Ableton Live 11.X.x Betas/Final

Discussion in 'Live' started by ArticStorm, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    b1 and b2 were internal i guess.

    11.2b3 Release Notes (31-05-2022)
    New features and improvements

    Capture MIDI
    • Capture results are no longer influenced by the song tempo set by the target track's previous Capture attempts.

    • When Live’s transport is running, Capture MIDI will keep longer phrases in captured clips.
    Control Surfaces
    • In the Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script, the Quantise button can now quantize clips in Session or Arrangement View.

    • On the PreSonus ATOM SQ, it is now possible to scroll between device parameter banks by holding the bank navigation buttons down.

    • Fixed an issue in the SL_MKIII Control Surface script that resulted in incorrect LED button states when exiting Drum Mode.

    • In the ATOM SQ Control Surface script, it is now possible to control the Master Track volume and pan in Song mode when the Master Track is selected.

    • The encoder sensitivity for the ATOM SQ Control Surface script has been refined to better match the parameters they control. Additionally, the encoders can be used to fine tune parameter values when the Shift button is pressed.
    Core Library
    • Added audio and MIDI clips to Session View in Live’s Demo Song.
    • The icons in Live’s Preferences and dialogs have been improved.

    • Live now shows different icons for Live Clip (.alc) files that distinguish between Audio and MIDI content in the browser.

    • When renaming tracks, [Tab] will navigate to the next track or chain header, while [Shift][Tab] navigates to the previous track or chain header.

    • Value ranges on vertical rulers in the MIDI Note Editor are now always displayed as two values stacked vertically.

    • Improved drag and drop behavior within list views (such as the Groove Pool and device chains). Instead of always being inserted before the target item, dropped items will now be placed dynamically, depending on which half of the target item the cursor hovers over. In addition, the copy modifier [ALT] now works more consistently.

    • When Num Lock is switched off on Windows, the number pad arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys now function as expected.

    • Disabled devices now display an alert icon above error messages in Device View.

    • Updated various info texts.

    • Updated the What's New in Live lesson.
    Max for Live
    • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.3.1. For the changelog, visit:
      • live.banks: added warnings to explain non-reactivity in Max-only

      • Dynamic Colors: changed label of ‘live_control_fg’ to ‘Text /Icon’

      • jweb / CEF: fixed usage in Max for Live (Windows)

      • live.* ui objects: updated color code

      • live.banks: banks configuration is retained if device is opened and saved in Max

      • live.comment: linecount is preserved

      • live.gain~: @orientation 1 typed-in a box works as expected

      • live.gain~: auto-adapts when transforming to MC version

      • fixed value output after opening/closing Max editor

      • crosspatch: works in the context of a Max for Live device hosted in Live

      • Max for Live / Gen: improved fixes for intermittent crashes
    • Audio driver input and output latencies are now taken into account for Max for Live devices that contain audio routings to external targets. If needed, users can revert to the previous behavior by using the -DisableM4LRoutingCompensation debug option in an Options.txt file.

    • The time_signature_numerator, time_signature_denominator, time_signature_enabled and tempo_enabled properties are now available in the Max for Live API. Corrected descriptions for the properties have also been added.

    • Improved and updated the scale_name and scale_intervals descriptions in the Max for Live API.
    New Devices and Device Improvements
    • Reverb:
      • The Reverb device's interface has been updated with a fresh design.

      • The Reverb device's Density and Quality parameters have been renamed to Diffusion and Density. The parameter values for Density (previously Quality) have also been changed from Eco, Mid, and High to Sparse, Low, Mid, and High. Sparse mode allows for lower CPU usage.

      • Added a Smooth drop-down menu to the Reverb device. You can now specify how the Size parameter responds when changed using the Smooth options None, Slow, or Fast.

      • Setting Smooth to None means that some artifacts may occur when changing the Size parameter values. The Slow and Fast options ensure that new delay times are updated over a specific period of time, resulting in a more musical sound.

      • Added a switchable filter type to the High filter in Reverb’s Diffusion Network. You can choose between a one-pole lowpass filter or a low-shelf filter.

      • Optimized for better CPU performance.
    • Tuner:
      • The Tuner device now includes three new options for note spellings. You can access a menu with these options when you right-click anywhere within Tuner's UI:
        • Sharps (C#)

        • Flats (D♭)

        • Sharps and Flats (C#/D♭)
      • It is now possible to zoom out to a full octave in Tuner's Histogram View by clicking the interface and dragging the cursor horizontally.
    • In the Phaser-Flanger device, the Phase parameter of the LFO now has a default value of 180 degrees.

    • The Excitator section of the Tension device is now called “Exciter” in Live and on Push.

    • A context menu option for a Hi-Quality mode has been added to the Delay device. Switching off Hi-Quality uses less CPU resources.

    • The Channel EQ device now uses less CPU resources.

    • Presets containing the Saturator device now run with improved CPU usage.

    • Inactive visualization data will no longer be sent in the Wavetable and Phaser devices, resulting in slightly improved performance.

    • When mapping and unmapping device parameters to Macros, the Map/Unmap labels now appear as expected.

    • A Hi-Quality option has been added to the [right-click](Win) / [CTRL-click](Mac) context menu of the Redux device. Using Redux with Hi-Quality switched off saves some extra CPU.
    • Added native support for AUv3 plugins on macOS 10.15 or higher.
      • Live's Preferences now include options to enable both AUv2 and AUv3 plug-ins.
    • Plug-in errors are now shown in Live’s Status Bar, along with a linked detailed error report.
    • Push 2 mappings for the Reverb device have been redesigned to include parameters for new features.

    • On Push 2, the parameter names of the AAS devices (Analog, Collision, Tension and Electric) have been improved and aligned with the UI for readability.
    Session View Improvements
    • It is now possible to simultaneously rename multiple rack chains in Session View.

    • When navigating tracks and device chains using the left arrow key in Session View, navigation will stop at the first track header as expected.
    • To avoid incompatibilities, you will be asked to save Live Sets created with an older version of Live as a new file in Live 11.2.

    • Live's Audio Preferences now include an option to follow system settings for Input and Output on macOS. When enabled, changes made to system audio preferences are also reflected in Live.

    • Renamed the Customization section of Live's Preferences to Display Customization, which now also includes the Zoom Display setting.
    Live Bugfixes
    • Fixed the appearance of the Phaser-Flanger device's Env Fol parameter when the device is deactivated.

    • Fixed a bug that would stop the manual freeze output when switching the Spectral Time device's Freezer Fade Shape from Crossfade to Envelope mode.

    • Fixed an issue that caused the Corpus device to output silence when using larger buffer sizes on Windows.

    • Added info texts for the Frz > Dly and Dly > Frz toggles in the Spectral Time device.

    • Added a missing info text for the Env Amt parameter in Collision’s Noise Filter section.

    • Fixed some issues with the LFO and MPE Control devices.

    • The dropdown menu for Reverb's Density parameter is now 2px wider to avoid cutting off the word "Sparse.”

    • Fixed an issue that could cause an invalid selection when selecting all chains in a Drum Rack in Session View.

    • On Windows, Live’s UI now refreshes as expected after tapping [ALT] to open the main menu.

    • Opening a context menu on Windows with the keyboard shortcut [Shift][F10] no longer changes the time selection in Arrangement View, Session scene selection, or browser selection.

    • On Windows, opening a context menu with the [Shift][F10] keyboard shortcut no longer changes the selected Session track header or Session clip.

    • Fixed an issue that could cause artifacts when using the Complex or Complex Pro warping mode on clips that were only slightly warped.

    • Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary freeze tail clips when freezing and flattening clips with small gaps between them.

    • Fixed a bug that caused MIDI notes and audio waveforms to jiggle slightly when adjusting clip edges in Arrangement View.

    • Selecting a velocity or probability marker and typing in a number sets the value as expected.

    • When Rack Macro Controls and chains are unfolded, the Rand and Map buttons are now properly aligned.

    • When showing or hiding chains in a Rack, the buttons would previously move up and down depending on the view shown. These buttons are now evenly spaced at all times.

    • Fixed an issue that caused Session clips to be added over Arrangement clips when copying a track in Session View and pasting it into Arrangement View.

    • Fixed an issue that caused inconsistent time signatures when launching scenes with specific time signatures in Session View, and then quickly going back to the Arrangement View. This issue could also cause the Re-enable Automation button to become stuck.

    • When a track is frozen, the Velocity Range slider will now freeze as expected in MIDI clips.

    • Fixed an issue that prevented the keyboard shortcut to expand Clip View [CTRL][ALT][E] (Win) / [CMD][OPT][E] (Mac) from working when switching from Session View to Arrangement View (or vice versa) when no clip was selected.

    • Selecting time in the MIDI Velocity Editor now works as expected when multi-clip editing.

    • When a user changes the MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset option in a set, they will be prompted to save the changes when they close the set or quit Live.

    • Fixed an issue that caused Live to hang when zooming out of a clip with a small loop region that was being recorded.

    • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading certain Live Sets containing more than 1,000 tracks.

    • Fixed a potential crash when opening old Live Sets that contained devices that have since been removed from Live.

    • AU plug-ins are now informed about silent inputs so that they can release CPU resources and report output silence if possible. This will allow any device in the device chain after the AU plug-in to release CPU resources as well.

    • Fixed an issue that caused note feedback to break when using certain Control Surface script interactions, such as repeatedly switching the note layout on Push while a MIDI clip was playing.

    • Fixed an issue that inadvertently showed blue hand icons and device locking options for particular device control features not available in some Control Surface scripts.

    • Fixed a bug that kept internal buffers of VST3 plug-ins from resetting properly. As a result of this fix, lingering signals (like reverb and delay tails) are now reset before audio export starts. Lingering signals can also be cut off quickly by clicking the Stop button three times.
    Max for Live Bugfixes
    • Fixed a bug where adding Expression Control would create unnecessary undo steps.
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The Ableton Reverb looks stunning now:


    Old reverb:
    • Like Like x 5
    • Creative Creative x 1
    • List
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.2b4 Release Notes (08-06-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • Updated the software texts for the Tension device.
    • The context menu for Time Signature Change markers in Arrangement View now appears as expected.
    • Fixed an issue that deselected AUv2 and AUv3 plug-ins after duplicating a selected plug-in.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the header area of a time selection to select time in a MIDI clip when in the Expression tab.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a Live Set with plug-in automation on the Master track, or on a return or group track.
    • Live no longer hangs or crashes in certain scenarios when the Grammarly macOS app is concurrently running.
    • Fixed a crash that would occur when VST plug-ins requested the dedicated GPU, or when the user changed the macOS Battery "Automatic graphic switching” preference.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening Live Sets containing VST plug-ins with a selected preset that was different from the first option in the preset bank.
    • When first opening a Live version with the Follow System I/O feature on macOS, Live will retain the previous audio settings and the “Use System Default” preference will be switched off.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.2b5 Release Notes (27-06-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • Updated the "Setting up Audio I/O" Help View lesson.
    • In the DS Drum Rack preset, devices contained in the selected chain are now always shown by default.
    • Fixed a regression that prevented users from expanding Live's collapsed browser by clicking the blank area beneath the "Show/Hide Browser" button.
    • Fixed a regression where the keyboard shortcut [CTRL][F] (Win) / [CMD][F] (Mac) no longer focused the search field for typing if used with the browser closed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused silence and/or hanging notes when recording MIDI notes into clips that already contained those same notes.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented tempo-synced AUv3 plug-ins from synchronizing with Live.
    • Improved high DPI support for VST3 plug-ins on Windows:
      * Plug-ins that support high DPI and IPlugViewContentScale should be the correct size.
      * Plug-ins that have their own resizing logic should not resize when the user drags the window around.
      * Plug-in windows are instantiated with the correct size in both scaled and non-scaled modes.
      * Plug-ins that support host-initiated resizing are interrogated by calling checkSizeContraint in the correct place.
      * Plug-ins that support host-initiated resizing can be maximized by double-clicking on the title bar.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening the context menu of a clip in the Arrangement when different types of clips were also selected.
  5. VSKZ

    VSKZ Producer

    Jul 9, 2021
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    I kinda miss the XY Controlling at Spin and Chorus, but the rest looks great!
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i never used the XY controllers, they were a waste of space for me. Same goes for the XY controls when the plugin is not open, would rather like a plugin thumbnail there.
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.2b6 Release Notes (11-07-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • The error dialog window that appears when loading a Live Set with disabled plug-ins now displays the track name before the timestamp.
    • In beta builds of Live, Metal rendering is enabled on macOS by default to improve UI rendering performance.
    • The Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script now works with the Launchkey 88.
    • Updated various software texts.
    • A selection outline now appears as expected on all clips when multiple clips are selected on a folded track in Arrangement View.
    • Fixed a potential crash on Windows that occurred when closing Live right before the program tried to install default Packs.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred during playback when switching from Arrangement to Session View in Live while in Clip and Note mode on Push.
    • Fixed an issue with various Control Surface scripts that caused clip launch button LEDs to be in an incorrect state when changing the input type of a track.

      When using the ATOM, ATOM SQ, and FANTOM Control Surface scripts, arm button LEDs now reflect a track’s implicit armed state.
    • Fixed a crash when loading a corrupt Live Set containing non-unique Pointee IDs. Live now recognizes if the set is corrupt and displays a corresponding error message. Users can reach out to Support to see if their sets can be repaired.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when restoring a Live Set containing an AUv3 plug-in with automated parameters in a return track.
    • Fixed an issue with certain VST3 plug-ins that created unwanted artifacts in rendered audio.
    • Previously, Live would crash when deleting an instance of Simpler from a Drum Rack pad while the Simpler's Envelopes view is visible on Push.
    • Previously, Live would crash when routing an Ext. Instrument's MIDI output to an MPE routing target if the track's device chain also contained a plug-in, Max for Live device, or certain built-in audio effects.
    • Previously, Live would crash when using the Extract Chain command on a Drum Rack chain that has automation or modulation for the Chain Send Level.
    • Live now uses its own silence detection for AUv2 and AUv3 plug-ins. As a result, certain reverb, delay, and generative audio effects can sustain infinitely after the input signal has gone quiet.
  8. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Many crashes fixed again, thank God.
  9. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    11.2b7 Release Notes (29-07-2022)
    • When using the "Show Automation" or "Show Modulation" context menu entries on a parameter or using Step Automation on Push, Live now opens the envelope panel and scrolls it into view when the Clip Detail View panels are arranged vertically.
    • Previously, Live's UI would sometimes display stale text content after moving the application from a LowDPI monitor to a HiDPI monitor on macOS.
    • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when loading a plug-in that could not instantiate its presets.
    • Improved Live's performance when many clips are selected or deselected.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when plug-in pop-up dialog boxes appeared as a plug-in or preset was being loaded.
    • Fixed a crash on macOS that occurred when closing a video window in fullscreen mode by double-clicking on the window.
    • Fixed a crash on macOS that occurred if a Live Set had only one video clip in it, by briefly closing the video window when moving the clip around. Now when moving a single video clip around, the video window remains open at its current position and size.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    11.2b8 Release Notes (25-08-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • Updated various Help View lessons.
    • Updated various software texts.
    • If the connection to an AUv3 plug-in gets lost an error message will be displayed. The plug-in will also be disabled, the output muted, and the plug-in window closed.
    • Fixed a bug where context menus would close abruptly if Voice Control was enabled on System Settings on macOS.
    • In Arrangement View, right-clicking clips would cause a crash in some rare circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Live’s menu bar to become invisible after deleting all video clips if the video window was in Full Screen Mode on macOS.
    • Fixed an issue where Live no longer restored the previous height of the Clip View from earlier launches, and would only display Clip View at its default height.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Shaper MIDI to produce unnecessary Undo steps.
      Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect Undo values when using Align Delay in Distance mode.
    • Fixed an issue that resulted in inconsistent latency compensation when using positive Track Delay amounts on Group Tracks or return tracks.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging and dropping another Live Set with Group Tracks into Session View as a new scene in certain circumstances.
    • Fixed a bug that caused VST2 plug-ins with the characters [] or {} in their names to not appear in the browser.
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    11.2b9 Release Notes (03-09-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • On macOS, Metal rendering is now enabled by default in all Live builds.
      To deactivate this, use the Options.txt entry -DisableGraphicsHardwareAcceleration.
    • Fixed an issue on macOS that caused visual glitches in various line displays (such as lines representing waveforms in the LFO device) when using Metal rendering.
    • The visual quality of the curve display in the Velocity MIDI effect has also been improved.
    • Fixed a speculative crash that might occur when opening a set containing an AU plug-in with a changed parameter list.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Preferences/Undo path to be listed incorrectly when a Crash Report was generated.
    • Reverted a fix regarding latency compensation on Group Tracks and return tracks.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    11.2b10 Release Notes (07-09-2022)
    New features and improvements:
    • Removed the Follow System I/O Audio options in Live’s Preferences on macOS.

    macOS only revelance beta version.
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I missed one:

    11.2b11 Release Notes (date?)
    New features and improvements:
    • Updated various software text translations in DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, and ZH.

    11.2b12 Release Notes (14-09-2022)
    • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when loading an instance of Wavetable.

    Looks like close to release here. translations, were always the last thing to get right and update. So hidera - if you read that - get your patcher ready!!!
  15. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thank you AS. Finally out!


    11.2 Release Notes
    New features and improvements

    • Capture MIDI
      • Capture results are no longer influenced by the song tempo set by the target track's previous Capture attempts.

      • When Live’s transport is running, Capture MIDI will keep longer phrases in captured clips.
    • Control Surfaces
      • In the Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script, the Quantise button can now quantize clips in Session or Arrangement View.

      • The Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script now also works with the Launchkey 88.

      • On the PreSonus ATOM SQ, it is now possible to scroll between device parameter banks by holding the bank navigation buttons down.

      • In the ATOM SQ Control Surface script, it is now possible to control the Master Track volume and pan in Song mode when the Master Track is selected.

      • The encoder sensitivity for the ATOM SQ Control Surface script has been refined to better match the parameters they control. Additionally, the encoders can be used to fine tune parameter values when the Shift button is pressed.
    • Core Library
      • Added audio and MIDI clips to Session View in Live’s Demo Song.

      • In the DS Drum Rack preset, devices contained in the selected chain are now always shown by default.
    • Interface
      • The icons in Live’s Preferences and dialogs have been improved.

      • Updated the appearance of the "Record/Warp/Launch" tab in Live's Preferences.

      • The error dialog window that appears when loading a Live Set with disabled plug-ins now displays the track name before the timestamp.

      • Live now shows different icons for Live Clip (.alc) files that distinguish between Audio and MIDI content in the browser.

      • When renaming tracks, [Tab] will navigate to the next track or chain header, while [Shift][Tab] navigates to the previous track or chain header.

      • Value ranges on vertical rulers in the MIDI Note Editor are now always displayed as two values stacked vertically.

      • Improved drag and drop behavior within list views (such as the Groove Pool and device chains). Instead of always being inserted before the target item, dropped items will now be placed dynamically, depending on which half of the target item the cursor hovers over. In addition, the copy modifier [ALT] now works more consistently.

      • When Num Lock is switched off on Windows, the number pad arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys now function as expected.

      • Disabled devices now display an alert icon above error messages in Device View.

      • When exporting multiple tracks, the option to also export video at the same time is now deactivated in the Export Audio/Video dialog.

      • Updated various software texts.

      • Updated various Help View lessons.

      • Updated various software text and Help View lesson translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.
    • Max for Live
      • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.3.1. For the changelog, visit:
        • live.banks: added warnings to explain non-reactivity in Max-only

        • Dynamic Colors: changed label of ‘live_control_fg’ to ‘Text /Icon’

        • jweb / CEF: fixed usage in Max for Live (Windows)

        • live.* ui objects: updated color code

        • live.banks: banks configuration is retained if device is opened and saved in Max

        • live.comment: linecount is preserved

        • live.gain~: @orientation 1 typed-in a box works as expected

        • live.gain~: auto-adapts when transforming to MC version

        • fixed value output after opening/closing Max editor

        • crosspatch: works in the context of a Max for Live device hosted in Live

        • Max for Live / Gen: improved fixes for intermittent crashes
      • A new property in the Max for Live API allows users to observe the number of visible Macro Controls for a RackDevice.

      • Audio driver input and output latencies are now taken into account for Max for Live devices that contain audio routings to external targets. If needed, users can revert to the previous behavior by using the -DisableM4LRoutingCompensation debug option in an Options.txt file.

      • The time_signature_numerator, time_signature_denominator, time_signature_enabled and tempo_enabled properties are now available in the Max for Live API. Corrected descriptions for the properties have also been added.

      • Improved and updated the scale_name and scale_intervals descriptions in the Max for Live API.
    • New Devices and Device Improvements
      • Reverb:
        • The Reverb device's interface has been updated with a fresh design.

        • The Reverb device's Density and Quality parameters have been renamed to Diffusion and Density. The parameter values for Density (previously Quality) have also been changed from Eco, Mid, and High to Sparse, Low, Mid, and High. Sparse mode allows for lower CPU usage.

        • Added a Smooth dropdown menu to the Reverb device. You can now specify how the Size parameter responds when changed using the Smooth options None, Slow, or Fast.

        • Setting Smooth to None means that some artifacts may occur when changing the Size parameter values. The Slow and Fast options ensure that new delay times are updated over a specific period of time, resulting in a more musical sound.

        • Added a switchable filter type to the High filter in Reverb’s Diffusion Network. You can choose between a one-pole low-pass filter or a low-shelf filter.

        • Optimized for better CPU performance.
      • Tuner:
        • The Tuner device now includes three new options for note spellings. You can access a menu with these options when you right-click anywhere within Tuner's UI:
          • Sharps (C#)

          • Flats (D♭)

          • Sharps and Flats (C#/D♭)
        • It is now possible to zoom out to a full octave in Tuner's Histogram View by clicking the interface and dragging the cursor horizontally.
      • In the Phaser-Flanger device, the Phase parameter of the LFO now has a default value of 180 degrees.

      • The Excitator section of the Tension device is now called “Exciter” in Live and on Push.

      • A context menu option for a Hi-Quality mode has been added to the Delay device. Switching off Hi-Quality uses less CPU resources.

      • The Channel EQ device now uses less CPU resources.

      • Presets containing the Saturator device now run with improved CPU usage.

      • Inactive visualization data will no longer be sent in the Wavetable and Phaser devices, resulting in slightly improved performance.

      • When mapping and unmapping device parameters to Macros, the Map/Unmap labels now appear as expected.

      • A Hi-Quality option has been added to the [right-click](Win) / [CTRL-click](Mac) context menu of the Redux device. Using Redux with Hi-Quality switched off saves some extra CPU.
    • Plug-ins
      • Added native support for AUv3 plug-ins on macOS 10.15 or higher.
        • Live's Preferences now include options to enable both AUv2 and AUv3 plug-ins.
      • Plug-in errors are now shown in Live’s Status Bar, along with a linked detailed error report.

      • If the connection to an AUv3 plug-in gets lost, an error message will be displayed. The plug-in will also be disabled, the output muted, and the plug-in window closed.
    • Push
      • On Push 2, the parameter names of the AAS devices (Analog, Collision, Tension and Electric) have been improved and aligned with the UI for readability.
    • Session View Improvements
      • It is now possible to simultaneously rename multiple Rack chains in Session View.

      • When navigating tracks and device chains using the left arrow key in Session View, navigation will stop at the first track header as expected.
    • Setup
      • To avoid incompatibilities, you will be asked to save Live Sets created with an older version of Live as a new file in Live 11.2.

      • Renamed the Customization section of Live's Preferences to Display Customization, which now also includes the Zoom Display setting.

      • Metal rendering is now enabled on macOS by default to improve UI rendering performance. To deactivate this, use the Options.txt entry -DisableGraphicsHardwareAcceleration.
    • Live Bugfixes
      • Improved Live's performance when selecting or deselecting many clips.

      • On macOS, Live's UI would sometimes show graphical errors after opening Live on a HiDPI monitor, changing the Zoom Display settings to a value other than 100%, and moving the window to a LowDPI monitor.

      • Fixed the appearance of the Phaser-Flanger device's Env Fol parameter when the device is deactivated.

      • Fixed a bug that would stop the manual freeze output when switching the Spectral Time device's Freezer Fade Shape from Crossfade to Envelope mode.

      • Fixed an issue that caused the Corpus device to output silence when using larger buffer sizes on Windows.

      • Added info texts for the Frz > Dly and Dly > Frz toggles in the Spectral Time device.

      • Added a missing info text for the Env Amt parameter in Collision’s Noise Filter section.

      • Fixed some issues with the LFO and MPE Control devices.

      • Previously, Live would crash when routing an Ext. Instrument's MIDI output to an MPE routing target if the track's device chain also contained a plug-in, Max for Live device, or certain built-in audio effects.

      • The dropdown menu for Reverb's Density parameter is now 2px wider to avoid cutting off the word "Sparse.”

      • Fixed an issue that could cause an invalid selection when selecting all chains in a Drum Rack in Session View.

      • On Windows, Live’s UI now refreshes as expected after tapping [ALT] to open the main menu.

      • Any time the Clip Detail view panels are arranged vertically, Live now opens the Envelopes panel and scrolls it into view when creating per-step automation on Push or using the "Show Automation" or "Show Modulation" context menu entries on a parameter.

      • Opening a context menu on Windows with the keyboard shortcut [Shift][F10] no longer changes the time selection in Arrangement View, Session scene selection, or browser selection.

      • On Windows, opening a context menu with the [Shift][F10] keyboard shortcut no longer changes the selected Session track header or Session clip.

      • Fixed an issue that could cause artifacts when using the Complex or Complex Pro warping mode on clips that were only slightly warped.

      • Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary freeze tail clips when freezing and flattening clips with small gaps between them.

      • Fixed a bug that caused MIDI notes and audio waveforms to jiggle slightly when adjusting clip edges in Arrangement View.

      • Selecting a velocity or probability marker and typing in a number sets the value as expected.

      • When Rack Macro Controls and chains are unfolded, the Rand and Map buttons are now properly aligned.

      • When showing or hiding chains in a Rack, the buttons would previously move up and down depending on the view shown. These buttons are now evenly spaced at all times.

      • Fixed an issue that caused Session clips to be added over Arrangement clips when copying a track in Session View and pasting it into Arrangement View.

      • Fixed an issue that caused inconsistent time signatures when launching scenes with specific time signatures in Session View, and then quickly going back to the Arrangement View. This issue could also cause the Re-enable Automation button to become stuck.

      • When a track is frozen, the Velocity Range slider will now freeze as expected in MIDI clips.

      • Fixed an issue that prevented the keyboard shortcut to expand Clip View [CTRL][ALT][E] (Win) / [CMD][OPT][E] (Mac) from working when switching from Session View to Arrangement View (or vice versa) when no clip was selected.

      • Selecting time in the MIDI Velocity Editor now works as expected when multi-clip editing.

      • When a user changes the MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset option in a set, they will be prompted to save the changes when they close the set or quit Live.

      • Fixed an issue that caused Live to hang when zooming out of a clip with a small loop region that was being recorded.

      • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading certain Live Sets containing more than 1,000 tracks.

      • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the header area of a time selection to select time in a MIDI clip when in the Expression tab.

      • Fixed a potential crash when opening old Live Sets that contained devices that have since been removed from Live.

      • AU plug-ins are now informed about silent inputs so that they can release CPU resources and report output silence if possible. This will allow any device in the device chain after the AU plug-in to release CPU resources as well.

      • Fixed an issue that caused note feedback to break when using certain Control Surface script interactions, such as repeatedly switching the note layout on Push while a MIDI clip was playing.

      • Fixed an issue that inadvertently showed blue hand icons and device locking options for particular device control features not available in some Control Surface scripts.

      • Fixed a bug that kept internal buffers of VST3 plug-ins from resetting properly. As a result of this fix, lingering signals (like reverb and delay tails) are now reset before audio export starts. Lingering signals can also be cut off quickly by clicking the Stop button three times.

      • Fixed an issue with certain VST3 plug-ins that created unwanted artifacts in rendered audio.

      • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a Live Set with plug-in automation on the Master track, or on a Return or Group Track.

      • Live no longer hangs when opening a dropdown menu while Grammarly is running.

      • Fixed a crash that would occur when VST plug-ins requested the dedicated GPU, or when the user changed the macOS Battery "Automatic graphics switching” preference.

      • Fixed a bug that caused silence and/or hanging notes when recording MIDI notes into clips that already contained those same notes.

      • Improved high DPI support for VST3 plug-ins on Windows:
        • Plug-ins that support high DPI and IPlugViewContentScale should be the correct size.

        • Plug-ins that have their own resizing logic should not resize when the user drags the window around.

        • Plug-in windows are instantiated with the correct size in both scaled and non-scaled modes.

        • Plug-ins that support host-initiated resizing are interrogated by calling checkSizeContraint in the correct place.

        • Plug-ins that support host-initiated resizing can be maximized by double-clicking on the title bar.
      • Fixed a potential crash on Windows that occurred when closing Live right before the program tried to install default Packs.

      • Fixed an issue with various Control Surface scripts that caused clip launch button LEDs to be in an incorrect state when changing the input type of a track.

      • When using the ATOM, ATOM SQ, and FANTOM Control Surface scripts, Arm button LEDs now reflect a track’s implicit armed state.

      • Fixed an issue in the SL_MKIII Control Surface script that resulted in incorrect LED button states when exiting Drum Mode.

      • Fixed a crash when loading a corrupt Live Set containing non-unique Pointee IDs. Live now recognizes if the set is corrupt and displays a corresponding error message. Users can reach out to Support to see if their sets can be repaired.

      • Fixed a bug where context menus would close abruptly if Voice Control was enabled on System Settings on macOS.

      • Switching between Session and Arrangement View while a launched clip is playing on Push will now always display the clip as expected.

      • Previously, Live would crash when deleting an instance of Simpler from a Drum Rack pad while the Simpler's Envelopes view was visible on Push.

      • Previously, Live would crash when using the Extract Chains command on a Drum Rack chain that had automation or modulation for the Chain Send Level.

      • Fixed an issue that deselected AU plug-ins after duplicating a selected plug-in.

      • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when loading a plug-in that could not instantiate its presets.

      • Fixed an issue that caused Live’s menu bar to become invisible after deleting all video clips if the video window was in Full Screen Mode on macOS.

      • Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging and dropping another Live Set with Group Tracks into Session View as a new scene in certain circumstances.
    • Max for Live Bugfixes
      • Fixed a bug where adding Expression Control would create unnecessary undo steps.

      • Fixed an issue that caused Shaper MIDI to produce unnecessary Undo steps.

      • Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect Undo values when using Align Delay in Distance mode.
  16. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    In my system, pressing stop a couple of times in a row in transport bar still causes big cpu spikes. Does it happen to anyone else in here? I have read some users talking about this in other foruns, but in previous Live 11 versions. Seems still not fixed yet (or I am out of luck).
  17. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
    Likes Received:
    On my late 2012 mini, 11 is irritatingly unusable. 10 works though. Don't know if 11 just sucks on a 2012 on its own, or some plugin sitting in it causes instability.

    edit: forgot to say mac mini
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  18. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, 9 and 10 work ok here. Version 11 I end up unistalling every time I try the latest releases.
  19. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
    Likes Received:
    It's actually improved now with this version 11.2 Live now has .AU v3 on top of v2 as well (see Preferences panel) resulting in 95% of my AU plugins opening up even more quickly on my M1 2020, versus 11.1.6 and previous versions. I see a lot of fixes and performance improvements that are welcomed, because I don't think we'll see Ableton 12 seeing the light of day before a year or even 2024 considering Ableton's slow release cycles.

    That said, I opened up my latest song project, heavy one, and the % CPU load of the project is still the same, no improvement on this front, but I guess I just need a maxed out M2 or soon M3 with 64GB of RAM to be totally safe haha...

    I guess we will need to wait for the next-gen of VSTs called CLAP (cleveraudio) that apparently are crazy fast making the best of ARM CPUs - u-he is one of the first companies to rolling them out

    But yes the older your computer the slower it will become over time, just the same way as your iPhone 6 with latest iPhone 14 iOS/apps :)

    I happen to have kept an older Mac around 2017ish I think and just installed tonight Live 11.1.6 to retrieve a couple of presets since a couple plugins are still not 11.2 ready and would not open in my project. I did notice like you that older computers will run slower over time. Makes sense I guess since they constantly increase the specs.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  20. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I always get updates but 11 is just too unstable. 11 also kept doing something weird that I've never experienced before after a crash.... 11 would refuse to re-open. I'd have to throw out the preferences before it would do so. It'd crash, not open again, but 10 would open and work in comparison.

    Weird... it's a ten year old computer. Previously I had jumped from my first macs in 1997...a 76 and 8600, to my next mac, a 2007 macbook. A 10 year span. To me the tech and speed jump was huge. However, the 2012 keeps going and does everything I want it to do so in that sense it doesn't feel old at all.

    I believe the reason to be that at a certain point... arbitrarily guessing as long as 12-15 years ago, computers pretty much became powerful enough to do pretty much anything anyone could want music creation wise.

    I use all the plugins and synths that folks do on the latest fastest machines. Only difference really is how many tracks, plugins and synths they can handle whereas I'd need to freeze tracks/bounce to audio much sooner.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
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