EZdrummer 2, trouble knowing what and to install

Discussion in 'Software' started by one eyed willy73, Oct 3, 2022.

  1. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Modesto Ca.
    Ok so tried looking for solutions on this site, and no dice. I have gotten the older ez 2.00 tbv cracked dll with patched to work many times. Last time i made it work, i had alot of help from my son via team viewer.I noticed he made copies of ex 64standalone and the ex64 dll, and put them on my desktop. stalled the 32bit and 64bit of ez 2.00 tvb. Do i install the 1.02 update and then the library update, or vice versa?Lastley we used the everything app. to locate all dll files that where not needed, etc.. Can someone give me a text version of a step by step on how to install these cracks? Basically what broke all the work we did to make it work, was i tried installing a cracked update for drumkit from hell, that was not what broke the crack. I then tried using the uninstall exe for the update i previously did, wich was the 1.5.4 update .I learned if i want to undo anything update wize etc.. I will just delete the actual folder instead of using the actual exe uninstall option.I also am not shure on what to do about deleting the content for all the updates i copied and pasted over the ez 2 sound folders where i put all sounds and ez packs, on drive f. Can i just simply delete the content for all updates i copied and pasted? I also noticed the updates had a cmd file with all of them. Also when pasting the updates over the ez sound folders. There was over 10 thousand files to copy etc.. Is it cuz the update files have a cmd wich is a command script? Will it be as easy as just deleting those updates folders i copied fromoriginal source. I finally broke down and purchased a older vers. of ez 2 that i now have in my toontrack account. I really just want to make the tvb crack work,cuz i have allmost every ez pack that i got from torrents or file sharingsites. I also have the ez 2.1.8 C crack aswell, wich is what we first installed before the ez 2.00 tvb . I would be thankfull for any help.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Either you use the purchased version or the cracked version, both together do not work.
    P.S.: Please make a few paragraphs, it reads better.
  4. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    It also might be a good idea to put the name of the software in the title so people know what you're referring to.
  5. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Modesto Ca.
    As far as running legit along side non legit version.

    Why did i have some of my legit ones i purchased running along side the cracked versions?

    I know at least i cannot install a cracked ez2 also with a registered of ez 2.

    Somehow i was able to operate, i know i had the southern soul running along side all other cracked versions of ez librarys.

    I will try using more spaces and press enter, but in the past i did this, and some of the words would be out of place . not making sense, etc..

    Hopefully this works better.

    Simpley , i just want to install the cracked version of the ez 2.00 patched dll option.

    Unless someone else thinks it would be easier to go the keygen route.

    I think it it is easiest tojust replace the original dll files with the tbv ones.

    Thank anyone for any more suggestions.
  6. Xenon

    Xenon Producer

    Jun 23, 2022
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    Look in your inbox!
  7. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Modesto Ca.
    Thanks Zenon, but the latest version of ez 3 will not beable to be recognized by newer graphics, or interface, etc..

    Unless someone else can chime in about this, basically confirming that if i load the older ez 2 packs, no matter even if they are the later ones, like kicks and snares.

    I have spent alot of money for software, to then later find out my nvda screenreader cannot read anything on screen.

    S.D. 2and 3 are not accessable for me.

    So i would love it if someone could tell me if when loading any of the ez 2 packs, the look and feel is basically the same like when running in previously released ez 2 look and feel, when loaded in ez 3?

    I understand that the newer ez 3 packs will have all new options and graphics , look and feel.

    I justneed to know if i load an ez 2 pack in ez 3, it will have the same look and feel like in ez 2 software.
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  8. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Ex Drummer 3 is working with win 7, 8gb ram, Radeon 2400 HDpro card (Bought around the time of the Cretaceous Period)

    Install 3 first, then use Revo Uninstaller (if you have it) to delete EZ Drummer2 afterwards.

    Problem solved.

    Yes.. And I will double check for you now. EZ Drummer 3 With EZ Drummer 2 Modern Kit.png

    I think that's the same?

    What are your exact specs? We can then go from there.. Bear in mind the machine I'm using is about 15 or more years old with barely a few hardware upgrades.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
  9. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Modesto Ca.
    Yeah, my pc specs, are as follows.

    win 10 64 i 5 24 gb ram.

    The tricky part with my setup is i use a screenreader named nvda.

    Wich stands for non visual desktop application.

    I also have a nvda addon called sibiac, wich stands for single image blob interface access.

    I n order to make the addon work , you need to have windows magnafication set to 100 or higher.

    Plus screen resalution has to be set to 1920 x 1080 or higher.

    aAlso ez 2 or 3 has to be opened within reaper as a virtual instrument on a track.

    You also need to make taskbar disapear so you can see the whole interface of ez 2 within reaper.

    You cannot use certain versions of nvda, or sibiac will not work for every version available .

    It is a matter of entering the actual standalone of ez 2 within reaper by using down arrow until sibiac says ez drummer , and then you should beable to press enter then context menu then displays all ez packs installed .

    This is why i am so stressed about making all this work for my screenreader.

    This is why i feel 0 guilt for trying before i buy, cuz i have to jump through so many hoops, just to use drum software.

    So i would be very thankful if someone could test to see if the newer ez 3 works with my specs, opening ez drummer within reaper , that is the only way i have access to ez drummmer 2 librarys.

    I am pretty shure the newer ez 3 librarys are not accessable with sibiac .

    So maybe some others on this site can get more of an idea of what effort i put into making this ez 2 librarys work for my roland td 50, wich feel and response are beyond amazing.

    Butt the sounds from ez 2 are hands down even more amazing, even the accessability for mixer and presets , wich really fall short on roland modules.
  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I have to admit, I'd never heard of NVDA until just now. The latest version is 2022.3. Do you have that?

    If you already have the latest version, might you not contact them? Maybe they can include a way of allowing a scroll function within their software which allows you to access content which is far bigger than would otherwise fit?
  11. one eyed willy73

    one eyed willy73 Newbie

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Modesto Ca.
    I do have the latest version, but i am pretty shure that sibiac is not enabled within that version.

    Nvda really has nothing to do with creating functions inside the program.

    The real options are in the ppl. that help desighn their own addons, like sibiac.

    Sibiac actually is no longer supported for the software i use it for.

    The latest software supported is called lbl, addonthat is supossed to work for steven slate drums 5.5, wich only works on win 10 or later.

    II really do not need the latest nvda until i get sibiac working for z 2.

    I would be very excited to know if ez 3 would work for sibiac like older ez 2, meaning i hear that ez 3 works way smoother and has more options for e drums.

    You can still get the older versions of sibiac for ez 2, but it sounds like i may need to disable it within nvda, in order to allow the SSD5.5to work.

    Basically, i am at the mercy of all addon developers for nvda, wich they add a few every so often, on the actual nvda addons official page.

    The person that helped develop sibiac,passed it on to the one doing the lbl for SSD.

    Wich is another plugin i finally purchased, but found out that in oder to make it work you need every michrosoft runtime and so on, also you need to change your keymap with in reaper.

    So many hoops for me to get shit working in my world.

    Maybe some others can be greatful, that they only need to figure certain options, and then they are on rock and roll city.
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