Active Members Only: Kontakt Problems with Windows? Please Post Here!!!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I will be filling this thread with Q&A's(Questions & Answers)
    Please exhaust all related answers to your questions before you post for help
    (or you will be redirected to do so)​
    You can post what method work but please keep it short and sweet.. Thank You :mates:

    Let's Begin.............

    Excuse me as i gather intel

    Q.I have a problem with a Library. It say's "This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the respective library is registered properly"[​IMG]

    (this happens mostly to quickload & file browser users who don't use the libraries tab, but everyone will get this message at one point)
    In Kontakt click the Libraries Tab, then
    Click the Add Library Button, then[​IMG]
    Browse to the location of your library then click Okay. Now the new library tab will been shown and sometimes another message with the option to add the library in the database click okay. Your Done!!! :wink:
    Make sure your not using a custom .nicnt or wallpaper with a official Kontakt library(you can add the Custom Wallpaper after you add the library in Kontakt, Very important & will save you an headache)

    move the .nicnt file to any other folder in the library, Note: if that didn't work put the .nicnt back to the main folder

    Click the Start button(Windows Icon on the bottom left of your screen)

    Type or copy this in the search box: regedit
    Delete all of the following locations from your registry
    (Note: some of them might not be there, that's good!!)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\Library Name
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Library Name
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content
    (Delete anything named Library Name, all of them must be deleted)Very important!!!!
    Folder location:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\Library Name.xml

    Now re-add the library in Kontakt, it should be there. Your Done :wink:
    Upgrade your Kontakt 5 to 5.3.0 and add the library again (no download link here)

    How do I keep my library permanently in the library tab i add it to Kontakt everything works great until I reload Kontakt?
    This happens with official Kontakt Libraries the CurInstrDir is not configured correctly and it cache a old location also you need to delete these K5DbCacheImportData & K5DbCacheImportSize, registry Keys

    But to make life easy just delete the whole library key
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\Library Name
    right-click the library name and press delete
    Start Kontakt and the library will be there

    Kontakt Keeps crashing?? Please Help

    Delete the following files from this folder
    C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\Db

    This is called a Corrupted Database Problem(CDP)

    open kontakt and you should be good to go no need for re-installation

    Done!!! :wink:
    If none of these work Please Fell Free To Post(Only PM me after 24Hrs if i or another member doesn't respond within this time frame)
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  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    How to use a Legit Kontakt with a Cracked Kontakt!!!
    Please Note: you can't use cracked libraries(unregistered is the correct word) with a legit Kontakt!!

    To use a legit kontakt and a cracked kontakt you have to install the legit kontakt first, then don't install the second cracked kontakt just open the data folder ,open the other data folder, then open the offline folder open each number folder now look for two things:

    1.Find all the kontakt 5.exe and choose the one with the bigger size(if you want to use the 64bit version) and Name it Kontakt 5C.exe now move it to your desktop(use this to add cracked libraries)

    2.find the Kontakt 5.dll also the one with the bigger size(if there's anymore) and name it Kontakt 5C.dll and move to your VSTPlugins folder and add it in your DAW(use the smaller one if you have a 32-bit DAW or use the 64bit version with a bridge)

    Now make sure whenever using cracked libraries to use to use Kontakt5C for both VST & Standalone and paid libraries with the legit kontakt (but we know that's common sense RIGHT!!)

    Tip:There are two of each of these files in the folders because one is 32-bit(smaller size x32) and the other is 64-bit(bigger size x64)

    How to use two Kontakt versions!!!

    To use two Kontakt versions you have to install the oldest/latest(which ones you like the most) kontakt first, then don't install the second kontakt, just open the data folder ,open the other data folder, then open the offline folder open each number folder now look for two things:

    1.Find all the kontakt 5.exe and choose the one with the bigger size(if you want to use the 64bit version) and Name it Kontakt 5.3.1.exe(Name it the Version it is) now move it to your desktop(use the older Kontakt to batch-resave :wink: )

    2.find the Kontakt 5.dll also the one with the bigger size(if there's anymore) and name it Kontakt 5.3.1.dll(Name it the Version it is) and move to your VSTPlugins folder and add it in your DAW(use the smaller one if you have a 32-bit DAW or use the 64bit version with a bridge)

    Done!!! :wink:
  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Can't Uninstall previous version, Help with Kontakt Installation
    Delete any of the following folders if they exist:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center (Delete Kontakt 5.xml)
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5
    C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5

    C:\Program Files (x86\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5

    C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5

    C:\Users\PC\Documents\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5
    C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5

    Then, within the registry, make sure that none of these keys exist,

    Registry keys to remove:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\NI.Kontakt 5.nki
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\NI.Kontakt 5.nkm

    Remember in the Native Instruments folders delete only Kontakt 5 related folders
    Reinstall Kontakt 5 not with a update version but a full version or you can use a old full version(5.2.0 is the best one) then use the update version to update
  5. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Hi Intro, aka. Kontakt Guru, :thumbsup:

    Well, I don't have any Kontakt related problem, but I'd like your opinion on which way the Kontakt is going. For example, many people just upgrade to the latest version without doing any testing. They go all out that the newest version is the best.
    Yet Kontakt 5.3.0 has many bugs and problems. Just to list out a few:
    - 5% higher CPU usage than 5.0.3 using the same instrument set played over same MIDI (introduced in 5.1.0)
    - UI Keys seem to stuck at times, mostly with legato patches (introduced in 5.2.1)
    - Kontakt resource file (nkr) is always saved with absolute path (used to be relative prior to 5.0.2)
    - Opening Kontakt's nki patch as %1 parameter won't load that patch (introduced in 5.0.2)
    - Since 5.1.0 playing through PC keyboard won't make the UI keys pressed, which is really confusing, when don't know in which octave you're playing
    - Since 5.2.1, the time-stretch voice limit cannot be saved as part of an instrument (reported by ProjectSAM)

    So I am really curious why most people suggest updating to the newest version when there are so many bugs introduced by it. It's how some say, the newer is not acutally better. And just because it's industry standard won't make it fail safe.
    And the best part is, new Kontakt does not bring any new functionality, besides AAX support (5.1.0) and the ability to load 5.3.0 patches.

    I am personally using 5.0.3, which I believe is the best one around.
    Thank you :wink: :boombox:
  6. transporter1333

    transporter1333 Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Good point Andrew... :bow:

    ...and KONTAKT GURU... thanks for the iniciative. :beg:

    I think that you will have lots of oportunity to help us all. :mates:

    :wink: :wink: :wink:
  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    A Short Answer: None of those problems matter, if they can't even load the library???

    Long Answer:
    I have took it upon myself to test all these versions 5.0.3/5.2.1/5.3.0 with different users from others forums before i settle down here *yes*
    and what i came to realize is 5.0.3 and 5.2.1 has issues with certain third-party libraries and when it comes to custom .nicnt's and it doesn't help when users have like 50 or more libraries added in Kontakt. In 5.3.0 it seems to accept any library you throw at it plus some. But take note there are many 5.3.0 floating about in the scene but there is one particular copy that must be acquired, and that version is it was released with the NI Instrument Pack Update by R2R and the MAC fix for those on MACs ofcourse. There's a new version coming out soon it seems to be in beta stage since i was last told and it would fix some of those issues you reported at the top.

    In kontakt less is more!!! I find that users who are conservative with libraries in kontakt have less or no problems at all, and it didn't matter what version either unless the library like Action Strings needs 5.3.0 to load.

    I recommend 5.3.0 despite the issues we all are aware of for the following reasons
    - 5% higher CPU usage than 5.0.3 using the same instrument set played over same MIDI (introduced in 5.1.0)
    How fast CPU have gotten not a big issue
    - UI Keys seem to stuck at times, mostly with legato patches (introduced in 5.2.1)
    Every DAW has a Event View where you can see what notes you are pressing and i don't even have the keyboard view open since i can see the keys on my usb Keyboard-small issue
    - Kontakt resource file (nkr) is always saved with absolute path (used to be relative prior to 5.0.2)
    Yes this issue is annoying, but i just give it what it wants
    - Opening Kontakt's nki patch as %1 parameter won't load that patch (introduced in 5.0.2)
    Small inconvenience still very workable
    - Since 5.1.0 playing through PC keyboard won't make the UI keys pressed, which is really confusing, when don't know in which octave you're playing
    for some this is a issue but i think it's safe to say most of us here this is a Professional Forum have a keyboard, even more of us have another one for keyswitches :bleh:
    - Since 5.2.1, the time-stretch voice limit cannot be saved as part of an instrument (reported by ProjectSAM)
    Time to kick it back oldschool style with recording lol

    As you see some of these are not much of a problem at least for me but most of these problems are very workable, you may have to bend your arm a little more but your think box(Brain) isn't suffering while you are trying to get that jingle out of your head to your DAW :rofl:
    Another great reason i recommend 5.3.0 it's up to date so if a user has a new library but a old problem i get the best of both worlds offering them 5.3.0 and i can sleep at night and not wake up to audiosex to see a thousand you replys :bleh: :wow: :excl:

    I Hope this answers most of your question if not all Andrew, My Friend. User always have to right to downgrade but don't come crying to me for support because i will scream LOL
  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    All right, everything understood!
    No probs with 5.0.3 for one and a half year (because I'm conservative :bleh: ) and since it's possible to install two Kontakts on the same machine, I'll keep 5.0.3 and add 5.3.0 for new stuff.
    Thanks for your reply :mates: :bow:
  9. bluejayway

    bluejayway Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Thanks for the effort K-Guru!!!

    The sad news: I followed carefully all the steps you describe hoping to load Spitfire Loegria REDUX V.3 with which I had a problem.

    I tried on a laptop with Win 7, Kontakt 5.3

    Well, I went as far as "loading" the library/wallpaper into Kontakt but when I tried to load any instrument I got the usual "ERROR: could not read encrypted sample (library not registered?)" message.

    I must say I have created the .nicnt file (following advise given here and AudioZ) because the library I obtained had none and trying to load it without a .nicnt produced the "no library" error.

    Desperately needing to use Loegria :(
  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Check your pm

    Spitfire Loegria REDUX V.3 doesn't need a nicn't or wallpaper(unless the wallpaper custom ofcourse) all the info is stored in the .nkr you need to delete the .nicnt and move the wallpaper to a different folder delete the locations from Step 4 and readd the library in kontakt, once that done you can add the custom wallpaper and get back to producing :wink:

    We might not get along because I'm a liberal but together we can Screw the Country :bleh:

    My bad i think i double post lol. Thanks for fixing it, you know who you are :bow:
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Threads like this make my day. Thank you, I thought I would lose my mind day in and day out. I'm free! :break:
  12. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Your Welcome but....Not so easy i got your profile on Speed Dial :rofl:
  13. bluejayway

    bluejayway Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Hey, K-Guru you performed some real magic sir! The Loegria installed seamlessly :wink:

    Thanks a mil!!!!!

    You're a true Kontakt ninja!!!! :bow:
  14. king1506

    king1506 Newbie

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Hi bro I'm having issue with my cracked kontakt
    I'm using original pro tools 10..when I add the east west symphony library in kontakt I gets error
    'this patch cannot be loaded. Make sure the original library properly registered'
    I tried the regedit method.
    I was able load the library..but if I close and relaunch I get the same error.
    Please help me bro..thanks
  15. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Hey King what version is your Kontakt 5.1./5.3.0 you can check by opening kontakt and clicking on the Kontakt or NI logo

    was this the first time you added east west symphony library in kontakt

    and have you deleted the the library registry keys
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\EastWest Symphony Library

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content
    (Delete anything named EastWest Symphony Library, all of them must be deleted)Very important!!!!

    Please let me know thanks
  16. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Try the steps Above and then post back your results or Problems you are still having
  17. king1506

    king1506 Newbie

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Hi bro

    yes this is the first time adding the library
    i have delete the all the files in

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content
    (Delete anything named EastWest Symphony Library, all of them must be deleted)Very important!!!!

    i can load after i have delete the files HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content
    but if i close the kontakt and relaunch,i gets the same error message

    i am using kontakt 5.3 cracked with pro tools 10 original
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Which EastWest Symphony Library do you have ...Choirs,Piano Gold, Platinum Orchestra

    Do you have a custom .nicnt/wallpaper or in the main folder files with the .nkx/.nkc extensions!!!!

    if you do have a custom .nicnt/wallpaper move them to a different folder. then see below

    Follow This

    Click the Start button(Windows Icon on the bottom left of your screen)

    Type or copy this in the search box: regedit
    Delete all of the following locations from your registry
    (Note: some of them might not be there, that's good!!)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Native Instruments\Library Name
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Library Name
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content
    (Delete anything named Library Name, all of them must be deleted)Very important!!!!
    Folder location:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\Library Name.xml

    Now re-add the library in Kontakt, it might say no library found, now you would add the .nicnt back to the main folder and try to add the library again.
    When it adds the library, load a instrument hit a few keys, close Kontakt and open it and see if the library is still there??

    Also what's the full version of your Kontakt 5 Example:
    Please let me know!!!
  19. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    How to install two Kontakts :thumbsup:
  20. king1506

    king1506 Newbie

    Jan 9, 2014
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    yes i am using kontakt
    i have tried above method
    after i add the library,i gets another error message when i load the sample
    .nkc and .nkx file was in the main folder,i moved it to another folder inside my east west symphonic library folder
    delete the folder in regedit
    still not working and getting different error
    i have attched the error message man

    Attached Files:

  21. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Click browse for files, find your library location, then click okay the samples will load if they are there..Play the instrument
    If it works your next step is to batch-resave but before you do that you need to back up your instrument & multis Folders
    let me know
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