Help! Symphobia no have dinamics?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Ryck, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Hello Guys
    At first I am a little confused about the version. According to my pc I have installed version 2.0.03 , according to the installer I have saved it is version 2.0 , but the manual says it is Symphobia 1 v2.0. So I assume it is Symphobia 1 verson 2.0 and it weighs 16.9 GB.

    But the problem I have is that when I lower the speed in the midi, it lowers the volume but not the dynamics. For example, I'm playing some Frech horn lines, where in one part it goes very soft, without brightness, like this instrument sounds when played soft, and then it has when I should turn up the dynamics, it should sound loud with brightness. But it is not doing this, what it does is to keep the dynamics strong but with low volume.

    I have tried where it says "Dynamics" change to the "Velocity" option but it is the same, it lowers the volume but not the dynamics.

    So, is this library like that? or am I missing something?
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Have you tried the mod wheel?
  4. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yes, but I feel that it lowers the volume, not the expression of the instrument, you know what I mean? For example in the SWAM library when you lower the speed also lowers the dynamics, the same as if you use the knob, at very low speeds you hear that soft sound, and when you raise it, you hear that bright loud sound, in this case everything sounds the same.
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I have just recorded an audio example. If you listen, no matter how much I play with the modwheel knob, the dynamics don't change, just the volume.
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I wondered if you were using the right keyswitched articulation.
    Some have the dynamics controlled by VELOCITY and the longer ones by the mod wheel.
    This is just from the manual

    You can set the dynamic controller for each articulation (and variation) individually.
    Switch between velocity or continuous controller modes using the left and right arrows.
    In CC mode, drag or double-click the CC value to change the CC number.
    If the CC number is a commonly used controller, its name will be displayed.
    By default, all longer articulations (e.g. sustains and tremolos) have the modulation wheel (CC 1) as the default dynamic controller.
    All other articulations (e.g. staccatos and pizzicatos) have velocity as the default dynamic controller. You can change the defaults dynamic controller in the global settings.
    This default is applied when you load an instrument from the library browser. "

    In testing the velocity does seem to work properly for shorts (at low settings the volume is decreased and there is less treble), but it was hard for me to tell using the modwheel on the long strings.
    Using other instruments (horns especially) I can hear the tone change greatly, whatever dynamics control is set (wheel or velocity)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
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