Amp plugins for Guitar?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by abhinavjoshua, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. abhinavjoshua

    abhinavjoshua Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Hi, I am new to this forum.

    I am searching for a good guitar amp simulator specifically for Power Chords (like Linkin Park). Looking for a heavy rock power driven chords. No metal stuff!
  3. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Amplitube,Guitar rig,softube metal amp room,any of the Poulin plugins,there's also recabinet and I'm sure many others,these are just ones I use and like.Also I wouldn't be so discouraged by "metal" plugins,there's not a ton of difference between hard rock and metal amp or setup wise other than I'd say maybe more gain,heavier distortion(sometimes) or scooped mids(sometimes) in metal,really more of a playing style difference,but most metal plugins should be able to be adjusted to suit your liking,you can always back off the gain or distortion amount or eq
  4. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Check out this loooong thread @ :

    Plenty of great tips and discussion, enjoy!
  5. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Amplitude, guitar rig and, if lazy, ezmix2.
  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Overloud TH2
  7. stratorules

    stratorules Newbie

    Jan 22, 2014
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    The most realist in my opinion is when you use a amp sim with nebula as a cabinet.

    Sounds from Voxac30 amp
  8. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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  9. funkytoe

    funkytoe Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Waves CLA GTR
  10. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I've been dealing with this for more years than I want to admit here's a run down.

    1. Amplitude: [any version] Kinda sloppy. Some sounds are decent but in the end they are not very clean.
    2. Guitar Rig: "Can" be good. However for best result mixing multiple guitar rigs on different effects channels helps. Presets are readily available, however You'll never get the exact sound of real amps. There are some combinations of straight presets that can get a Link Park sound but it's hard to get a pure "duel rectifier" sound. But you do gain far more clarity in distorted chords over most.
    3. EZMIX: Great sounds, but it's a cpu hog and is very limited in tweaking. Most of the guitar amp sim packs are not really low gain duel rectifier sounds
    4. Revolver: Can have some good sounds, tends to do better at "djent" sounds that require a more developed mid range but doesn't exactly get enough clarity for full chords to ring out well. I'd say even with the best tweaking it's more "metal" than hard rock.
    5. Studio Devil: Personally can't stand it. You can get a Slipknot sound pretty well but even with spending hours eqing and trying to add the correct effects it always sounds very flat and not very dynamic
    6. Pod Farm: Not bad wide range of sounds, but like Studio Devil a lot of things come out sounding rather flat and lifeless
    7. Le Pue Lectro: Really the ONLY software amp sim that makes an even close to realistic duel rectifier sound that Linkin Park has used on many of their albums. However even with this said it's a stand alone, which means you need a cabinet vst and the correct speaker impulses. And since it's stand alone all effects would have to be added with other VST's. Also it tends to sound best with a tube screamer before it.

    If your looking for "that sound" Lectro is the way to go, but as said you have to find the right combiniation of other plug-ins to make it work well as well as getting correct impulses. There are actually multiple places on the net that will outline the guitar set-ups Linkin Park has used but there are many other factors as well. Because while the use of Mesa-boogies is always there, on studio recording's they tend to go through a low gain duel rectifier with the stereo output to a marshal m4 /jcm800 lead with one going through a greenback cab on the duel rectifier and either a standard greenback marshall cab or an orange cab. But beyond that realize they use prs guitars live and for recording which means part of the sound comes from the passive ceramic pick-ups. And in the end regardless of what program is listed ANYWHERE on this thread the guitar pickups make more of a difference than most realize. If your using a vst for guitar like shreddage or Vmetal you'll never get that sound because they both use FAR different pick ups. On a real guitar it's even greater not to mention the quality of the cables used like mugami's.

    Personally I can get a near close sound on my 8 string's Semour Duncan Blackout 8's but it still has a more active sound but higher clarity. So unless you plan on running the exact same setup they do you won't get that sound. But the best you can do is try to get as close as possible and use a PRS Custom 24 for recording [or defile one for the pickup's for a guitar with a swamp ash body]

    So yeah simple question, REALLY complicated answer.
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    7. Le Pue Lectro: Really the ONLY software amp sim that makes an even close to realistic duel rectifier sound that Linkin Park has used on many of their albums. However even with this said it's a stand alone, which means you need a cabinet vst and the correct speaker impulses. And since it's stand alone all effects would have to be added with other VST's. Also it tends to sound best with a tube screamer before it.

    Well it is THE speaker who make the sounds have YOU heard a Mesa WITHOUT a speaker cabinet?
    Ok you could have a dummy loadbox like Eddie used with his Marshalls on the first albums before he started to use Peaveys but i dont know if that really say how a Mesa would sound WITHOUT a speaker.

    If you switch on the power on a tube amp without a speaker cabinet attached to it it most likely blow up the output transformer and burn the tube sockets if not atleast it will kill the fuse.
    So i will say that the Le Pue sound as you say is so close to Mesa is because of the speaker cabinet you used NOT the plugin itself without the speaker.
  12. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Amplitube or Lepou amps + RedWire IR :thumbsup:

    It doesn't get better than that. :dancing:
  13. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    Just about 90% of my musical acumen comes through the guitar. I have used Guitar Rig, Amplitube, Pod fact I have used every amp simm mentioned here at one time or another with the exception of Lepou. My best results have come with Waves CLA GTR I find the others just too tedious with an enormous amount of presets that sound alike. If you know how to use a real world amp, you'll know how to use Waves CLA GTR .
    IMHO, of course...