clause contract

Discussion in 'Education' started by Goodmusic, Sep 10, 2022.

  1. Goodmusic

    Goodmusic Newbie

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I want to know what is the clause he's refering at 2:26?

    Im french that's why i don't understand

  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    A clause is like a rule in a contract, in this case a clause that Def Jam had the final say of this artist's each of his songs to be released.
  4. terrific!

    terrific! Guest

    Yep and its part of the negotiation. especially with major labels and new artists, they want full control to protect/build a brand (i.e., they cant have their new signed $10million advance shithot artist putting half-baked tunes up on Soundcloud, Spotify and Youtube every 5 minutes without prior label approval, legal and marketing PR department involvement and so on). Or maybe the artist has a clause that says they CAN do just that, put shit up on SM whatever, whenever.. it goes both ways.

    Its for these reasons that you see so many a-list artists on a major label and then go indie.. creative freedom, artistic control, more cash money etc.
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  5. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Hi @Goodmusic , yes, a "last say" clause is effectively a (record label's for instance) veto right, or "nothing gets in if WE don't like it". :guru:
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    That explains a lot ... :rofl:

    En fait ce qu'il veut dire dans la vidéo, c'est que Def Jam ont le veto sur son travail, c'est à dire qu'ils ont le dernier mot à l'heure de décider ce qui est publié ou pas. (mais après il explique aussi que son avocat l'a protégé de ça, pour qu'il ai sa liberté créative)
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Let me try to understand this, I'll cast it in a modern language formula:
    Shit = stuff = music (please laugh, it's not meant that serious).

    So if someone says shit he is not shit himself? I read that the most used word in America is "fuck".
    Quite a transformation and reinterpretation of the language. I do not have to understand me all.

    The last thing I need as an artist is someone telling me what to wear and what to eat, and I design my own record layout. I can burn a CD Rom at home and upload my MP3 hits myself. The money I earn goes into my account. The only thing I have to do is to pay my rent and the electricity bill. I don't need a label or marketing strategists. I don't need pseudo music journalists either. And the labels can keep the charts themselves.
  8. terrific!

    terrific! Guest

    Shit can be both good and bad. Shit can also be shit. Im not an English teacher and its not even my mother tongue, but yes, thats the gist of it.

    I think anyone who constantly uses the word fuck, especially inappropriately, is uneducated, unimaginative and lacks character. I believe in America you can actually be arrested for foul language in public? In the UK I think they get away with even worse language. Whatever. I am no prude and theyre just words, sounds.. but saying "shit" in front of a lady, a mother or grandmother, doesn't make me feel good.

    I 100% agree with you that the entire major label system is absurd. Especially for a non-1% full time professional music maker, retaining your rights and royalties is so important these days when streaming and pretty much everything music related pays such "shit". For the life of me I cant understand why anyone so easily hands over their entire body of music, their fans and money to places like Spotify who data farm the "fuck" out of people for ad sales and whatnot. But I digress.

    I have a saying and you can quote me if you like.. "instant asshole, just add Hollywood". I have worked and been friends with numerous super famous artists today before during and after transitioning to major label deals and subsequently moving to Los Angeles. Money, fame and major labels change people. And not for the better. Not all, but certainly most. And I should know, I am a former asshole myself! :rofl:

  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I remember this...

  10. Goodmusic

    Goodmusic Newbie

    Jul 28, 2013
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    En français officiel c'est quoi le term de cette clause?
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Le terme légal est "droit de véto", que je sache.
  12. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    is it possible to release your own tracks on beatport spotify deezer without a label
    what i hear is if you sign a certain label you get deathlines and al the bulshit royalty's and such
    so even if my tracks where good enough for realease i will never sing a label
    its not about the money
    it's more for pleasure and killing time then for being rich and famous
  13. Goodmusic

    Goodmusic Newbie

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Est ce que il existe une clause qui fait que je n'ai pas de deadline?
    Is there a clause in the contract where there's not a deadline?
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Oui, bien sûr, c'est possible en théorie, bien qu'il est fort peu probable que le label l'accepte.
    Selon le contexte exacte du contrat, il faudra ajouter la phrase " sans limite temporaire de productivité", où quelque chose de similaire.

    Mais, pour ouvrir un peu la question, l'idéal c'est quand même de savoir avec qui tu signe, de connaître leur politique en général et d'en tenir compte avant de signer. C'est a dire qu'il ne faut pas signer avec un boîte en qui tu n'as aucune confiance.
    Les contrats ne sont que des garanties relatives, quand un label decide de te forcer a faire quelque chose, ils ont pas mal de moyens de pression, même indirects.
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