Elon Musk reveals a humanoid robot at Tesla AI Day 2022

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    So guy raving about danger of A.I. make first generation of terminator. :deep_facepalm:
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    What would you do if you were the richest person in the world?
    Build robots, fly to Mars, invent Space X rockets (have them invented)?
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Makes perfect sense, as someone knowing a few things about A.I.
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Elon Musk new robot is based on cameras / camera recognition like from the Tesla.

    Quotes from Elon Musk:
    - Elon Musk on AI: "In five years, things will be unstable".
    - Anyone who isn't afraid of AI is probably not that smart, he says.
    - An arms race of military AI weapons is a bad idea and should be addressed by means of a ban on autonomous...
  5. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    And the japanese are still at the level they were 15 years ago. Left behind by everyone else.
    Elon is a visionary. It doesn't matter how stupid you think his ideas are or how often he fails. First and foremost, his business seems to be not a finished product, but a dream. He sells dreams that inspire others to look in a direction he sets. All he has to do then is to look where he sees potential and invest in it. It's a pretty successful business model, as you can see from his wallet.
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Which companies Musk has founded or bought over the years - an overview:

    Zip2 (1995), X.Com und Paypal (1999/2000), SpaceX (2002), Tesla (2004), Solar City (2006),
    Hyperloop (2013), OpenAI (2015), Neuralink (2016), The Boring Company (2017), Thud (2018)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  7. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Well, that's one way of using word salad to justify dishonesty and bullshit. where exactly does ripping off investors and never delivering anything he promises, and also inventing "solutions" that don't really tackle the problems come in to "selling dreams". unless you meant that literally.... :unsure:
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Here in Germany Berlin, Mister Musk is building a Tesla plant.
    Its reusable Space X rockets for the ISS also work.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  9. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It's interesting what some people think about how robotics and AI will develop. Or they believe that it will be a long time before robots are equal or superior to us.
    I don't believe that. Here's why:

    Just a few years ago, voice-based AI only spit out prefabricated answers when talking to humans. The AI chose its answer based on the frequency of certain key terms in the human's question. Often, the answers were very vague or completely missed the point. Meanwhile, the answers are not only spot-on, but the AI also understands the intent of the question - i.e., the meta-level. Some current AIs not only understand the intent of a vaguely formulated task, but can also understand their own role within the task and adapt their own approach to solving the task, but also modulate key points formulated in the task so that the task can be solved even if those key points are not present. Pre-programming is thus no longer necessary.

    Similar successes have been and are being achieved in other areas of AI. Face recognition, motion recognition, emotion recognition and interpretation, sensing, motion, tactics, etc. etc.

    And now it gets really interesting:
    The big players in the AI field are starting to combine different algorithms. For example, they are building robots that can not only communicate with you, but also do tasks on their own because they learn their environment on their own, learn the purpose of and how to handle objects, etc, etc. Example? With pleasure:

    "I spilled my drink. Could you please pick up the shards, mop up the puddle with a mop, and then please bring me a new drink?"

    No problem. The robot asks you what drink you want, dashes off, mops up the shards, looks for a mop, and comes back with a rag because the robot has been looking in the area for a mop, but there is no mop in the area. Then you get your new drink. It may even be that the robot has performed a similar task before and gained experience. Therefore, it arranges the sequence of tasks so that they can be completed as efficiently as possible. Maybe the robot even already knows that there is no mop and deletes the search from the task list. And it has already interacted a few times with a rag or a beaker and is therefore faster at handling these objects because it is constantly training and adapting its fine motor skills. This is not science fiction. This is the current state of the art in robotic AI, for example at google.

    Now combine these findings with military trained AI and military robotics that takes the form of, for example, an Atlas. Yeah. Ready is the T-1000 of your nightmares. It is only a question of time. Just a few years. It will happen.

    One problem that has not yet been solved and will hopefully take some time is the energy supply. These robots need a hell of a lot of energy and the batteries only last a relatively short time before they have to be recharged. Depending on the robot model and the load, this is currently 0.5 to 4 hours.
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  10. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Guys, gals, no need to discuss about Tesla-Musk-shit, this guy is NOT REAL, it's an illusion! Or a hologram. Or an alpha centauri mutant lizard Illuminati. Bet it's all that mixed into the same, crazy, illusory creature...
  11. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Imagine what happens if that thing tries to mix & master using A.I. plugins :rofl:
  12. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    First of all, I'm not justifying anything at all.

    Second, yes, I mean that literally. I didn't say he was trying to solve humanity's problems. I said, he is selling dreams!
    He's getting people to think about things he'd like to see come to fruition. He gets people talking about issues that interest him - or - that give him an advantage in implementing his vision. Or, to put it another way, he gets the ball rolling. That's what a visionary usually is.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
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  13. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    I fully agree. Elon is once again hyping up a barely working crap.

    I especially like how the lady made sure to inform everyone before the presentation that this is the first time they are using it without cranes, etc., which would be a very dumb move and is most likely untrue. No sane person would YOLO a big reveal like that, so I think we can safely assume it was done to cover their asses in case the robot falls over face down.

    Meanwhile at Boston Dynamics:
  14. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    have no doubt that as long as things keep progressing and no kind of event happens that blows civilization back to the stone age, anything that can be imagined will come about, whether it takes hundreds, thousands, or millions of years.

    you got this fermi paradox and von neumann self replicating machines issue... where are they. space should be filled with them by now. they can't see the forest for the trees though.... this universe is one of them, lol
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  15. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    nothing more inspiring than a robot that resembles the motor skills of a 90 year old . Maybe this is a play. Look , if I upload my body to a robot, I need better than this bullshit. Come on Elon.
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  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    People don't trust other people anymore.
    Humans make too many mistakes, too many lies, too much unreliability.
    Mankind hopes that technology will solve their problems.
    Besides, there is a lot of money to be made in AI and robotics.
  17. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I have no idea. It's unlikely I will ever be and it's not something that interests me, for myself. If it just fell on my lap, I guess I'd look into alleviating whatever suffering I could without compromising me and mine. Maybe that means robots, IDK. Its not something I've ever thought about seriously. I'm a very self-involved person honestly. I kinda have to be to do this music thing for hours a day.
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  18. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Does not matter actually since she will never have a failure update and then try to brake my neck. Bones fighting back against metal isn't fair.
  19. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I like how this video left out all the cringy parts like the countdown. Well, the stupid dance is at least included.

    Idea for a South Park episode: A malfunctioning robot choking Elon to death on stage :thumbsup:

    And the fact that they have rich parents who made all that possible to begin with

    People are so dumb though. Rich influencers tell the population that robots can be more intelligent than them and the population believes it.

    A calculator can calculate better than I can do by myself, but is it more intelligent than I am?
    Environmentalism and keeping this species alive are mere excuses by those rich people to bait other rich people into investing in their projects and multiplying their wealth. Yeah, for sure this species is dumb as shit.
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  20. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    ^ Well that's 4 people anyways.

    300k, for example, (I know his say "and more". It's not the headline so I'll assume it's less) isn't much. I've seen that lying at my feet in drug money. My point is that it isn't an unattainable amount. Turning that into 138 billion is almost impossible. Few people can do that.