My neighbor hammers at night (3 Am), can white noise isolate sound?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Oct 23, 2022.

  1. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    in my building you cant make noise until 7.30 am and from 12.30 to 4 pm silence. 4 pm to 10 pm noise and then silence through the night.
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Hey Ryck, have you asked her why she hammers? Maybe there is a perfectly practical reason to why she is banging away at it in the deep dark pitch of the night. Maybe tarantulas have invaded her apartment and she is whacking away at them on the head in order to not be made spider food and just to survive, or maybe the sonic tap, tap, tapping is an aural spectral language in code and all this while she is communicating with a super hero race of aliens from another universal plane of existence to ask them to come to Earth's defense in a cosmic war. She could be a mediator/emissary representing our dimension to keep a third race from destroying us. Open your mind to the possibilities.
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  3. GodHimSelf

    GodHimSelf Platinum Record

    Jan 3, 2014
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    A friend of mine had a problem like that. But not with a couple, but with an impossible teenager. Parents were good folks but had an abusive son. He (and the parents aswell) tried everything. One day, at 2 am he asshole woken up my friend by very high laughs and conversation. He wrote the topics of conversation (getting drunk, hitting on girls and even bullying - which he then proposed to turn the police as evidence of admission as testimony of confession and premeditation) and posted the letter on his neighbors' mailbox with a photo of him smoking at the window.

    The following day he said there was a huge fight and from what he understood, an allowance disappeared indefinitely. And so did the noise.

    Regarding the OP experience, and in spite of being a pacifist at heart, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
    Start slowly and then upgrade.
    All of these are quite childish but will make them go insane.
    - A kid at my former apartment used to smear dog poo on the doors - it's innocuous but it does cause some pain.
    - Call the police non-stop. Invite the police for some coffee and cakes. If the noise stops by order and then returns, and if you fall on the police's good side, they may even be fined or spend a night in the joint for civil unrest.
    - Fill their postbox with shit or glue.
    - Turn off their fusebox AND glue it
    - Cut their natgas supply faucet AND glue it.
    - Turn off their bell AND glue it.
    - Use a toothpick to lock their bell until they come down to remove it.
    - If the toothpick works, consider glueing it.
    - If they drive an EV, remove the plug at night, consider aplying glue to the terminal ends.
    - Consider glueing the front door during the night.
    - Write sex notes on the building complaining about their activity.
    - Flat tyres, first just empty them, then hit the tyre with a good ol' knife.
    - Shuffle a potato in the exhaust.
    - Shuffle wood pieces in the keyhole. Glue it.
    - Cut cables that give internet access.
    - Mess with their electricity counter - punishable by law.
    - Do not belittle the power of the fist and menace.

    If you need to plan childish pranks with glue, call me.
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  4. emax2

    emax2 Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Get some 18 inch subwoofers and blast Bass 305, Bass Mechanik, and Techmaster PEB. That might work
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  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yes, I understand what you mean.

    Yes, of course, those are the normal schedules, here that also exists. Like so many other "rules" but in very rare cases the law acts. For example in buildings they cancel the contract (This is the way they have to get rid of those conflictive people). But if the person is the owner, rarely anything can be done.

    hahaha you made me laugh.
    I think there is some of that in she mind xD.

    By the way, fix the frets on the guitar and it sounds great. Thanks for your good vibes !!!

    If let's say I'm peaceful until I lose my mind, I won't do anything crazy. But for sure I will do something like what Oly said. If you follow " On your plan" . At 9am I will put the baffle stuck with Reggeton ( She hates Reggeton).
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The problem with blasting Reggaeton at the neighbor, is that you are stuck listening to it too. Personally, I'd take listening to the hammer over it.

    You really want some of that "enhanced interrogation music" to go this route. I'd start up with something nice and friendly sounding. Like Einsturzende Neubauten - Strategies Against Architecture. Then move the playlist on towards things like Slayer - Reign in Blood. Tay Tay on 24 hour Loop if you are shooting for suicide.
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  7. Benno de Bruin

    Benno de Bruin Kapellmeister

    Nov 11, 2020
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    @TS i feel sorry for you, noise can drive people crazy.

    I had problems with people living below me, having very loud parties till 6-7 AM, several times per week. That's when i started playing these videos whenever i left the house, or at night when there wasn't a party:

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  8. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I liked Einsturzende Neubauten, I didn't know it.
    And if it's true, with Reggeton, I have to listen to it too, but I was thinking of sticking the baffle to the wall and covering it with some kind of a cover so that the sound doesn't come back.

    I just listened to it with my headphones. I think that with that sound he sleeps more xD relaxes me. Bass sounds (personally) relax me.

    I was reading the comments on youtube, from what I read, there are several people with "bad" neighbors.
  9. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Just out of curiosity: why do you name her "she" at times and "he" other times? I don't get it
    To solve the problem go to a police station and do a complaint
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  10. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I guess there's only one thing left to do, my guy. Subwoofter testing on repeat from the morning wee hours to late night shittin' pee hours for that guy this week... Download a browser extension called AutoTube so youtube won't ask you if you're still there every 20 minutes. Then watch the profits roll in.

    Maybe their neighbor has a unisex gender like a mullet that has a party pussy up front and a dick that means business Out Back

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
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  11. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Sorry! I just don't know English. And I use the translator . And sometimes I translate "He" when I refer to the neighbor. I will pay more attention when I translate to see that it says "She".

    At the police station they don't give you any answer.

    That's a good idea, a kind of alarm, you say, with that frequency test. But that would drive me crazy haha. I would not have to be here.
  12. J Frank Badass

    J Frank Badass Kapellmeister

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Lektrofan has been my best friend for neighbor/road noise
    if theres a louder one get that, but its good
    good luck
  13. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I just went to talk to him because again he started to go off like he was on a construction site. It is now after 1am. And also my dog got scared because he doesn't know what's going on and cries. When my dog hears noises at night he barks or gets restless, because for him, these noises are abnormal.

    So I couldn't stand it any longer and I went to talk to him again, but this time, I was already out of my mind, I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my mouth, but mostly because of the helplessness, because you think, "this person is laughing in my face". I have been talking to him since 2018, and not only me, but also other neighbors.
    So I went and told her that next time I will denounce her and I will take this to the last consequences.

    In the meantime I will put white noise here, or I will put on headphones plus the other anti-noise headphones for construction sites that were mentioned here.

    I leave you the audio of how it hammers (the one that cries is my dog, he is scared, poor thing).

    Attached Files:

  14. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    @Ryck here they'll hate on you if you break the rules.

    you might organize with some good neighbors to hammer when she sleeps.

    or send her to pakistan without a hijab. they'll teach her about hammers.
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @Ryck - Alternative strategies

    1.) Create a handout with the noise problem with your names and house number maybe a photo and distribute them all over the street in neighbors mailboxes - Stick them on lampposts - Stick them on bulletin boards at the department store.

    2.) Organize a protest in front of your house. Or make a summer party with coffee and cake in front of your house.

    3.) Call the press - invite a newspaper journalist.

    4.) Start an association of people affected by noise.

    5.) File a complaint with the police.

    6.) Make a file and collect evidence, a noise protocol is essential in case it comes to a trial, you can prove it.
    Record the noise it makes , label the file with date and time.

    7) Go to a member of parliament in your constituency


    Stay peaceful and human. Good luck!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
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  16. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Documenta todos los incidentes con la vecina y sigue los pasos que BEAT16 describió. Como último recurso siempre puedes ponerle a tu vecina los dulces sonidos de Einsturzende Neubauten, Masonna y si quieres ponerle algo local algún disco de Todos Tus Muertos, Cienfuegos, No Demuestra Interés o Banda de Niebla a todo volumen.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  17. RADAR

    RADAR Platinum Record

    Aug 17, 2022
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    @Ryck , Bring him the noise ...

    Anthrax & Public Enemy - Bring The Noise (Official Video)
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  18. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    The most absurd thing is that there are guys who do not realize at all the situation Ryck is in. It's insane to propose solutions like yours to him. Maybe even an insult to his intelligence. I don't know what country you live in, but if all those things work, I don't dare imagine what a shitty life you can have in place where everyone resorts to tools like that for all kinds of crap, maybe even if a fly (a mosquito) invaded the airspace of your property etc etc. It is clear that in Ryck's context this is not proposable. I, in his place, wouldn't know whether to laugh or tell you to fuck off....:rofl:
  19. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    Ehy Rick, I can certainly tell you that anything you do could make it worse. You are in the typical scenario where justice doesn't work, there are no recognized laws, people are selfish and disrespectful to every life form that exists.
    If you do things like "Cut their natgas supply faucet AND glue it,
    - Turn off their bell AND glue it,
    - Use a toothpick to lock their bell until they come down to remove it,
    - If the toothpick works, consider glueing it,
    - If they drive an EV, remove the plug at night,"
    will all result as provocations to which they will respond much more drastically than you will have done.
    So at this point the solution is one and only one. You have to eliminate the problem, you cannot solve it, you can only eliminate it, erase it. How to do it's up to you to decide. You can go away...If you don't want to go away yourself then you'll have to burn them alive (catch the sarcasm), find a way to physically eliminate them before they do the same thing to you. Don't compromise with challenges and threats...Don't even remotely think you're going to solve it by ending up having some sexual relations with her.... she will become your H24 nightmare forever. Guile and genius are the two weapons you will need most, but again, they will only work if you have realized that the real solution is not to solve the enigma, but to eliminate it. A subtle difference, you may think, but it is that difference that makes all the difference.
    Ad Maiora
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  20. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Oh yeah you will have to leave to work or take your dog to like 8 dog parks then come back to complete silence and peace of mind. It will drive her crazy at first because the test tone will drop to a low frequency where she will hear it and the sound tone will fade as it rises in frequency and give her a few seconds of relief until the low drone again giving her much to think about in the meantime.

    After about a thousand rounds of that test tone she will understand what a cunt she's been and there will be girl scout cookies waiting on your door step when you arrive back home. But her eyes will be very bloodshot and the artery in her neck will be pumping iron.
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