Studio One 6 : Mark your calendar..09.29.2022

Discussion in 'Software News' started by chefcoco, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    sphere was introduced with V5, and given that presonus didn't strip away features (for V6) given it's purchase by fender, i don't think we will see such thing... in a while at least
  2. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Atmos is the future, it's already everywhere and will become the standard over the next decade... so fight it if you want and stay in the past, but we professionals are either Atmos ready or going Atmos. So it would have been smart for Presonus to include Atmos in v6 so we don't have to use other DAW's for pro delivery Atmos formats.
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  3. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    some really dumb comments in here "it should be a 5.6" "pure cash grab" really? if thats the case all daws should be in v1.

    theres a time line all daws follow. presonus follows a two year path every 2 years they update to the next version and on top of that it means two more years of updates, feature adds, and fixes. for that version. or you stay with the last version and the updates stop. if you think 400 dollars one time for endless updates is a good business' model go for it lol and good luck presonus has a great model and update path and cheaper than most other daws.
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  4. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    the problem is that the @sshole who thought of this brilliant strategy, made presonus simply skip all the regular in-between updates that we normally should have got released during all these latest months. so we got nothing in updates since 5.5

    and now they package all those incrementals and sell them as STUDIO ONE 6!!!! TA TA TA TAAAAAN!

    its easy to make money that way.

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I see you are funny guy, who have not skill for constructive conversation. Okay. Lets get started!
    Your screenshot is still stupid, when I say small, the controls are small, all is full of nothing, there is not big and readable meters, still FL Studio Mixer can be resized like that, and again is a messy shit.

    I am comparing with Cubase, so compared to Cubase or Nuendo or Reason or Reaper, Studio One is funny, stupid, unintuitive, fx slots are joke, there is no improvements from v3, I have used to test at the time.
    Even the v3 was maybe the best one in visual matter, and this is still 3 steps above but still no big improvements.
    So try to be funny along with a lot ppl that disagree with me, I am okay with that, but you should compare things what I was refereeing to.

    Studio One is being a joke DAW, and I am not about to start DAW wars, but I would like to use Studio One because of its performance, but the thing is to messy I can not get into it and I have given to it a billion chances.
    I personally know a lot of people that actually have bought v5 to try to replace with Cubase because of performance and stability (compared to Cubase 10 at the time),
    but they have sold it after short while, because not worth it.

    Only thing I personally like is that SampleOne instrument, if that is correct name, everything else is big NOPE, at least for me!

    Maybe I have unrealistic standards for sizes, but apparently your size is to small to fit in any standard.
    Because you see small thing as is "big".
    Feel sorry for your perception, sucks to be you, LAD! :D

    Look again your screenshot and mixer how everything is just there and messy, total madness for working.

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  6. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I really cannot believe how many of you are arguing over something so insignificant as to what DAW you prefer using.

    Everything from start to finish with music is personal preference. That's that.

    There will never be a single DAW, plugin, way to work, whatever the fuck you want to call it that will work for everyone. Never.

    I don't know how it's so difficult to get.

    I'm done with this asinine bullshit. And sad to say that I'm done with this forum.

    Either grow the fuck up and respect that we all work in different ways, or grow the fuck and keep your opinion to yourself.
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  7. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    i know right i seen this happening before it did now let me get my popcorn it never fails :rofl:people literally in here mad about other peoples opinion about a nanny nanny boo boo company that careless about any of this
  8. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Mate, the forum is made for exact that purpose, so people can express their thoughts.
    Not to be silent otherwise it would be like graveyard.
    I feel bit of myself in you message, well you have right, all is personal preference and there is no discussion about that, but I was talking about specific Studio One why is not good and the hell the upgrade is a joke, and paid!
    And a lot of users were asking for bigger and better mixer, for example, and they have not done that..
    I think that request goes back from version 4, because a lot of people was moved to Studio One were on Cubase so apparently they used to that clean mixer and everything that offers.
    Not to talk GUI wise. That is complete new story, flat design kills creativity and users were complaining about that too...
  9. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Calm down tho you a little bit too mad lol you'll be alright
  10. Cornflakes

    Cornflakes Newbie

    Sep 9, 2022
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    IMO logic isn't as good looking as some other daws. I think it's price tag fuels the hype about it. And as far as ugly goes though Ableton takes the cake. I being a former Ableton user cannot stand to look at it anymore especially now since every major daw manufacturer has the same or better time stretching function. Just my opinion though. Prettiest daw is definitely a toss between Cubase and FL maybe even Digital Performer.
  11. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Very, very true.

    I've only just realised that I've not taken my sedatives today, and have drunk way too much.

    As much as I wish I was joking, I'm not. :deep_facepalm:

    Meds have been taken. Sleep shall be had. Normal service shall return soon.

    Apologies, all around.
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  12. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Cannot find anything about mutithreaded possibilities. This cannot be true guys! 10 years in the making and still no CPU optimization? Or wake me up I miss something Presonus?
  13. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    You can take teh boy out of Steinbug, but you can't take teh Steinbug outta the boy? :dunno:
  14. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Hennessey that's on me for not reading every reply to post.

    And you are absolutely right.

    I shall reply properly when I've finally had some sleep.
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  15. badboy4life

    badboy4life Ultrasonic

    Aug 28, 2014
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    The same way as HD DVD was "the future" or surround sound, 3D-TV, Betamax, DAT? Bob Clearmountain says Atmos will be gone in a few years (and yes, he is mixing in Atmos).
  16. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    S1 v6 and still the same bug with large MP3 files, 8 minutes to import a 2 hours long recording while with every other software it takes seconds.
    Still no support for plugins with multiple audio inputs.
    Even if Presonus thinks that customers don't care much about bugs like this and they keep adding aesthetics improvements, these details make the software more or less reliable.
  17. Apostle3n1

    Apostle3n1 Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    I think this is a major turning point for PreSonus in a negative direction. I remember when Digidesign transitioned into Avid and Pro Tools slowly slipped into irrelevancy. It didn't happen overnight, but it had all the same markings as this shift from PreSonus. You have to be suspicious when a company jumps from v5.5 to v6.0 of a piece of software without a major overhaul. I honestly want to see the list of the thousands of users that were banging down PreSonus's door screaming, "You have to add LYRICS to the next Studio One update!" Along with that, a new feature they're touting is the ability to independently pan the Left and Right channels of a Stereo track. Are they serious? You've been able to do that in Pro Tools for almost 20 years. This is not a "new", nor noteworthy feature. Meanwhile, you still can't select a stereo audio track (say, by right-clicking it) and select something to easily split it into two mono audio tracks. Again, a feature that's been available in Pro Tools probably since the first version. This is like DAW 101-type stuff that they still haven't addressed.

    If anyone is interested, I've started a new thread about "Which DAW to Use in 2022", based on this very event as the impetus.

    Any and all information/input is welcome. You can check it out here:
  18. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    and guess what you got people telling people to try out studio one after people already have it for dam there 7 years or more as if people never used a daw with track icons and a vocoder and a dynamic eq and that allows u to customize the interface all of this stuff been in other daws for years so why i need to try some shit i already been doing for years in other daws that makes no logical sense if you ask me....i like Studio one i own it and Cubase and Reaper but im not a fan boy for none of these companies i tell it how it is some of these daws is playing catch up and people have to deal with the reality of that and stop making up excuses for these companies and with damage control
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  19. Apostle3n1

    Apostle3n1 Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    I totally agree with you.

    Track Icons? Are you five years old? That's why you have color-coding. You want that kind of interface, use Garage Band.
    Vocoder? Way more third-party companies that have had Vocoders for years that destroy this S1 version.
    Dynamic EQ? Use Fab-Filter Pro-Q 3. Not only more comprehensive, but you can use it universally in any DAW for any project.

    You never win trying to be all things to all people. It just seems like Studio One is now trying to be Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Finale, Garage Band, and a social media company, while also adding Karaoke features into a Digital Audio Workstation.

    Again, these are cheap gimmicks to try to add perceived value, so you'll pay additional money for the upgrade. I can't support these practices. I understand everybody has to make money, but you can do so in an earnest way that is both serving the customer and the bottom-line simultaneously.
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  20. Apostle3n1

    Apostle3n1 Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    You're not wrong about Atmos. All technologies need time to prove their staying power. I thank God I never "Mastered for iTunes". ;)
    However, I think the more concerning part is the implicit motivations of the company as a whole. What the initial user may have been implying, and I could be wrong, is that PreSonus is not even trying to offer something of meaningful value in the competitive DAW space. Even if Atmos dies off, which it may, it is cutting edge technology at the moment. If a software company was interested in competing at a high level, to make the best possible product, they would be including the best-of-the-best modern features. Instead, they've introduced Track Icons, Lyrics, and GUI customizations, then asked the end user (who's not a subscriber) to pay anywhere from $150-$400 for the privilege of owning these "features" that have been available (or are mostly useless) for well over a decade. They're considering the ability to pan the Left and Right channels of a Stereo Audio Track to be a "new" added feature. Really? You've been able to do that in Pro Tools for 20 years. The problem is supporting these companies that are clearly out-of-touch, not interested in serving the customer as a whole, and are insulting their userbase with gimmicks in the form of "value" in order to pocket cash.
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