Mac or PC, what’s the best platform for PIRATED music software here in 2022?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hauzer, Apr 12, 2022.


Mac or PC for pirated music production software in 2022?

  1. Mac

    15 vote(s)
  2. PC

    88 vote(s)
  1. Hybridstudios

    Hybridstudios Kapellmeister

    Aug 11, 2015
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    i voted pc as pc has more available as pirated software goes.
    however i just bought a new mac studio M1 ultra last week and it makes my I9 10900k desktop i built, seem average... the i9 is not slouch and single core performance is on par if not just slightly better sometimes, multi core is a whole different story. the m1 ultra is disgustingly powerful and silent!!

    both my pc and mac run nuendo 11 and pro tools 2022.2, the mac uses my avid carbon rig while the pc is on my antelope goliath.. i tested both interfaces with the mac since the carbon only works on mac and the m1 ultra still out performs the i9 with ease, bounces mixes or the post projects i often do faster due to all the cores, massive gpu and memory bandwidth
    sessions on the pc that were around 70% cpu usage are holding at 42% on the mac ultra with strictly native plugins

    i have windows 11 and Monterey on the mac studio... so depending on your budget, get the mac and have best of both worlds or do a i9 that can possibly be a hackintosh as well... just be warned everything doesn't always work with the hackintosh route but there are occasions that it works perfect.
    waiting to see if they'll do a m1 ultra macbook pro, if not i'll probably settle for a m1 max 16inch in the next few weeks for mobile work and just b/c my asus i7 laptop feels old but it isnt...
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  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I think after all this, my answer will end up being this. Which ever one you do not already have :)

    you can get anything you want running with a little bit of effort.
  3. Sauce Cause

    Sauce Cause Member

    Sep 1, 2021
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    :dont: Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word... :dont:
  4. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    it was about that, I had a hackintosh and nearly every release was out weeks and months before as a PC version, while the Mac releases were neglected by the groups.

    For some stuff I wait till today :rofl:
  5. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

    by buying a poppy, you will not become its rightful owner, rather, you rent it for a lot of money. apple is known for its antics of banning, deleting useful things for users, today you use it, and tomorrow you will not be able to use it after the update, apple has remote access to its devices, it has not just switched to its processors, it will replace kext, and you will no longer be able to use torrent. well, do not forget about draining the charms of celebrities using icloud. in the case of a PC, do what you want, no one will forbid, there are many different ports, and most importantly, unlimited upgrade possibilities. as for the software, many programs that are not aggressively tied to Windows 10 and higher, for example, ableton, will work in versions 7 and 8. This won't work with Apple.
  6. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    Totally Agree,
    but excuse me if I have a big laugh after reading some comments that assume that the installation process on Mac is much more painful, or that on PC it is install and go, or things like e.g.what PifPafPif says.
    I use Mac and Pc, but what I have on Mac simply, on PC, it would be impossible to get it to work without you wasting your life fixing some problem all the time.
    You may not believe it (I post 2 screenshots), but 95 % of these 3.107 AU and 4.943 Vst installed on my old 2015 laptop with Mojave, are pirated and on the system they weigh as if I installed only 10 of them. Basically the laptop flies like a butterfly. It's THE OS that wins in this case, because it's a much more rock solid than Win. Then on the hardware we can also discuss it, but if you don't have a rock OS it becomes a colossal undertaking. The same configuration on a PC would take me straight to neuro-psychiatry.

    Schermata 2022-10-27 alle 23.46.41.png Schermata 2022-10-27 alle 23.46.30.png
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    They are still rebooting their computers for every major software install. It's how they fix 90% of problems, reboot again! The plugins are driver files. DLL, really? wow. And if you need a nice audio interface, you might pop for an RME because they write better DRIVER SOFTWARE? In 2022. Really? Mac is much easier to install things, once you really know what you are doing.

    All you can do is laugh. Windows is a Driver Dependent cesspool, best suited towards? Accounting. Access and Excel are superior on Windows, by a lot. The rest is a waste of a possibly good machine that would run 10x better, if it was simply running a nice flavor of Linux. And more fun, like Kali. ;) But lets face it, most barely know windows either, with not 1 professional certification among them. MCS0. :)
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  8. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    I'm certifiably insane.
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