Kontakt Factory Library - 4 or 5 for lower CPU usage

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by drdark2, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    I have a relatively slow computer, and even though it is in the requirement range of Kontakt 5, it is obvious that Kontakt 5 and its factory library are a bit too much. I, of course, don't mean none of the instruments are working properly; I mean loading, for example, a whole symphonic orchestra (which is my main intent) with reverb and low latencies is impossible!
    Shutting off reverb helps, of course, but I was wondering if Kontakt 4 version of the instruments would require less from my computer. It would still have to be the same library I have already got, just with Kontakt 4 patches. Thank you in advance!
  3. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    depending on how much Memory you have i don't know about PC but in Mac go to the options menu at the Top of Kontakt then go to Memory put a check mark enable the Use Memory Server it helps me to get Lower CPU Load ( But if any thing go's wrong i'm not responsible don't blame Me it works on my Mac system i don't know about yours Bro ) check your Buffer Size to
  4. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Kontakt is absolutely from begin the wrong choice for a slow computer.
    Try at least alternative to Kontakt because Kontakt are really hungry resource eater, BIG EATER!!!
    I will recommend you stuff from IK Multimedia (Miroslav Philharmonik or Sample Tank), they are really resource saving.
  5. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    The problem is not your Kontakt version, but the library itself.
    I'd choose Kontakt 5 over Kontakt 4 anyday in the matter of CPU, and I run a 6 years old MBP.
    Try to avoid the latest libraries and stick to the ones that have been developed for Kontakt 4, but run them into Kontakt 5.
  6. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    I am planning already to use Miroslav Philharmonik for possible symphonic compositions, but VSL library from Kontakt is so much better; therefore I thought I could at least
    use these instruments for simpler compositions, but if I could do just a few more things to lower the strain on my computer I might even be able to do some symphonic work.
    By the way, I have tried in the meantime the Kontakt 4 patches and there seems to be no difference; I guess they are for people who still use Kontakt 4, because they would not
    be able to read the Kontakt 5 patches.
    Does dynamic keyswitch use cpu?
  7. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    the version of kontakt doesn't matter. your computer needs more juice.

    you can't have your cake and eat it too. if you want to be able to play these libraries you need a computer that can keep up, with enough memory and an hd that's fast enough to not be a bottleneck.

    if your computer isn't up to par you will definitely have to use something like miroslav or da capo. and don't sleep on miroslav. i use it all the time as a scratch pad. when my ideas are fleshed out, i'll bring in the big guns (lass, bww, adagio, etc).

    depending on the instruments, you may be able to reduce memory or disk usage by adjusting the preload buffer size. this only effects that instruments that are using dfd though. another thing you can do is reduce the number of cores or turn off multicore support. and last but not least you may gain some benefit by moving your samples to an ssd.

    you still need to consider getting a better performing machine tho.
  8. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah, that's how I work too. I use very simple sounds and lightweight lib's when I'm writing and arranging, then load up the good stuff when I'm ready to start recording.
  9. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    You can turn off reverbs from Kontakt and use vst reverb after you're done editing midi and export audio.
  10. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Can you tell us which CPU do you have?
    I've composed and mixed on 1.6GHz Core2Duo with only 256s latency, and my project had 57 tracks. It's all about how you utilize the resources. *yes*
  11. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    id be really interested is what you do to "utilise " your resources, be it MAC or PC .

    other then whats out there already for system optimisation you have any other tips N tricks? id love to hear them

    so much with so little is pretty impressive


  12. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    Athlon 64 x2 5000+ (2.6 GHz Dual Core), 4 GB of ddr2 dual channel interleaved, 1x500 GB hd (caviar blue).
    Windows 7 x64, and all the cracked software that exists (I know what your remark will be, so don't bother).
    Unfortunately I have no current options of upgrading, so this will have to do for a while.
  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    This will do for a while! :blues:
    I started on 1.2GHz C2D and 2GB RAM :grooves:

    Anyway to answer evolasme question,
    Kontakt itself is very lenient on CPU, with script-free and FX-free instruments, I was able to pull 1000 voices (1700 on 1024s) on that specs. The scripting and FX however does take some of the power away.
    When there's an instrument, which does not need FX to work (like Spitfire Harp), I remove them all, both the group and the 'instrument' ones. Even bypassed FX consume some processing power.
    When this is done, sometimes removing whole script is possible, and the instrument still works. On certain occasions, the script consumes the most CPU. Kontakt convolution engine is heavy as well. Also note that Kontakt 5.1.0 and newer drain about 5% more CPU than before with the same instrument set.

    And about RAM, today I use explicitly SSDs for dumping samples, two drives, content divided based on mic positions. E.g. for Spitfires, Tree and Outtrigger mic are stored on primary SSD and Close and Ambient are stored on secondary one. This allows for up to 1GB/s throughput (500MB/s on SATA2) and therefore I can limit the preload buffer size to 6KB or purge samples from RAM entirely.
    Every Kontakt instance in DAW will increase RAM usage by 100MB, so wise idea is to route 16 channels out of single session.

    When that's not enough, then bouncing/freezing always works. :wink:
  14. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    Andrew, thank you for a comprehensive reply! I also noticed plugins in general hog cpu even when they are bypassed. Scripts can be even worse. What symphonic orchestra would you recommend for me; I am in the process of dl Best Service Chamber Ensemble, but I have already tried Best Service Classical Collection and I'm not so impressed. But with a little decay and attack tweaking it might just work. I am saying this because maybe there is a library I have not yet heard of, like these Best Service ones?
  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    It's a good idea to 'build' symphonic orchestra package based on what works together. Don't rely on single company.
    For example my on-the-go package is this:

    Strings: Cinematic Strings 2 (Ensemble), Spitfire Sable (Divisi), LASS First Chairs and 8dio Adagio Solos (solos)
    Brass: Cinesamples' CineBrass Core/Pro and Sample modeling Brass
    Woodwinds: Berlin Woodwinds, Spitfire Flute Consort and BWW EXP B
    Percussion: Spitfire Percussion REDUX
    Choir: 8dio Liberis, Soundiron Mars and Venus

    Of course if you'd like dry orchestra, then
    Strings: LA Scoring Strings
    Brass: Sample Modeling Brass
    Woodwinds: Westgate Woodwinds
    Percussion: probably Elite Orchestral Percussion

    If you're new to orchestral composing, you may also try pancaked libs, like Albion Series. :thumbsup:
  16. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    I can't believe you did not mention VSL! Tell me the truth, though: how much of this is legal and how much is for free (so to speak!)? Because I'm stuck with the "free" stuff, and I don't think I can get all that you've listed! Besides you were obviously not answering my question. But hey, since we are discussing, and since you're obviously a serious composer, could you tell me the truth about my demo?
    Link: Wagner tuba demo
  17. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Everything listed is available in the underworld of AZ. Every single one listed. *yes*
    And everything is 'legal' once you purchase it (to answer that question, none is "free").
    I will purchase all libs I'm currently working with, once the right time comes, and once there'll be resources, of that I'm sure. *yes*

    I've omitted VSL as I don't have much experience with it, it's pretty expensive and the "released" VSL is about decade old.
    Maybe I missed something, but thought your question was "What symphonic orchestra would you recommend for me", for that I gave an answer. *yes*
    I'll write the Wagner Tuba demo track feedback to that topic
    Edit, I see it's too late :sad:
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