Pro Tools 2021.7 crashing upon launch ?

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by mmmgl, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. mmmgl

    mmmgl Newbie

    Oct 12, 2022
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    Hey guys,

    I'm trying to make legit PT 2021.7 run on Windows 11 ARM VM on MBP M1 Pro.

    I tried a lot of things, from clean install to other PT Version (PT 12 from AudioUtopia also crashes, but for other reasons I guess), and even a recent doesn't 2022.9 seems to work. I'm trying to install 2021.7 for the AAX unlock release from R2R. I know 2021.7 isn't officially supported on Windows 11, but this should work, even with emulation.

    Does anyone know what may cayse an immediate crash ? I just see the splash screen for a few seconds.

    Thanks !

    EDIT : After further investigation, the problem seems to come from iLOK (no shit). I tried to update to latest version of PACE License manager, but now neither iLOK License Manager nor Pro Tools start at all. I saw that the PACE License Service in Windows won't start at all either...
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2022
  3. traorba

    traorba Noisemaker

    Dec 8, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Suggestion: Rename your AVID Plug-Ins folder to Plug-Ins-TEMP and restart PT. If it starts then it’s a plugin issue. Often it’s a plugin is what hoses PT at start up. If PT starts, create an empty session with a few tracks. Close PT. Then move a few plugs from Plug-Ins-TEMP into Plug-Ins and restart PT. You can debug plugin bugs this way. Good luck.
    Also on the 2021.7 R2R, only replace to two files. Don’t use the extra decrypted plugins.
  4. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    If I may, I'd tell you that several other DAWs have exactly the same problem... and the problem is NOT the DAW, but the plugins.

    The best way, for now (and I know it could be frustrating), is to run the app with Rosetta, so that your "old" plugs (=not silicon native) have the best chance to remain usable.
  5. mmmgl

    mmmgl Newbie

    Oct 12, 2022
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    Thanks for the tips. I tried, but this is definitly an iLok issue, as the Pro Tools launch screen doesn't even show, and as the PACEdLicenseService in the windows tasks refuses to launch. I tried to contact iLok, which pass the potato to Parallels, who told me that they can't really do anything. I don't know if iLok License Manager detect that it's a VM or something...

    Even installing it as a stand-alone without Pro Tools, the License manager isn't launching.

    My PT works perfectly fine on my mac. I was speaking about the one in the Windows 11 ARM VM.
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