IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    The only way i see for now to get all ToneNet is a legit user "robot" downloading them all (with an automated mouse/keyboard script).
    And sharing the database file.

    For now, we can still use presets ... like i said in a previous post before getting rapped.
  2. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    I tried to go on tonenet and click a profile and then save a preset but it wouldn't work. As pifpafpif said, having a legit user would be sweet. But we can share each of our limited downloads with each other without the library file, I think. The amps that I downloaded I made presets of. I got rid of the library file and went back to the factory library file and all my downloaded amps were gone. But I imported a preset made off of those amps and it worked. So hopefully we can share just the presets and not the whole library file. I couldn't download more amps after I changed back to the factory library file, even though it erased all my downloaded amps. Maybe there's a file on the computer somewhere or maybe they save the number of downloads from your account within their site. I also couldnt find a way to just download presets instead of tone models. Has anyone else downloaded presets somehow? Anyways I'm hoping that we can export presets made from our downloaded tone models and everybody can share those and have lots of downloaded amps instead of having a bunch of library files that each only have 20 downloaded amps. Also, I only have 14 downloaded tone models and it said I am maxed out on downloades. Anyone else have that problem?
  3. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Actually I just realized what Zib shared was exactly what I just said. Thank you Zib! How did you share that, by the way? I don't know how to upload my downloaded model presets to share with everyone.
  4. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Well, I went back and loaded up my library file with my downloaded tone models and tried to download the presets that Zib had posted. It worked with the factory library file but with my file that had my downloaded amps it said that I reached the limit of tone models in the CS version. So it looks like, even though we can share presets that have each others selection of downloaded amps, we can still only have a limited number at a time. It appears that you could go beyond the limit but you would have to go back and load the factory library file and then import 20 presets. Although, it seems like I don't even have 20 before I get cut off. Maybe I do have 20, and just haven't found the others
  5. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    easy ! Just choose a cloud storage (mega, dropbox...) and create a file to share.
  6. diegoalejo15

    diegoalejo15 Member

    May 10, 2022
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    THU sounds so good, it´s so easy to use and so less CPU demanding!
  7. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    yes, but ToneX has a different "grain", "texture", "color", 'I don't know what"
  8. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Maybe develop a script that once a week downloads models and share it somewhere, then group buy an account to run this script.
  9. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I signed up for the free version and downloaded 19 user made presets. I them copied my Library.db file to my main laptop which has the full keygen version and the user presets worked with no issues. I then created another account on another beat to death laptop to see if I could download some more user made profiles with an aim of merging two different Library.db files to see what would happen. However, I was only able to download one more amp and it said that I had reached my twenty amps. So I'm guessing that my I.P. address gave me away? I was thinking of buying the version with unlimited user downloads. But I've just moved into a new flat and need carpets among other things. So I guess I will wait and see if a future version of TONEX will include some user profiles, just like Amplitude 5 had a while back.
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  10. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Hope so, we'll see.
    And what happens if one put only presets without Library.db ?
    Would you mind sharing presets only ?
  11. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I will see if I can work out how to separate the presets that I downloaded.
  12. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    You can easily separate the presets by right clicking one and exporting it to a folder. I have a bunch of presets that I have exported to a folder on my desktop. However, there is a catch. I could use the presets that Zib posted when I deleted my library file and used the base factory library. But when I swapped the factory library file for the library file that I had downloaded my tone models to, I could only use one of Zib's presets and then it said there is no more room for tone models in the CS version of ToneX. So i think we can share as many presets as we want but we are still limited to 20 "at a time". I'm not sure, but you may be able to use more than 20 presets if there are multiple presets using the same tone model. So it looks like we can share individual presets but we will either have to save multiple library files with 20 different models each or keep re-using the factory library file and import whichever 20 we want every time. I haven't seen a way to import or export the tone models themselves but the presets do basically the same thing. Thats probably why it stopped me from using more of Zibs presets, because they knew that would be a workaround for the 20 download limit. We can break that limit of downloads by using presets but we are still limited to 20 at a time. So each library file would basically be a preset with its own 20 tone models. Hopefully that makes sense. I'm beyond horrible at conveying what I'm thinking
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
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  13. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Yeah, I unregistered and created a different IK account and then registered ToneX under that one and it would still say I had reached my download limit. Even after restoring the factory library file and getting rid of the models I had already downloaded. I was thinking it was either a file somewhere else on my computer or that they kept up with it on their site. Considering you used two different accounts on two different computers, you were probably right when you said they may log your IP address. Have you tried a VPN? I think that's what those things are called that make it look like you are coming from somewhere else. Maybe that would work. I tried to use those on my phone to get around the download limits from the sister site when getting stuff from places like rapid gater but none of those places would accept the vpn. It would say I was from china or canada or something but the sites weren't believing it and I still had to wait
  14. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    How do you export the
    Like I said, I imported my Library.db file from my free version of Tonex into my other version of Tonex and it worked fine. I've also imported the presets on this page and everything works fine. I worked out how to export the user made profiles that I have downloaded. But I had to rename each one. I will use the same method to get the extra amp off my other laptop. I will share them sometime tomorrow. I choose them very carefully as I knew I could only have 20 but I also found one elsewhere.
  15. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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  16. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Thanks Davman!
  17. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    OHHHH!!! So after re-using the keygen i could use all of Zibs presets, even with my limit already being reached. So anyone on here can export presets made from their 20 downloaded tone models and everyone can use them. No need for the whole library file business. My problem was trying to use Zib's presets after downloading my 20 but before using the key again
  18. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    So you just copy these profiles you supplied above into the lib folder?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2022
  19. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Thank you Davman! worked like a charm. And notrace, just open tonex and click on presets. Then right click on any preset and choose "import" and then go to the folder you downloaded and pick a preset to import. Keep doing that until you have imported all of them. I didn't notice a way to import more than one at a time. Likewise, you can create a preset from each of the 20 that you can download from ToneNET and then export them to a folder and share it with everyone else on here!
  20. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Hopefully this works. I didn't know there was a 20 download limit so I was just grabbing random stuff to check out, I didn't realize I could just click on it and preview it with my own guitar before downloading. So these may not be the greatest but its more for the community so here ya go
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