Soothe 2 still in use?

Discussion in 'Software' started by VSKZ, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. VSKZ

    VSKZ Producer

    Jul 9, 2021
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    Hey guys!
    I think about getting soothe 2 as it is on sale. So I wanted to ask if you still use it very often, or if it just rots in the VST folder...
  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    The latter. DSEQ covers all my spectrodynamic needs.
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  4. Jelly

    Jelly Ultrasonic

    Jan 12, 2021
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    DSEQ and Voxengo Teote take care of my needs too
    Wouldn't buy soothe2 just for it's pastel UI, though design is one of the reasons it's attractive
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  5. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    if you like the software buy it, i personally use it in every mix i do, i don't use it much, but when i do, it works magically, i usually use it on harsh guitars and harsh vocals and the results are always ear-pleasing...
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2021
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  6. DjLuigi

    DjLuigi Ultrasonic

    May 28, 2018
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    I literally use it on every mix. Hats, vocals, strings, drum bus. I even started experimenting a bit and am using it for mastering after the limiter, similar to how some would use a deesser.

    In my opinion it’s super worth it, specially if it’s on sale. My suggestion is download the demo and if you like it just pull the trigger. Gotta spoil yourself sometimes :wink:
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  7. tape_

    tape_ Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2021
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    From time to time I find its main function useful, it's definitely not a magical "from very harsh to instant soft" one click tool as some comments before the release of the crack suggested. But it can of course soften the signal. The more you take effort in tweaking it, the better.
    What I like is a trick I've read on a forum: Create an AUX, insert soothe2, use the delta signal, put a reverb after it, tweak the "frequency range" and the softness of soothe, thereby change the reverb input signal. You could also use soothe on the "dry" channel but in normal, not delta mode and send the signal pre-fx to a wet reverb aux just as described. Therefore you would theoretically remove harsh signals on the dry channel and reverb them on the wet channel. To be honest, this was just a theoretical thought, I didn't use it that way, so I can't say if it sounds as good as the idea
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  8. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I'm more of a beatmaker then a mix engineer I use it a good bit when I use alot of filtered sounds with alot of resonance.. it helps cut back on the build up since I use alot of filters on my sounds
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  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    If you have a great piano player who has used a grand piano sample library dynamically, soothe2 is great at removing a majority of the digital clunkiness every piano library has and makes midrange components sound more natural. It's even there in the presets and does not require a lot of tweaking.
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  10. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Classic wooden pianos, still in use?
  11. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I see it usable for actual recorded material, how does one use Soothe for synths? Very rarely a note or 2 on some weird patch causes a resonance which can be easily reduced by a single dynamic EQ curve. Why is everyone so hyped about this plugin these days? This plugin once had sosig fattener level popularity.
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  12. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I use it when I am at the end of the process (pre-master), before going to mastering, on the stereo out. I have not tried it on single tracks or sounds, really. I think it's a great, but yet, subtle tool.
  13. StevieOK

    StevieOK Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Yeah it's a very handy tool, it saves a lot of time & I really like to use its side chain mode to make sure a vocal/synth can come through better over other instruments... kind of like "Trackspacer" but more detail.
    I know there are a million other plugins that can do a similar job but if you pay that kind of money you're gonna make sure you use it haha.

    I see people giving it a lot of hate but that could be because it can't be cracked, and it is expensive so it turns into a "Mac vs PC" type thing ("why buy that shit when you can get a similar result with multiple other cheaper tools")

    Demo it & if it can help you get decent results without much hassle then it's worth it.

    If you don't finish music in general or just mess around for fun etc then it's probably a waste of money.
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  14. pon_pon

    pon_pon Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2015
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    still using here, very very subtle like soft final de-esser in voices, harsh metal guitars, opera records with voices with resonant vocals, and in mastering of course . . . if you bypass the plugin and listen any changues in something, then the plugin does not have a good setup, (maybe in a creative way like a tool for snares . . . but that is not the original idea)
  15. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    It's not the matter if it is usable. Of course it is. The question is is there a better software for the same purpose. And there is DSEQ3 and TDR Nova GE. You get similar resonances taming effect, but with more detail, better preserved transients, more transparency and less turbid sound.
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  16. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I kindly disagree, I found DSEQ to be very avarage. And I can't get Nova Which is a great product, to do the same thing.
  17. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    According to oek instagram stories they will do a black friday sale again.

    But still very expensive (149 instead of 220 last year)... since we macOS users won't be served on sister site, it looks like I'm gonna have to get the money ready and pull the trigger...

    This stuff is too good I use it so much, perhaps the only plugin I couldn't live without after using the free trial.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  18. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I bought it and still use it all the time. It's great at taming highs so drums, crashes, cymbals and high hats sound good with it's treatment. As well as vocals and I use it tons on guitar. Both clean and dirty guitars. It's a great multi-purpose tool. I thought it was worth it's money. I started with Trackspacer and used it a lot but then DSEQ3 and Soothe came along. I mostly use it to take the harshness out of something which I find I run into a lot. Just cleans things up perfectly.

    I already had DSEQ but I decided to get Soothe on top of that anyways because I felt Soothe reached into the absolute crevices in the frequency range whereas DSEQ does a great job doing the same thing but it doesn't reach as low (or as high) as Soothe in my personal opinion.

    I use them both in different applications but whether it's worth it to you in what you do is entirely up to you after you do a long demo of it before forking out the price tag like I did. I'm actually curious about Oeksound's other similar plugin as well, the one that's for transients especially but I forgot the name of it lol
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
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  19. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I use it all of the time wrongly to keep only the stuff it wants to filter to do microsoundy stuff, will dseq do that?
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  20. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Spiff is the one for transients from oek

    By the way in the oek stories the lead product guy answered they're working on a new plugin as well, will be released next year.
  21. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    So far 100% of cases I initially put Soothe on something, I managed to get the same result by using a static eq.

    Thing is, if you have let's say something resonant at 800 Hz, if you shelf boost everything above 800 and dial down the gain of that track, you basically align that resonance with the rest of the sound and it won't be so obvious. This is a very natural way to readjust a sound, with virtually no artefacts

    Soothe is very invasive. You go the Soothe way when the sound is so bad, you can't recover from that and the artefacts it introduces are still better than the original - the final result being far from perfect anyway. So if you find yourself doing audio restoration, something like Soothe or zynaptiq unfilter can be handy

    And yes, many people swear by it because is a linear phase processor, and the preringing on mid-high frequencies has this tendency to sound... "silky" for the untrained ears. But that silk is a actually lack of transients.

    If you put side by side a radio top40 pop vocal with a Soothe'd vocal you can immediately hear the softness, lack of edge and character in the Soothe variant

    Al in all, Soothe, dseq, teote, gulfoss, unfilter - they all can be sucessfully unused if you know what you want to achieve. The amount of stuff that can be solved with an eq and the gain knob is insane
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