Compressor where you can change the release curve

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ambar, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Does it exist? In short, I'm looking for a compressor with an option to tweak/modify the "slope" of the release curve, as in zebra2 where you can modify the envelopes, moving a slider so it becomes more exponetial, linear, etc

    Thx in advance :mates:
  3. Why do you need this?
  4. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, Ambar,

    this will be only one possibility, also not one hundred percent positively helpful... :bow:

    klanghelm's dc8c has s-curve mode switching buttons, knee curve control, gain reduction smoothing, program dependency, feedback mix, settings, so one can really play around with all these variables... *yes*

    one possible drawback, there is no visual feedback for the resulting release curve, so one might only use the ears one is endowed with, perhaps also might try to visualise the things happening in the plug-in, or one might test the settings with some continuous wave form for triggering the plug-in, then inspect the resulting wave form, its envelope, in some audio editor... *yes*

    also, the s-curve switches work as switches do, so there is no continuous gradation between the modes, but with the greatly useful help of all the other setting possibilities, the results will be nearly the same... *yes*

    there are still more plug-ins where one can switch between linear, logarithmic, etc., operating modes, but usually this is the only possible choice in them... *yes*

    hope all the above was, is, will be, somewhat helpful, keep up the good work, all the best... :bow:
  5. Me2audio

    Me2audio Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Is not what you are looking for, but you can tweek attack\release with
    DMG Audio’s Compassion in the Advanced Mode menu

    and with Image-Line Maximus , you have some presets for the attack/release curve shape

  6. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Do You the ( Knee ) i think that is what you mean :wink:
  7. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    If it's the stiffness/sharpness of the knee you're looking to change, iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced: Dynamics allows you to change it. iZotope Ozone 5 Standard and Alloy 2 allow a basic (soft/hard) option.

    Knee customization may be built into your DAW, e.g. REAPER's Reacomp allows you to change the knee size in dBs.
  8. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, here, all,

    the knee setting, with nearly all of the dynamics plug-ins this here me knows of, knows about, has more to do with the smoothness of the beginning, the stepping in, the starting, of the gain reduction at the desired treshold setting, illustrated mostly on the transfer curve (also usually only this transfer curve has visual feedback on most plug-ins), which transfer curve shows level dependecies only... *yes*

    the release curve, usually, is somewhat more dependent on other factors, on the operating modes (mentioned above, namely, on the used control curve shapes), on the level of hard coded program dependency, or, rather, on the nonexistence of aforementioned (this is the usual with the more simple solutions), plus at least, at some slight degree, on the feed forward, feed back, architecture choice (these are, rather, all time domain defined dependencies)... *yes*

    this here me, somehow, always felt the difference between transfer curve, volume envelope, gain reduction envelope, as the former somewhat defines the latter(s), but only at the degree at which the linearity or exponentiality or all the other operating mode attack, release, curves allow this... *yes*

    one can imagine or visualise this so that greater, wider, knee settings allow for more smoothed beginnings of reactions, but the resulting reactions are always based on the character curves used in the plug-in (that is why dc8c is more applicable for, in, the asked situation)... *yes*

    this comes into me mind as one somewhat late edit, make one audio file with white noise at seventy five percent level, say one second long, then drop it (in one sample length) to twenty five percent level, stay with it for, say, two seconds, then drop it to silence, leave it for one second also, copy this silence part to the very beginning, too, then use your compressor on the resulting file, experiment with its settings, compare the bounced, rendered, results (will speak for themselves, better than text)... *yes*

    one possible other way to, very crudely, visualise the whole matter is, the transfer curve comes first, then the volume envelope of the audio, with the help of the attack, release, curves, modifying it, defines the gain reduction curve (errrrm, this is really one very crudely drawn image)... *yes*

    hope this clarifies somewhat all the above, if not, ask before shoot... :bow:
    keep up the good work, all the best... :bow:
  9. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I was looking for a plug that has a "drawable" release curve or something like this, because I'm doing a reverb sidechain comp to a vocal sample to make some space in my mix, all is ok but when the sc compression ends the reverb raise too fast, I fixed that problem doing some tweaks (in someway)and I wanted a plug with the features I mentioned above just for smoother results.

    btw dc8c n Compassion helped me in someway, big thanks guys :mates: :thumbsup:

    Greets from Spain
  10. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Check out LFO Tool for some accurate pseudo side chain release accuracy.
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