Is it clever to build a hackintosh in 2023 ?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by aeroflot, Oct 29, 2022.

  1. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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    And IF yes
    DO YOU Have tips
    An idea of the prices
    I have never used other CPUs but INTEL
    I know Zero in AMD and Graphic card all the same
    SO you see I m a Dumb wannabe Hackintosher
    I would appreciate a lot advices and talk to me like I m a child I dont mind LOL
  3. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Every day Apple is locking things down more and more with their proprietary hardware making it less attractive then it once was since its becoming increasingly difficult to do so. It appears Hackintosh's days are numbered.
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  4. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    I built a Hackintosh in 2019, it has a dual boot with a Windows system too. I almost never use the Mac system tbh unless i need to go find a super old project (which is a rare event), i committed to Windows because of the planned obsolescence of Mac, i hate having to always update in order to use newer software etc. It makes me feel trapped, like i always have to spend money around the corner.

    I don't think there's much point building a Hackintosh now because Apple use their own CPU's now. So unless you can source an M2 chip to buy separately, or you're okay with staying on an old version of macOS forever, then i don't think it's possible (unless there's a way that i'm unaware of, i stopped following Hackintosh news).
    Macs used to use Intel CPU's, which is what allowed flexibility to make Hackintoshes if you had the patience to research how to do it. I don't know if that flexibility will exist anymore
  5. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Better off investing in a M1 Mac Mini, would be cheaper than the value of the PC hardware required for a decent Hackintosh.
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  6. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    No, its not 'clever', more like 'not worth it'. Unless your running logic or some other prorietary OSX program, OSX don't provide any inherant value over just using Windows. This is coming from someone who has built numerous hackintoshes throughout the years.

    As an IT professional, I personally have not seen the value in apple products since the 2010's. I actually stoped accepting jobs on apple computers, because theyre not worth the time headache.

    For music and multimedia windows has been the platform of choice all of my computers, and studios. Even old macs are running windows now. As a power user, windows at least lets me tweak my system the way I like, and for clients it is less restictive and more future proof than OSX.
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  7. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    i created a dual boot hackintosh with 2 NVME some years ago.
    It worked perfectly with the right hardware.

    After loosing days just to install "sister site" releases and some others non working "medecines" for Adobe and such ... i just stopped using OSX.
    And YES i disabled security features ... still not worked "fast and easy" similar to win 10.

    Now the second NVME is a "fast load" support.
    Win 10 only now.

    It is NOT a matter of hackintosh VS M1 to gain some money.
    It is a matter of OSX becoming more and more a pile of sh*t every new version.
    M1 or not.
    OSX on computer will soon feel like an iPad : totally locked down AND striped down.

    I was dreaming about an OSX workstation ... it lasted 3 months before i came back to Windows only.

    YES OSX was a nice OS ... until they started killing it.

    Once again : it is not hackintosh VS real.
    It is OSX vs Windows on a dual boot ... and like most ppl you will end with Win only.
    Yes it is sad, but true.
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    When you guys start putting projects with 50+ channels, do you see any problems? I think the Mini gets expensive rather quickly when you upgrade the RAM to 16gb. If you load 5 gig of stems into a project, with only 8gig ram; that somehow works ok? See how Bounce and Replace All Tracks in Logic functions with 50 channels with 8gb.

    I'd get a Studio and call it a day. Still a grand cheaper than a MacBook Pro. :)
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
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  9. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Ive built mine exactly one year ago, performs great but.. i was not into beta testing the new M1 chips! Everything works as expected just some really minor issues like couldn't get sleep to work (couldn't care less about it), just stick with one OS and forget about updates every year. After all the latest MacPro is Intel and was released in 2019 so support will last almost 10years like previous model 5.1 did. In 2 to 5 years if you're not happy just get a new machine and sell as a PC or in parts. But yeah each to their own.
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  10. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Macs is for the elite like a few of us, but you probably can't afford it so I would suggest to stick to your Lada :)
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    That's not really fair. A Hackintosh is more like taking a Dodge Magnum to the race track. Yeah, it has a Hemi in it; but it's still a station wagon.
  12. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    A Mac Mini M1 with maxed out RAM can do the job. If an M1 Mac Mini cannot cut it for you, you can always either go for the MacBook Pro M1 (I would suggest 32GB then Pro or Max, depending if you are also using it for graphic/video), but also if that’s too much for your budget, consider getting a refurb Mac (make sure to max that RAM if you can), and using the Open Core Legacy Patcher on it.

    I still have my MacBook Pro from Mid-2012 with 16GB and an SSD and thanks to OCLP I am able to run MacOS beyond Catalina (currently at Monterey as we speak) with no issues.

    if you still want to go the Hackintosh route, please do. Use the tools at your disposal and within your budget that allow you to get the job done. All else is just rubbish. Windows, MacOS, and Linux are great OS’s and each have DAW’s and plugins available for you to work with. Find out what combination of OS/hardware/software makes sense to you and helps you to get the job done.

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  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    my point about the Mini, is that while you do get larger internal HD or SSD; the Mini @ 16GB ram is about 1400 bucks. And about 3 - 400 of that is just the ram upgrade. It seems a lot. More economy of scale, than the actual component value.
  14. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Yes its not worth it, considering the hassle of compatibility ect.
    Disagree, there is absolutly inherent value in having an OS optimised for the hardware and consistently updated with developments live in Ventura.

    So as an "IT Professional" you cant see the value in Apple silicon over x86? You cant see the advantage in buying a product with upwards of 3 times the power? Powerful Inbuilt GPU and unified ram? You cant see the value in a massive drop in power consumption & irradiated heat? You cant see the advantage in smaller desktop footprints? You cant see the advantages of rock-solid reliability (my professional user expierience since buying into the M1 platform.

    As a power user? X86 is less restrictive & future-proof? Really? Thats Realy Realy bad advice for anyone investing in a new system. If you're a tight ass and cheap, nothing will convince you the advantage of quality. Lots of my clients use laptops now and give me a Macbook over any Windows laptop any day of the week, you pay for what you get.

    I've dumped all my Desktops in favor of a top-line macbookpro 14' M1 Pro as have many of my clients. I have a 2017 13' i7 Macbook Pro thats rock solid. My 2015 i7 macbook pro unibody has gone to my wife and its rock solid on Monteray. The current trend in business and Media production is for people to move to powerful laptops that dock in workstations. The compatibility of interconnection within the Apple ecosystem, leaves windoze for dead. Combine a Macbook with an iPhone Promax & an Ipad Pro and the quality & creative possibilities are off the scale...

    Most People? What complete bollocks what does that even mean? Anyone buying apple silicon will be using Mac OS EOS. Theyre gonna run Windows? how ridiculous. Ventura is awesome in my user opinion, the best Mac OS so far. Hackintosh users are finished at Monteray, oh well.

    I went down the Hackintosh route and you spend more time fixing shit than making shit. Sure it was a fun experience and I'm not disagreeing or disputing that it's a good option for some however, there's a big learning curve and the Hackintosh clan does have a big support community. I guess you can call that clever but in terms of viability there's no real advantage.

    Fact of the matter is, Apple silicon has killed the Hackintosh idea for better or worse. X86 is dead and Windows is way behind Apple in every respect. Would I build a hackintosh? The game has changed, and its left the whole x86 platform behind and that a good thing for people making content.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
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  15. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Bloody Hell. What is this AOL? Have some sense man.

  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I don't quite see what you are saying.
    I think it is the font color.
    Is that a Mac thing?
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  17. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    I can't read the yellow font ... :rofl: 10 years ago, it would take me a tons of plugins to get a mix that sounded decent to me, now days I could pull a mix on my M1 MacBook Air and still have CPU resources to spare.:wink: So for me a Mac Mini with 16GB ram would be more than enough.(Unless you had lots of VSTi going.)
  18. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    No doubt the new Apple hardware is hot shit though. Mind blowingly fast. As a Windows user i'm definitely jealous. I'm a Windows guy but there's no point getting all tribalist about it. Give credit where credit's due, the Apple hardware is the best in the world at the moment
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  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    If there is no decent ARM cpu from intel/AMD i wouldnt even try a hackintosh.
    Also support for x64-x86 ended long time ago for newer macOS versions.

    Rasphery Pi's are ARM based, but not powerful enough to run macOS very good.

    i suggested also a M1 mini could do the job.
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  20. breadd

    breadd Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2020
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    proof that Apple ad campaigns are successful :rofl:
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  21. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Anyone who's saying it's more hassle than it's worth respectfully knows nothing, there is a learning curve yes but you can make it short so here are my pointers...

    Last officially supported Intel cpu is 10th gen (i say Intel if stability is your main thing) but you can use 11th 12th and even 13th gen with a bit of modification which is nothing than copying a code from a website putting it in your config file.

    What you can do is this see what motherboards and features you want up to z690 or even b660 i just recommand anything from Gigabyte and Asus, sometimes msi can have issues...

    After that visit Github past your motheboards model then write efi or opencore...

    Here's an exemple i just followed i picked this motherboard "Gigabyte Z690 GAMING X DDR4" past it's name then added efi on github and i got this EFI-GIGABYTE-Z690-Gaming-X-DDR4-12700K-RX5700XT-Hackintosh

    It even gives you the options that needs to be changed in your bios on this secion.

    Now there's two things that needs to be understood hardware wise, Samsung NVMe have issues so you need to avoid them, and GPUs anything from RX 460 up to 6900xt is supported natively (6950xt and all 50 needs moditication so just go with the 6900xt or 6800/xt)so pick anything from that list and you're good to go, Nvidia not supported anymore expect Kepler with a patch and only with monterey.

    Again if you check this Github link you will see what works which is basically everything:

    • Sleep/Wake
    • Shutdown/Reboot
    • Audio
    • Video
    • WiFi + Bluetooth
    • Ethernet
    • All USB ports
    • HEVC, H.264
    • iCloud, Continuity, AirDrop, Universal Control, Unlock with Apple Watch
    • iMessage, FaceTime, Mac AppStore, iTunes Store
    • Update to newer macOS builds
    Now all you need is to chose a good set of rams case power supply and you're good to go.

    Now what you need to do is this, Visit a website called Olarila Pick what Mac os version to download and get the image file, once downloaded use a program called "Win32DiskImager" and using a 16gigs flash drive write that image to it...

    and the last thing that needs to be done, is replacing the EFI partition files with the one downloaded from the Github page...

    Assuming you have a computer that posting, and you did change the bios options as requested on the github page, all you need you need to do now is to insert the flash drive, pressing F12 or delete on your keyboard while your pc is booting chose the drive and there you go...

    use your smarthpone to youtube literally any random video once you have booted the macOS install.

    while this might look messy and long it will only take you like a few minutes to do once you have downloaded the image file.

    and i'll be happy to help anyone going this path, from picking up parts to getting them together to getting your machine up and running.
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