New superior DAW idea !

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nikon, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Until now, we see a many app's, someone's great someone's (little) great, but in overall every app is great on it's own way...

    But, when you go in deeper analisys always something missing, and it's very stupid to use and buy 10 daw apps to be satisfied.

    So, I'm just thinking (in this heavy winter days) how would be - a superior DAW !

    The name of this DAW will be: ICPM (just robust name first), it's a shortcut of ( Idea - Creativity - Productivity - Master ).
    So this app will be complete of 3 or 4 separate app's.

    There is no need to strip all the things in one bag! This is how it's now, and we see many problems... Process of creating song is separate in common, so app should be too.

    1) Idea !

    This is the planing, so I will steal something like Magix music maker or etc... just an aranger with library... midi + audio tracks...
    There is no need to fx sections, or maybe... ok, I will put a basic set of creative fx (flanger, chorus, etc...) so I don't need compresor etc...
    Just an idea, it's the main goal. Light app and very few basic synth (with common sounds) something like KHR One etc... and sampler etc...
    When I got idea, I save project "my project.sketch" and go to menu "App -> Go to be creative"

    2) Creativity

    This app has menu "file -> open -> sketch" or I can skip first app and go directly to this app and start be creative... App has sketch pool just to see what ideas I have and I have done.
    This app "musicians" love most... This is the app where we going to be creative and make good songs.

    This is the app Live like for sure. Clips... clips...

    It has also audio track editor and midi track editor and midi functionaliy like in FL Studio (piano roll) drums/piano roll.

    The app has mixer, fx, buses, etc... The app unlike the first one has compressor and all dynamics procesors etc... It has a library who will be always shared with all other apps (all apps has one shared library).
    Library is simple folder structure like in all other DAW apps and not Live. There is no need for database and other crap. Just tempo sync etc...

    In this app we have stock fx and instruments, with quality the one's from Logic and something new synths like Alchemy etc... Probably stock sampler will be like Omnisphere but with controls from other sampler not the one's from Omnisphere.

    I will be creative and make good song and click on save project "my project.creativity" and go to menu "App -> Go to be productivity" or just leave app and go to sleep until tomorow.

    3) Productivity

    This app is based on arranger like traditional arranger from cubase, samplitude, pro tools etc... and has all functionality just like today's arrangers.

    It has menu "File -> create arrangement from creative project" and option will be just like how we make arrangement in Live from clips. It works very well.

    This app has mixer like in Pro Tools or Cubase or Samplitude. It has great fx stock suite, with one's in Pro tools or Samplitude or Logic or Waves.

    It's just for mixing purpose. Synchro with app number 2 must be great. So if I decide to add more tracks I can always fast switch to "creativity" and make some changes or add more stuff. But when it's done it's done, all we need is mixing, automation etc... final stage.

    When we finaly finish the productivity and finalize the song, we going to save project "my project.productivity".

    4) Master of disaster :)

    It's nothing more then the good wave editor like Wavelab or Audition etc... This editor is used in other apps like audio track editor (it's shell).

    It has all the fx stuff's like in app number 3. And main goal is final master.

    Like other numbered apps it has menu option "App -> Load productivity project" and there is choice of how it's load, like one file, like separate left/right etc... ofcourse it has option load any file on computer, if I had work with someone's wave file.

    Final words

    The app must support VST, RTAS etc.. and opening of all formats (wav, flac, mp3, rex, akai) whatever, but we probably never used a 3rd party VST plugins because stock plugins are so good.
    All of this app will be probably around 300mb (all 4 around 1Gb) and stock library will be around 100Gb (full) and with choice of smaller parts and components.
    App will support cloud for store preset's etc... with my account, so if I decide to format disk there is no problem.

    Main problem is the price :) But hey...

    Probably the price will be low at first, and company will be make money from great support and constant adding of new sounds, presets and components. Every musician producer will be used this app, and all other company's will be closed :) (I'm now devil)

    But, we can make agreements with other company's like Ableton, Apple etc... to put their knowledge and share functionality in this unique app, just like AAS in Live etc...


    This is not Akiro dreams, it's just my ideas, and now I'm going to use Live :)

    Thread is for chillout/lounge section, not DAW but it is how it is.
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i kind of get what you mean, same here *yes*
  4. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Mine would be reapers size, prize and functionality with a bit more user friendly midi editing tools (although it all can be done if you know how to work it).
  5. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    samplitude object editor :wink:
  6. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Still is quite a good idea none the less though man!

    I like the idea of the whole "Idea" and sketching stuff out stuff before hand. Ive done that many times, opened notepad and took notes. Or just some paper. Done a lot of scribbling before writing.

    So I definitely like the idea of it being tied to the actual project itself.

    although Preferably id like it to boot straight into the main Edit/Track view. And You can open the extra "Idea" window on top. just like most DAWS with extra windows. (but then I guess this Superior DAW would have the customization options :wink: ) I for one would definitely find that helpful.

    actually going to triple check Reaper to see if it has any sort of built in "notes" function xD I would REALLY find that handy
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Mine would be EnergyXT programmed by real people, not cyborgs. I really find that software - EnergyXT *1.41* perfect because it has both the "jotting" modular part and a great and easy to understand sequencer part. However, the developer is a screw-up and the version 2 is a screw-up, too. Shame. That's the best and simplest DAW software I've ever found. I've been a Cubase fan for a long time, since the early 90s to 2000-something when I discovered this gem - EnergyXT until 2007 when I discovered Reaper and now I use Reaper and cry over EnergyXT... I think DAWs could be made simpler and more creative than all of these complicated, overcrowded with features DAWs we have today.
  8. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Mine would basically be Cubase mixed with all the useful tools from other daws(sonic foundry/Sony's batch converter,etc),And it would have multi person online collaboration and video chat
  9. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    The idea for a superior DAW is great, but before I would consider that, I'd like to see Microsuck or Linux or some group put out an operating system specific for audio production. This is probably never going to happen, and it makes me sad.
  10. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    It would be nice if all the Daw's would make their programs Master and Slave compatible with Rewire. Also it would be nice if Logic was also PC compatible again.
  11. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Bitwig around the corner. Already have Buzz (free modular monster tracker) and Renoise. I would like a mix/hybrid of these.
  12. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    this one might be spicy for us

  13. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    After writing this idea's I look BitWig for the first time...

    Look promising! And very cool :)

    I'm intrested in mixing (in arranger) if it's like in traditional daw that's be very cool.

    Separate process for vst's is very smart too... but I would like to never install any of plugin, if daw has great stock instruments/fx.

    From the screenshot, it's a mix of Live, Studio One, Pro Tools.

    Somebody before me get an identical idea !!! what a shame :)
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