Pocketing with bend markers

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Beetlejuice, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Is there a way to let studio one set bend markers "only at first beat " of a track ? (the 1´s of the Bar) ?

    I have done some prework, of course:
    I have lined up the track to the correct tempo.Static tempo . Recorded to click.
    It´s just a strumming chord guitar , nothing tricky ... but its sometimes a liitle early and sometimes late.

    when I move the "threshold" slider in the Bendmarker ... I can get a lot ...or less bendmarkers.

    When I push the slider down to round about 64% .. I get a reasonable amount of bendmarkers,
    but I still have to edit out or add a few markers.
    So I edit the markers on the whole track to get only one bendmarker at every "1" .
    thein I go to the Quantize menü , set the Grid it to 1/1 and hit Apply.
    Now the guitar is lined up to the beat /tempo.

    Question: Is there a way to tell SO to
    " look and set transients only at every beginnig of bars , or very near to "beat 1 of every bar"

    or in other words:
    "ignore setting bendmarkers from bar to . Repeat for all bars."

    This would save time with adding or deleting markers.

    huh....hope I made it clear.:shalom:
  3. KuteAce1307

    KuteAce1307 Producer

    Oct 2, 2021
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    Did you try to just split the audio part only at the first bar and set bend markers?
  4. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Been a long-time since used S1, but if you drag the audio track up to tempo bar it will use melodyne to map a matching tempo track to match live guitar speeding up and slowing down. Keep it real so to speak. But if the idea is to grid lock the tempo then much manual manipulation lies ahead. Good luck.
  5. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    @ThorntonQ ...thks , I know about Melodyne , but should/could not be needed in this case , cause the drumtrack is static too.
    @KuteAce1307 that would require to split all bars at the "1" and then push them to the right place.

    Of course Studio one puts a marker at the begingin of the chord , -thats the biggest transient anyway.
    But , how do I tell Studio One to ignore the transients that are in the middle of the bar?
    I guess its not possible... so I have to remove the unwanted markers manually-wich is possible , only timeconsumptable.

    My goal is to -when the bendmarkers are all set to the 1 of each bar - to hit Quantize ,(with a grid value of 1/1 )
    so that the strummed Guitar is perfectly lined up to the static tempo.

    thanks anyway.

    btw - how do ya upload a pic ?
  6. KuteAce1307

    KuteAce1307 Producer

    Oct 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I'm not really completely sure what you're trying to achieve here.
    but you can upload by drag and dropping images into the comment box or use the toolbar at the top of the comment box.
  7. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    This is the track , before quantising. U can see its not been quantised at bar 10 or 11...a.s.o. It´s not spot on.

    I knew the track was recorded at 82 bpm.
    So I line up the track to the very first downbeat , wich is at bar 4.
    Then I go to bendmenu. Click analyse.
    I move threshold slider to a reasonable amount.
    In the pic , u can see that this worked pretty good from bar 10 to 21- so that´s what I want:
    "only one bendmarker , at the very biggest transient , very close to the 1st beat of every bar. Ignore rest of waveform, until next waveform starts, that is in similar relevent distance from the previous big waveform"

    If I now hit Q ....with a value of 1/1 ....then the start of the waveforms will jump to nearest 1st bar. Thats what I want.

    I just dont want a lot of bendmarkers beeing added "inbeetwen".

    thks for the hint with pic.
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It is using dynamics for a type of hit point detection. So, in your first segment; you can see where there is a good bit of dynamic difference between markers. When your waveform does not have such variation, the program will want to insert a ton (or none) of hit points/markers because there is not a lot of separation there. You might have better results actually chopping the file into a few smaller parts.

    I don't use S1. This is where I would use Logic's Flex Time. For each marker, there is the ability to move the marker and set another point that can be dragged forward or backwards in time.

    It does not have to do with setting the "time distance" between transients for detection. It acts like a gate, when the amplitude threshold is crossed it is open/closed and causes your markers to be inserted at each point. You pull the detected point in the waveform back onto time, there is probably an option you can set for it to snap.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  9. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    S1 also can do this.And this can of course be used to achive what I want. Its just a lot of editing , when u have a long track, wich is already "pretty good on spot" , and all what u want is a marker at the very first transient. I guess it will remain "handcraft".

    A "waveform-gate" is a nice idea.
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