The next step in AI for music production?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Crinklebumps, Sep 7, 2022.

  1. Geo22

    Geo22 Member

    Nov 18, 2021
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    AI has no EQ ( Emotional Q ) that human beings have . It will give you the perfect maybe mix but without emotion !!! Emotion is for example the Vintage vibe , the lo fi production etc ... The productions that we like to abuse in order to feed our emotions !!!! Fk them and use your ears , your heart and your passion for music !
  2. The closer and closer tech brings us to a space where just about anyone can sit at home and make polished, professional sounding recordings, the further you will get away from being able to get anywhere with your music. That's where the future of this stuff is taking us. When anyone can get the job done, there's really nothing left to sell. It is, after all, about 'supply and demand'.

    And yes, I know none of these tools can create a Beethoven. But how much Beethoven have you heard lately in pop music?

    There's no altering where this is all going, so I'm not attempting to complain about it all. But that doesn't change the fact that I see the future for skilled, well-trained musicians becoming increasingly dim. People have been saying similar things about music technology for a long, long time. The thing about where we are now is that we're hitting the juncture where there will no longer be any turning back. People will stop even learning about the nuts and bolts of music because software will do it all for them.
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Wrong, the AI observes a big pile of music. And then goes of to make music exactly like that.
    Vintage vibe and lo fi are no problem at all.
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  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I highly doubt that, on my journey on hugging face and site like that I have seen AI projects who claim to do exactly that already
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    As with bits and bytes, there is O and 1, and with AI use there is also a yes or no.
    I say no to AI - humans are doing away with themselves and I'm not going along with it.
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  6. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Tbh I adore Hexachords Orb Producer Suite, it's a fantastic tool for combating writers block. A lot of people are stressed out about the idea of being replaced by AI, and that's a valid feeling, but at the end of it all they're just tools. Tools worth learning and incorporating into your own creations. Remember, Socrates thought the written word would cause people to become lazy, all change is scary and this is no different.
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  7. semilla

    semilla Ultrasonic

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Los Angeles
    Melody generators and such are not the same tools as AI subscription models.

    AI is not a tool for you and me. AI is going to be a tool for big business to make even more profit and squeeze every cent out of everything.

    AI isn’t a tool for artists. AI is a way to make humans a second option every time while using human data to do it. Pretty evil if you ask me.

    These AI tools will be very simple to use. Even more simpler than it is today once they fully mature and become paid services.

    You can’t compare AI with photoshop replacing the camera, or the camera replacing painting because all of those things still required a human behind them with lots of training and expertise.

    learning how to use photoshop very well takes time and lots of practice. Same with good camera work or painting. Human effort is still needed.

    The point of AI is to presented in such a way that even a 5 year old can use it. Instead of hiring artists , companies and business will just get the unpaid intern to come up with all the AI prompts.
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  8. semilla

    semilla Ultrasonic

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Los Angeles
    You don’t learn AI. It learns YOU.
  9. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Of course, a hundred years from now AI will only listen to music made by AI because humans are inferior and the imperfections in music that we humans love will sound very bad to AI.
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  10. You may say "no" to AI, but sadly the music business won't.

    I'm reminded of the 1970's when dance music became the thing. At that point in pop music you had artists getting paid big advances to go into a recording studio and make a record. Linda Ronstadt would get at least a half million dollars to show up in a studio. The Eagles, a million or more for the same. Then suddenly you had producers who would show up to a recording studio early in the evening, and leave in the wee hours of the morning with dance records completed overnight. The record labels were thrilled! No big advances needed, cheaply made records, and the artists themselves were, for the most part, thought of as being disposable. The artists would get paid very little, and if they didn't like it there was always someone else to replace them because it wasn't art that was being sold, it was just 'product'. Back then, if you went to a label with something that wasn't dance music you'd be out the door in a couple of minutes. Labels were so thrilled with these cheaply made records and no-name artists that they didn't want to hear about anything else. Record labels had found their 'nirvana'.

    Fast forward to the age of streaming music, and once again the record labels are happy as pigs in manure because all the money goes to the labels and the artists get pennies. This is where I see AI going, because artistry isn't required with AI, all that's needed is some person with a computer and some software. The record labels will love it!! Once again the so-called AI artists can be paid in pennies because they didn't have to spend years learning a craft. Rather, they spent hours on mouse clicks. With that being the only requirement, artists can be easily replaced, they are disposable if they ask to be paid fairly.

    This is why I have such disdain for AI generated music. It's the advent of yet one more way of pushing aside artists that have genuinely studied and perfected their craft, in favor of sales figures and "product" at record labels. The music business wins, the artists lose big time.
  11. seph

    seph Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2017
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    The future of music AI production - virtual Paul McCartney mixed by virtual Chris Lord Alge wins virtual Grammy
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  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    but let's be honest. Who is going to say "No" to AI(in all its advances). I think only us, people from 30 years old and up (42 in my almost). Because we come from another generation, another mentality. But the new generation, of course, will say yes to AI, if AI brings all the solutions to the "No effort". Singing without knowing how to sing, playing the guitar without knowing how to play the guitar, composing a song without knowing how to compose. Of course, future generations will say "YES". We are only the "Dinosaurs" against progress (in the eyes of future generations).

    AI is the future, even if it hurts
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  13. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    You highlight another factor of AI that's disturbing Ryck - right now we have a choice of saying yes or no to AI but in the future that probably won't be the case - and even worse, governments, institutions, businesses will all use it to make decisions that affect us, it will be a case of us asking AI for something and hoping it says yes. The rubicon will be passed.
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  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Are AI users then still musicians at all?

    But you should be honest and write on your CD Rom, the vocals were created with the help of AI from company XY.
    The drums were created with the AI drum machine XY. The saxophone is a sample from the XY company.

    So are they still musicians? New term AI musicians. Or should it be called computer-generated music?
    Then you only need to know how to use the AI software correctly.

    The marketing then looks like this: You can't sing and you have no talent, your voice sounds terrible, here's
    the solution the new Vocal Voice AI XXL 1 for only 79.99 EUR, makes a beautiful melodious voice out of your voice.
    The following presets are examples. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Ed Sheeran etc.

    The software price would then include the user fees from the artists who are still alive.
    This means that if you transfer the artists into the AI, the artists will of course get money for it.
  15. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    Living without knowing what it is to live. Freedom to be a slave.
  16. MUTOID

    MUTOID Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Melody Sauce 2 it's very impressive.

    Scaler 2 + Melody Sauce 2 = NEXT LEVEL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2022
  17. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    @semilla and @Bennett.Jackson , I agree in gender, number and grade. We who work with music, one of the muses, tend to romanticize things too much. But I suspect that the AI branch will be the final blow to artists who chose to work under the patronage of capital: Why would a system that aims for profit at any cost care about artists? Music Industry is AVID to end dependence on musical prima donnas reign, and why not say, on technical/artistic environment, in general. At the end of the day, are we not talking about some kind of fear or resentment of a technology that will replicate human work, generating another horde of unemployed (in the beginning, the artists/technicians created a piece that becomes a commodity; In the end, the music industry creates an AI and turns its feats into the final commodity, eliminating the need for artists and technicians)? Reality is imperative, whether we like it or not, and this has always been and will be the objective that funds most of this research in AI.

    ❝If all men received exactly what they deserve, there would be a lot of money left in the world.❞
    Millôr Fernandes
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
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  18. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Has John Connor been born yet? We could certainly use a hero.
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  19. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    in October 1986...

    James Horner: —they didn't know what they were asking, that how inhuman and how difficult it was! I ended up writing the queue as best I could. And then, two days before or day before this, I was supposed to record the music, massive changes! they'd changed the whole sequence around and I was up for you know 36 hours making sense retiming, rewriting like crazy, like crazy, like crazy and then recording it...

    and then Jim (Cameron) says:
    —can we do this, there? and -can't we do this there?

    and Gale (Anne Hurd, cha-ching owner) said:
    —I thought we were going to have an acknowledgement there!

    —and I said, this is what I did yesterday but now the sequence changed! (...) Jim, my job, right now, is to make sure the musicians have something to play, at least it sounds 80% of what you're asking for... if I had more time I could make it 100%, but we don't!

    and Gale's response was icy cold, she said:
    —well, we'll just get somebody who can!!!

    Horner: —and I said, please do, if you can get somebody more experienced and better able to produce this than me I'd like to meet him because i'm sure i'll learn something (...) it was all just war talk in the trenches, but that was the attitude!

    Rough cut for some not too distant future...

    —AI CAN! (with the guarantee of no immature outbursts and no additional costs!)


    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
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  20. korayem

    korayem Newbie

    Sep 9, 2022
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    What about this?