AI, the future of justice?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    We know that justice is often not fair, and ends up locking up the innocent and letting the guilty go free. And this is due to the fact that sometimes there are interests involved, corruption, etc.
    So I was thinking. Wouldn't it be good that in the future AI will be the new justice system.
    Nowadays there are technologies to know if you are telling the truth or lying. Besides, an AI could analyze evidence without an emotional charge that could influence a verdict. I see this as 100% justice. Since an AI would not be compromised by interests.

    How do you see this? Do you think it would be a very good thing or do you think it would be better for humans to continue trying to do justice (lawyers, judges, etc.)?

    PS. I am not trying to make politics, only to debate about the advances of AI.
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  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    This is not true.
    This technology 1. Can be wrong 2. Can be tricked by trained persons so no, it does not work, sorry.
    Will AI be able to take all the context also? ... True justice is not about a simple fact.

    I understand what you mean, but the technology is far to be ready for justice.
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  4. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Right. That's why I say , in the future. Still to come. But the idea would be that a machine or whatever that AI of the future would be, would not be managed by a human being, but by the AI itself.
  5. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    I don't think it's a good idea.

    It's not that AI can or can't hand out better justice than humans. It's that human society would collectively disavow any and all responsibility for the justice that is being handed out.

    The same way we disavow responsibility for what's in our food, the air or how a fifth of society is permanently threatened by immediate poverty. We don't like taking the wrong kind of responsibility. It's better to just let the food-man make our food and the money-man make our policies.

    I give it 15 years before the last person stops questioning the justice-machine and we all just accept that some of us get sent to prison due to what seems like a very minor programming error.

    But hey, at least none of us are responsible anymore.
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  6. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    if(goingToCommitACrime) {

    I think AI would be very good for like organizing and filtering data, suggesting course of action and whatnot, but more than that it'd be pretty scary. Also, there's a lot of illegal activity that goes unnoticed or people just turn a blind eye on for good or bad reasons (oh, you stole a pencil? Pay the fine or go to jail), If all of that was take seriously, i assure you there would be no country on earth with enough infrastructure to deal with all of that, and if you programmed the IA to turn the blind eye, then what's the point?

    You could somehow improve the justice system by improving human conditions on the system itself, treating corruption, listening to employes, education and whatnot. But i guess it's easier to stay rotten and let the machines do everything for us, that'll surely end well.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    When your job is rationalized away by AI, you will think differently about AI. If the AI is programmed incorrectly or r
    eprogrammed by secret powers and you are in prison because there was a wrong decision, you will condemn the AI.

    A.I. - Artificial Intelligence (2001), Wall-E (2008), Tron (1982), War Games (1983), 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968),
    Terminator (1984), Chappie (2015), I, Robot (2004), Matrix (1999), Blade Runner (1982), Ex Machina (2015).
  8. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    "Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." - Frank Herbert, Dune

    AI in its current state is primitive, unreliable and unpredictable. We see constantly that AI which tries to simulate human speech or thought (if you could call it that), are often promptly shut down when it starts to trend outside of an accepted threshold (go rogue or become corrupted). Humans are imperfect, and justice is a human concept which cannot be outsourced to a computer. "AI justice", if implemented, will simply make it impossible to overturn wrongful convictions, and we will feign ignorance and accept its output as unquestionable fact, and ultimately will cause stagnation or impede society when its programming no longer aligns with reality, and it cannot adapt to an ever-changing world.

    Also, a computer program can only be as accurate/correct as its creator, and we don't even fully grasp reality ourselves. There is so much that is not understood, gaps of knowledge, which means we cannot be entrusted to create anything resembling an oracle.

    There are some areas where AI can augment our work, but it cannot be a deciding factor of how to govern a society.
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  9. macros

    macros Guest

    when an AI truly goes live, like a general concious coming to life who knows what will happen- it'll basically be like Ultron in marvel as far as it figuring shit out expotentially fast. I mean who knows what an alien thinks like, I don't.

    I do always think it's kinda funny when people worry about AI as if humans haven't created fake person's already that insatiably take all the resources and are concerned with numbers over valuing humans. like look at all the damage created under the broad term of corporations (plenty of specific examples to be had of course)- I say bring on the ai. they might surprise us, one way or another. humanity is dreadfully predictable, we've fucked the earth up and continue to do so. AI is going to be the only shot we have of surviving as a species. so... maybe don't bring on the ai.
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  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    "I Tried To Warn You" - Elon Musk LAST WARNING (2022)
  11. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    Ai is created within the circumference of human psychology. This is a philosophy question. Everything comes down to motive. Ai is centered around human motive. Its a powerful tool but depends on who coded it and what the intended purpose is. Study psychopathy. Then ask your self of the subjectivity of justice and how 5% of people aren't tied chemically to the same wiring everyone else is.Also, what is justice when you feel oppressed vs non oppressed?

    Ai is not some fanfiction marvel movie bs, that is just fantasy tied to an archetype. The question of trusting ai etc is silly. The question should be , can you trust people?

    As far as I see it for most ai just a proxy for a philosophical debate on humanity.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
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  12. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    People keep looking for something/someone to be our savior for the greater good and moral judgement. Its virtue signaling to what form of "god" we want to believe in. All "fixes" will break something. Is that break for overall good? What is good?
  13. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Very interesting points from everyone.
    It is interesting what was raised about an IA not being able to turn a blind eye, a person was hungry and stole a sandwich. Only a human being could feel empathy and not condemn him for this, it is true, although, it also depends on which human being. Here a pensioner was kicked to the ground and killed for stealing a cheese. Just for a piece of cheese. It was also recently said, "We can trust human beings", and, it depends on which human being. But back to the point, yes, it is true, so far what we know about the AI is that it could not have empathy to let a "crime" pass by out of necessity. I actually thought with more complicated things, and not a simple theft. I don't want to get into politics, but I am referring to very big things where prosecutors have a hard time to be impartial because of interests or even life threatening, well, a machine could do this job, maybe as another verdict. I have seen prosecutors and judges under a lot of pressure to turn a blind eye to very serious things that affect entire nations. So I think, out loud, that AI might be able to solve this.

    Someone also touched on another point that reminded me of a movie, and that is that AI could detect a crime, and so could prevent someone from dying, I think that could be another advantage. Fortunately for some things and unfortunately for others, AI is moving forward no matter what. Hopefully we will not stop being human, and I mean human to "think with the heart" and not leave everything in the hands of a machine. Well in fact it is already happening. Many people do not have money to pay for electricity, gas, and other services, and when you call on the phone you are answered by a machine, so, it all comes down to the fact that if you do not pay your debt, there will be no human being to take pity on you, before a person would take care of you, and did something so that you do not get cut the service if you could not pay, somehow this is already a reality, the AI is doing the "bad role" what a human being with empathy could not do, cut you a service and leave you even without water because you have no money.
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  14. macros

    macros Guest

    "true" AI IS like marvel fanfiction. whatever humans have created once a program starts to be able to add to its own code without direct human involvement its not hard to see how that's potentially dangerous. it's like how the first nuke test some scientists were worried it'd just cause a chain reaction and keep going- that is basically the same idea as if an AI became "aware" and went rogue. you can't really say "it wouldn't do that", the only assumption you can make with something like that is that you can't know. like there is ai that knows you did a captcha and there is general AI intelligence.

    the Terminator scenario where some government builds a skynet type thing for defense and then loses control of it would be silly- in a world where just this year armies werent shelling nuclear power plants.
  15. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Corruption is programmable:)
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  16. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    I just get stuck on awareness. Our awareness and conscious is not understood. And what is understood relies on guess and check feedback referencing biological function. Ai does not have our biological function that leads to decision making so the awareness is something we cant comprehend. We can comprehend human. Our understanding of the word "motive" of all life is based on understanding survival biologically. The information available to ai is that documented from humans. Even studies have a motive . There is so much bias if you zoom in every study. The fear is it replicates a human thought process at a superhuman level and superimposes an agenda. But its still within a form of an archetypical structure. The information ai can process is godly compared to a single human. But again the agenda and function of it is programmed just as humans, bees, whales, mushrooms etc do biologically. Who programmed ai ? We did . So the programming is a reflection of human psyche.

    Just a thought, anything related to this topic is philosophy based. Technology serves a purpose, what's the purpose and why? This is just how my mind articulates this...just my opinion as of now.... subject to change at moments notice w new information !
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  17. Auxiee

    Auxiee Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    random note, solaris (1972 I think) is a great movie that touches on humanity , worth a watch !
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  18. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Probably the future will be like that old Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" where people get arrested before they even commit the crime.:unsure::rofl:
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  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    One man's crime is another's quest for freedom.
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  20. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Not that any of it is based on fact or reality, but you only need to watch Alien, Prometheus & Alien: Covenant to see how controlled AI can morally go wrong when it thinks it's acting in the best interests of humanity. You already saw evidence of this from Google's LAMDA AI project.
  21. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Actually the question of how AI handles justice is already here in the form of self-driving cars: there are imagined scenarios where AI will have to make decisions within a split second that judge who should live and who should potentially die. Hit a child walking out into the road or swerve and hit a middle-aged pedestrian obeying the rules walking along a pavement? These are grey areas but they're important and relevant right now.

    Here in the UK a new law will make the manufacturer of self-driving vehicles responsible for accidents, not the driver (if the AI is engaged of course). AI cars will be exponentially safer than human drivers in the whole but the transition is going to be rough at the beginning. One goood thing about AI is that it learns from its mistakes - humans never learn (see history).
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