AKAI Force not integrating with Cracked Ableton 10.1.30

Discussion in 'Software' started by Polomo, Oct 10, 2022.

  1. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I´m asking for _juraj98

    Hello friends. I need your help once again.
    So, I bought the new AKAI Force and I'm loving it, but I can't integrate it with Ableton.
    I did all the necessary steps - updated the Windows, updated the MPC, reinstalled the MPC MIDI Network Driver, connected the Force and my laptop to the same internet connection (by WIFI, by ethernet cable to the same router, by Ethernet cable from MPC to laptop), and connected it properly in Ableton > Preferences > MIDI/Link > Control Panel...
    Ableton is receiving the Force in the panel, and the Session view track are bordered with red color.
    Also tried running Ableton as Admin.
    Disconnected the Firewall.
    There is NO Live Control button in the Force's Menu, and it is not syncing.
    Also, when I put the same IP address manually to Force and to MIDI Network Driver on the laptop, says INVALID SERIAL NUMBER, but the Ableton is recognizing the MPC as a control surface.
    Please help me! I need to make to finish the film score with Force, and the deadline is getting too close.
    Thanks a lot!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    An AKAI manufactured device is not going to "care" wether the DAW software is paid for version, or any of those other concerns. Ableton is not running serial number checks against other companies products either. Two devices may connect to a single IP address, but 2 devices cannot be using the same IP address on your network. (should that factor in).

    It can be an "incompatible (or bad release) version" of Ableton for what he expect this thing to do. Something like that, but it shouldn't have any bearing on the matter that it is a scene or p2p release. You can establish the device is working properly with another DAW software, or their own AKAI software, or another version of Ableton. Normally you will find the best chances of help solving this, if you are running the most current and up-to-date software versions. Because that is always most users' current configurations. His problem is almost certainly to be fixed inside Ableton, imho.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
  4. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Yo, I also have the Force. Haven't done much with it yet tbh... But I have just tested it with k'ed Ableton 11 and it works like a charm for me.
    I'm on a Mac though. But there is one thing that seems strange to me. You say there is no Control button in Force's menu. But in my case the Control button is there without Ableton Live even running. I suppose another thing: Have you updated to the latest firmware? Because if you're running an old firmware that button might not be there...
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  5. _juraj98

    _juraj98 Noisemaker

    Mar 12, 2021
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    I just reinstalled the Ableton version, and everything started working like a charm. I guess the program was faulty or had to many VSTs, which I installed later on. Thanks for the help!
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  6. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Glad you sorted it out. :wink:
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