdiMuzikk Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Studio Monitors a lot of specification Different's also they have a same purpose (object) on my personal opinion I think the chose of Monitors had a relationship with the work you want use it for . for example (if you Making electronic Music you need hear low's frequency than you need Monitors and for way not Studio Subwoofer ) anyway I advice you KRK RP5 RoKit G2 or FOCAL CMS 65 If you are electronic Musician *yes*
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Yea', i heard myself some Focals too, they sounded great, but i never tested them in comparision with Mytho or Eve, but anyway, some of my friends who managed to listen to Mytho and also to Focal, told me the Focals's highs sounded somehow metalically and brighter in a unpleasent way (but that was just in comparision to Mytho, who managed to produce the same amazing details but more sweetly and balanced for the ears). I'd like to know what other people think about the Eve too.

    So yes, i heard myself the Focals too and they perform well, but not that amazing for my taste, but i can still think about them.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    RP5 Rokit G2???? :rofl: Are you fuckin' serious??? :rofl: I have better studio monitors even now before upgrading (ESI Aktiv 08 & Yamm HS80M).
    Rokits sounds like toys for deafs for me :rofl: (no ofense).

    I know FOCAL CMS 65 but it wasn't so appealing to my ears (because i already worked on better monitors like ADAMS A77X and Dynaudio BM6a MKII before).
    My friends told me about Eve Audio Monitors that they have the deepest sounding 5" monitors on the market (but also accurate at the same time) and even de 4" monitors sounds bigger and more dynamical than it looks without sacrificing the linearity of freq' response. The 7" (Eve SC207) seems better than Adam A7X for them, telling me that EVE monitors are like Adams but just more balanced having fixed the things that usually some Adam users didn't liked.
    Others say that in a comparation between both companies, the EVEs are warm and the Adams are cold (even so, me because i didn't heard the EVEs yet, i would say Adams sounds warm too).
    Anyway, they said that EVEs are like the high-end Genelecs, sounding pleasent and warm but also accurate, being used by so much studios these days.

    I have in mind to upgrade, not to downgrade, so please don't give me examples of low-end monitors.
    I was even thinking about 3way EVE 305 monitors, they seems to go down to 35hz with the sub freqs, so no need for a subwoofer i guess.
    For the Mytho, i didn't found a dedicated subwoofer for these pairs on their website so i don't know how easy would be to calibrate them to different company subwoofer.
  7. thenightflyer

    thenightflyer Newbie

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Focal...i tried Samson, KRK and Mackie but the best choice is Focal.
    Actually I own SM9 models, they are too much expansive but you can find a less expansive model in the Focal lineup...
  8. MMJ

    MMJ Newbie

    Jan 30, 2014
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    hello i went through the same process and i can honestly tell you without a shadow of a doubt to get the equator d5 studio monitors they perform with the same accuracy as studio monitors 5 times their price they are simply stunning
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Focal Twin 6 BE or Event Opal

    *** End of Thread ***

  10. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    The best monitors to mix on are the ones that you have listened to and have some long term experience with, so you have some reference point. Not everybody likes the same things or hears things the same way. I got KRK Rokit 10/3 midfields because they sound a lot like my old JBL 4311B control monitors, which I used for years and years. My room is big, and I like to play bass through the monitors to record, and they can handle that. I could see stepping up to the next level with those (the VX). Need a bit more power. But if I were mixing mostly acoustic or classical type stuff, KRK's might not be my choice anyway. I have never heard anybody say anything bad about Adams until now, but I have never heard them. Lots of people like the sound of Yamaha, including me, I just don't have as much experience with those, but they are very common. I would like to hear Events. There are so many quality brands anymore. You need to find something that suits your ears and your room. I always take my mixes and listen to them on other systems anyway, just to make sure I hear the same balance between things, double check certain frequencies that are easy to get "too hot". Almost all decent monitors will work, if you understand how what you hear on your system is going to sound elsewhere, because transducer technology has come a long way in the last couple decades. I also chose mine because they are in my home stereo/DVD system, and I like to crank it up and dance around (yep, still do that) and I like to practice drums to recordings and loops without headphones. So I like monitors that will sound good when I do that. Personal preference--- again.
  11. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I heard about Equators too, but i also heard that they have the self-noise levels very high and i heard alot of guys complaining about that. What do you think? The noise is really that noticable to be bothering?
  12. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    KRK is only good, if you are deaf or dead! By the way, if, you find the tweeter of the Focal sound metallic, then the top-end of the song sounds like this ;-) i work with Focal Twin 6Be + Sub, Yamaha NS-10 and PMC BB5-XBD-A and the Focal is the best sound for the money.
  13. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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  14. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    Hey! I don't know about Mythos, but I just upgraded myself from Yamaha HS80 to EVE SC208. I am mostly a producer and for producing, EVE are far better from Yamaha and help me find better "what's missing". I only upgraded 3 weeks ago and I can't tell you if they translate better or not, still they should do that. Of course, the choosing of monitors is very personal choice and you should listen to monitors before buying. *yes*
  15. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Adam! :snuffy: Adam sounds good, for itself. But, i found out, during my testing period that the're faking sound. Thats why i choose Focal. If you dont know what i mean, i'll explain.
    For example, if you mix a track and you fade in a pad or a synth, on Adam Speakers, you hear the instrument much more earlier. This makes you choosing the wrong level. The sound of the Adam is hard to replicate on other speakers. And this is the problem, and i must say, a crucial problem, during mixing. I compared the the Focal with A77X and even the largest Adam S7X and else. We even went to Adam Factory in Berlin to compare the speakers. :grooves: So thats why Focal is the best choice. For electronic Music the CMS series or the SM6 Solo is great. But for all other music too. If you want some monitors for A/B monitoring, get the Yamaha NS-10 or HS8/HS80m. But keep your fingers away from KRK. Especialy the newer ones. The early KRK uses Focal driver. If you want some other really good monitors, get a pair of Geithain, Barefoot, ATC or PMC. Oh i forgot, i can recommend the Neumann KH310, they are absolutely great sounding.
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    One of my friends told me the FOCAL sounded a bit metalically on the highs only in comparision with the Mythos, not in general. Make a comparision between Mytho 06 and Focal CMS65 and maybe you'll realize what they meant about the "metalic" difference between the Mytho highs and Focal highs.
    About your subjective theory with the "pad synth" sounding early on ADAM, i saw this "theory" wrote by you on alot of topics, so it's not the first time when you talk about it. I think you're pretty pissed off on the Adam monitors, because i don't understand why a studio pro God :beg: like you can't work with a ADAM monitors pair and other mortal intermediate grammy nominee and famous skillful artists can, i really can't figure it out why other can and you don't. :beg:
    Saying the crap like
    : "
    you clearly show yourself how "pro" you are if you form such a subjective opinion about a false test, just to make sure that you'll make others to buy the Focals by bashing the ADAM monitors's performance when they are clearly studio solutions and not hi-fi speakers. :snuffy: I REPEAT: I don't understand why so much pros that are more famous and more skillful than you makes grammy records on ADAMS and you, because you can't achieve the same success, you just blame a studio monitoring solution's brand just as a coulture or fanboy for FOCAL.
    Man, i will always admit that FOCAL monitors are BEASTS and UNBELIVEABLE sounding monitors, but i will try to stay objective without bashing other monitors being one of the few who say "ADAMS are not for studio use, bla bla bla, even if others are more famous, skillful and succesful than me who used ADAMs, they was just lucky to make something sound good on them, blah blah blah".
    I don't know how you did that "fade in pad" sound test, but i guess you're one of the guys who say that KRK Rokit monitors are the best :rofl: (yes, i mean that you're deaf)
    Man, how can you talk shit about ADAMs when you didn't spend more than a year working on them? Did you tested some that got already burn in? I used in the studio ADAM A7X and also A77X and the imaginary "timing problem" of a fading-in pad it was always inexistent. *yes* so please, if you really want to keep coming with fanboyish lies posts about how awesome Focals are and ADAMs aren't, then you can keep yourself away from this topic. You can't contradict somebody about the things that he used the most on his studio use. :wink:

    I was really into buying the SC208 myself too, but i think my room isn't big enough for them, so that's why i would choose the SC207 instead. :mates:
  17. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Yea', he's the same guy who said that the ADAMS are better option for listening situation but not to make music on them. And what i couldn't figure out is how does that "fading-in pad sound" sounds early and wrong only when you make music, but when you listen to official records using the ADAMS as hi-fi speakers, does a song that contain a fading pad element in the mix, sounds early too? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
    If his "fading-in pad" test would be true, then it shouldn't be available only for making music situation, but also to listening situation, because the speakers aren't alive to make behaving exceptions based on what you do with them. :rofl: Sounds so irrelevant :rofl:

    By the way, thanks for the correction edits in my posts. I'm sorry for it.
  18. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    i worked with Adam a long time, and i liked them, but i had to compare the mixes always on other speakers. Now its not always necessary anymore, only occasionally. Problem is, Adam sounds accurate if you spend more money. S4X-H, and upwards, are speakers who are useful. But expensive. The lower priced speakers have this ribbon tweeter problem, that they show sounds who can only be heard on other ADAM speakers. Before we bought the speakers for our studios, we tested a lot, even the S7A and the S6X. By the way, before you buy the speakers, try them in the room, where you are going to use them. Not every speaker sounds good in every room.
  19. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    If you couldn't work it out working with ADAMs, then blame yourself, not the monitors. And NO :dont: you don't need the monitors above S4X-H models to be able to to get a great mix/master. If you can't get something to sound right on them, then blame yourself, because there's so much artists out there, even famous, who makes hit records with just a mid-end ADAM A5X/A7X coupled with a subwoofer and NEVER complaining about anything, not even feeling the need for upgrading, and alot of them making music even for international labels and their overall mixing/mastering quality doesn't differ next to the other records songs.
    This time you owned yourself with your complaining, because now you shown us how pro you are, if you can't get a mix/master right on some monitors speakers that others make hit records on them. :drummer:
  20. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I never say anything is "best". It's just what works for you. If you want the "best" everything, I hope you have deep pockets. KRK's are popular because they do a lot for the money. There is always something "better". Particualrly when you start looking for opinions. Do mine sound the best? No. They just do the most of what I need for the best price. Would I rather have something else? Sure, if I had more money. Ha ha, nobody mentions one of my favorites-Westlake Audio. But those are out of my price range.
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Thanks for your opinion buddy!
    By the way, i never heard about this company before, so thanks, i learned something new from you :mates: