Why don't you do different versions of the same song?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Ryck, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It has always happened to me, to make my own songs, and then later in time, I said to myself "In this one I would have done this, and in this one I would have taken this other one". I mean, I think it happens to many of us, that we make a song and then we feel that one thing or another would have been better.

    So at some point I asked myself, why not do songs with a number of versions? For example if the song is called "Delirium" then the original would be called "Delirium" then "Delirium (V2) ", "Delirium" (V3)". and so on. By now, I'm sure you understand what I mean.

    But I say this not only as a composer, but also as a music listener.
    A clear example of what I am saying is an album by Paul McCartney, called "Give my regards to broad street". On that album he has all songs that have been re-recorded and even the instruments are different.

    So, why not do it? do you think that nowadays this would not be good? that it would be better just to leave an original version and that's it? what do you think?
  3. petrrr

    petrrr Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2022
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    u need to be believing the song is worth the time and effort to be improved in order to do this, its not something to do with all songs i think, well unless you change them completely
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2022
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  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I think that I know what you are saying, though to add in, there might be the original recorded version of a song, and if you then play it and recorded it live that would be a live version. You could do a slooow or a fstr version, an acoustic or electric version, an instrumental version and you could even do a remixed version of the original version. I think that I've done all these. I never have done a barber shop quartet version of any of my songs so just maybe....
  5. Fredlocks

    Fredlocks Member

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Behind your shower curtain...
    Don’t most artists already do that to some extent? What I mean is there is often a noticeable similarity between songs from a particular artist. Chord sequences, melody variations, etc. Sometimes the similarity is striking (even shamelessly blatant) other times it’s very subtle but once you hear it it seems obvious. I have often ended up with more than one song from one core idea because I’ve gone off on a number of very different tangents while toying with said idea. Perhaps this is more indicative of a style rather than being complete reworkings of one song which keeps it’s recognisable fundamentals but it’s all from the same starting place. I guess as creative people we will usually continue to refine and revise and as time passes we may find other influences and our own changing opinions colouring our previous work in different ways, and so hear new possibilities in the same work. It doens't mean the place we started was in any way wrong or lacking, just that it relected were we were at that time, just as a reworking would reflect were we are now. And it's all good :)
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  6. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
    Delirium (V17) Mix 9.6c (FINAL v3)
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  7. damian9

    damian9 Kapellmeister

    Apr 26, 2021
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    That's why some bands do remix albums, a really good one is Further Down The Spiral by NIN, it's a bunch of remixes and reinterpretations of songs from the album before.

    Or Oceanic Remixes/Reinterpretations by metal band ISIS. I think it's interesting to look at songs in a different light, you could even go as far as turning a rock song into an EDM banger and end up gaining fans from a whole different genre.
  8. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Of course. I meant to make other versions. I'm not talking about better or worse. I find it interesting that the same song " Delirium " ( Rock ) " Delirium( V House) could be in other styles. I haven't seen many things like that. I have seen for example, re-masterings of songs, but the song is exactly the same, so it seems boring to me, it would be better to listen to the song in another version.
    Another thing I have also wondered about, following this line of versions. Why now with the sound war there are no "Mix" versions and "Mastering" versions. I mean, this is as good for the artist as it is for the listener, isn't it? Imagine listening to your favorite song, but without the Mastering, listening to everything with only mixed sound, it would be nice. The same for the artist, he will have his two works there, his "undamaged" work (volume war) and his "commercial" work, but I haven't seen that. It's like somehow we always follow trends.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is the basic idea behind Logic's feature Project Alternatives.

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  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    My formula is: More musicians = More songs - More variations = More variety

    I am also a friend of multiple versions, however, this is not always easy, sometimes you have to
    decide, alone in front of the PC ma can do what you want, in eier Bankd is much more difficult.

    Versions or Visions:
    1. With vocals and without vocals
    2. Replace or add male vocals with female vocals
    3. Exchange drums / other base drum
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2022
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  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Most of us want to and should deliver a good product, something you can expect everyone to do.
    Besides, no one wants to embarrass themselves or even put their reputation on the line.
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  12. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    We, I actually do lots of versions of a single track before the A&R's (no pun intended) and the artist
    choose-pick the one for the single or onto to the album.
    Also cool for having lots of stuff to go on for remixes and to send out for remixes. It's common practice to do a bunch of versions
    of a song. It is also very easy to get stuck in 'one' version and miss the opportunity to find a gem of a hook or chorus placement or whatever you would miss out on if you don't explore the idea a little further than just one take. My 2 cents.
  13. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I Don't Agree everybody should be more experimental to try new Influences even if it not sounds good all the time even platinum Producers do this watch this Video.

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  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I now find a similarity after reading them, with a post I had made before about whether information conditions creativity.
    And this similarity is precisely the fear or uncertainty that we will be catalogued by our work. And I think that is what makes many of us doubt and give the best of us, because in a way, it is possible that you only have one chance to be heard, then say, ahh if I've already heard "Ryck" I do not like his music. Well, you can always work to improve or adjust to the market, but they already have an impression of you. I think that's what BEAT16 was trying to say, at least that's what I interpreted. It's also true what artwerkski says, this shouldn't stop us from being creative. And that's where we come back to that point where we are conditioned by the market, of course, not all of us, there are the people who don't give a shit about the market and will always be 100% creative even if they die without being known. It should be noted that the musicians who have been "original" in history, are few, that is, you pay a very high price for being 100% original and I mean "breaking the rules". To give an example of this, tomorrow I go out to play with my guitar, but I don't put any strings on it, and while I play I make the sound of the guitar with my voice, " tann tann tan" . Of course, everyone will laugh, and say, look at the crazy Ryck, but I'll be 100% original and few dare to do that, right?
    But then the point of this is that, maybe, many will have the idea to say, I'm going to upload to Spotify 5 versions of my pop, rock, metal, folk, and trance song. But it's only a handful of people who are willing, to follow "the rules". As it happens in the war of sound, no matter if their song ends up being a shit without dynamics (I've been one of them), they adapt to the market, the demand.

    So, I agree with what BEAT16 said or interpreted, because I have also thought about it, maybe our fear is always "the first impression" that you will provoke. Of course, very successful people can afford to do anything, they are already famous and the most that will happen is that that album will not be popular, but in the next one they will come back with everything. Something that musicians like me, who are only known by their friends and their dog, can't afford to do. Do I get the point of this?
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Ryck - every human being has a lot of potential that should be explored and nurtured.
    We are all giants who have been raised by dwarfs. You, for example, have a talent for writing,
    so make a book out of it. Write song lyrics - raise your own potential, be an idea generator.

    Just skip the level of consciousness that the other YouTube primates are stuck on. Go straight into
    art - be creative and invent and create the new trends that will free you from the yoke of stupidity.
    How about street art or the revival of robot dance.

    Just imagine:

    The catch is, you live in a century where there is no electricity and your name would be Wolfgang
    Amadeus Mozart you lived from 1765 - 1791. Yes, writing music needs to be learned. So a school
    education and a training for classical instruments. Then you still have money, you need a sponsor.

    What do you do, you go to the king and ask him if he wants a little entertainment. You play him a
    song and he pays you for a concert with food and drink in the royal palace. Now others become
    aware of you and they book you. You become famous and maybe rich and maybe happy.

    Question: What will remain of you when you die?

    See to the end how people are happy to be together and experience art.
    Robot Vall | Kraftwerk

    Banksy's Street Art
  16. damian9

    damian9 Kapellmeister

    Apr 26, 2021
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    I wish this was more common too, but I think it's too expensive for most. You would essentially have to get the album mastered twice, and most of the time you're lucky to break even with album costs let alone have funds to do that. NIN did this with Hesitation Marks, that's the only instance I'm familiar with.
  17. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    didn t metallica release i don t know how many versions of the unfrogiven?and after the first the others sucked
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  18. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    If it's a decent song, why not try it different ways and styles?

    Or even make the whole thing a concept album with the same recurring themes, with varations, sprinkled throughout?

    Imagine at some point in the future that you've written an all-time classic, and then imagine the hundreds of cover versions with all sorts of artists playing all sorts of stuff with all sorts of instrumentation? Scrolling through the hundreds of youtube cover videos of your song, and every one of them is different.

    I bang on here all the time about lack of originality and everyone just copying the same ideas because that's what's hip at the moment and what everyone else is doing.

    Do yourself a favour.

    Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
    Cause none but ourself can free our mind.

    Be yourself, and noone else.
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  19. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    as if it already wasn't hard enough to even rub one good song out
  20. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Why not?
