[HANDS-ON] Which Concert Harp to get

Discussion in 'Software Reviews and Tutorials' started by Andrew, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds


    HandsON - Which Concert Harp to get
    What is this about
    This is supposed to be something new, and it is. In this hands-on review, I'll analyze every instrument in greater detail than in my regular reviews, describe each one individually and provide audio sample.
    Today we'll be 'comparing' Concert Harps.
    So far I have found 11 concert harps in various orchestral packages from many developers. Some libraries were dedicated to its one instrument, while others harps were deep buried inside large orchestral collections.
    So let's start with the 'weakest'.

    VI One - Harp
    This 'harp' is very small in size, taking only about 100MB.
    Upon downloading/purchasing VI One, you'll get Harp Glissandi and Plucked Harp.
    The sampling is rather weak, single sample for 5 notes, single velocity layer, no repetitions and artificial damping.
    The sound is close to electric harp, far away from how concert harp should sound like, though some may use this kind of sound.
    The punch for strummed chords is however very good, even with artificial damping.
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 16bit Stereo

    Cinesamples - Cineharp 1.1
    Not ancient, but really old library, dating way back when Cinesamples began their bussiness.
    It comes with plucked samples only, glissandi can be created with the script
    Sampling is more prominent than with VI One, single sample for 2 notes, three velocity layers, neighbour-borrowing repetitions, but no damping.
    Dynamic range is good enough.
    CineHarp is much closer to the concert harp sound, but we're still not there.
    Strumming is also not very easy as the damping is completely missing.
    Sample content quality - 48000Hz 16bit Stereo

    Garritan - Giga Harp
    Very old one, yet still very usable.
    Features Melodic, Glissandi and Damped patches, however only plucked notes were recorded.
    Otherwise the library is sampled with single sample for 2 notes, up to four velocity layers, no repetition and artificial damping.
    Sound is still in a way electronic, but we're getting there.
    The dynamic range is limited, mezzo-piano still sounds harsh.
    Strumming is quite possible, though the punch is missing
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 16bit Stereo

    Sonart Audio - Venice Instruments - Harp
    Sonart audio's approach was to provide affordable instruments and they did it quite well with this one.
    Along the plucked notes, you'll also get bisbigliando and mutes.
    Every interval was sampled independently, with two velocity layers, without repetition and with artificial damping.
    The sound is quite pleasant, laid back and detailed.
    High dynamic range, even with just two vel. layers.
    Chords do have great punch in them, so very usable for strumming.
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 24bit Stereo

    Kirk Hunter - Diamond Orchestra Harp
    Diamond Orchestra, released in 2006, merged Emerald and Ruby into one package. This harp was taken from Emerald.
    Comes with lots of prerecorded glissandi, plucked, mute and damped samples.
    Kirk sampled every two notes in 4 velocity layers, no repetition and damped instrument provided separately.
    I do like the lows on this one, the highs are not sparkling as they should.
    Very high dynamic range, maybe too high, transitions between layers are hard to predict.
    Damped instrument is still somewhat cumbersome
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 16bit Stereo

    Sonokinetic - Arpeggio
    Supposed to be one of the largest concert harps ever recorded. Released in 2010 by Sonokinetic.
    Features all necessary articulations, Plucked, Harmonics, Pres-de-la-Table, Glissandi, FX and even Picked and Short samples
    Don't know where Sonokinetic did it, but there is most likely a bug in scripting as plucked sustains are just single velocity layer, but recorded are in 3 layers, two repetitions, three mic positions and release damping (though not sound as true)
    The sound is somewhat quirky, hard to get by, not exactly unnatural, though not very pleasant.
    Adequate dynamic range
    Not very easy to play or strum, the sound might be there, but the controls are stiff.
  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds

    ProjectSAM - Concert Harp
    Rather new lib, came out separately and also inside Orchestral Essentials package.
    Lots of articulations, Plucked, Flagolet, Pres-de-la-table, Xylo notes, Paper notes, Glissandi and Special effects
    One sample is shared between two notes, 4 velocity layers were recorded, two repetitions, two mic positions, but no damping.
    I used to like this harp very much, but as with most ProjectSAM libraries, even this one got old and uninteresting
    Mainly due to very limited dynamic range, even with all those vel. layers.
    Strumming is nearly impossible as no damping was programmed.
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 24bit Stereo

    East West Quantum Leap - Symphonic Orchestra - Harp
    This one was inside huge Symphonic Orchstra package.
    Provided with only plucked notes and harmonics, other patches are programmed with shorter or longer release
    As with most instruments today, one sample shared between two notes, total of three vel. layers, three mic positions, though no repetitions and only very slight artificial damping
    This harp actually sounds like the real thing. I love that sound every time I hear it, unfortunately the lack of proper damping reduces this instrument only for use only with slower passages.
    Very good dynamic range, just how it should be
    The instrument is not meant for strumming.
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 24bit Stereo

    Vienna Symphony Library - Concert Harp
    Good old classic, part of legacy VS Library.
    Many articulations, Plucked, Flagolet, Mute, Bisbigliando and Pres-de-la-Table
    Yet again, one sample per two notes, sampled with 3 velocity layers, no repetitions but finally true damping.
    The sound is natural and well-balanced, very closely resembles real harp.
    Very good dynamic range as well.
    Strumming is easy and sound very realistic, but you need to use separate patch for sustains as the releases tend to stack up.
    Sample content quality - 44100Hz 16bit Stereo

    SONiVOX - Symphonic Harp
    Quite unknown one, part of 'overpriced' legacy SONiVOX Symphonic Series.
    Numerous articulations to choose from, Plucked, Flagolet, Mutes, Bisbigliando and Pres-de-la-Table
    One sample is shared between two notes, 4 velocity layers, no repetitions but again true damping.
    Beautiful laid-back sound, very intimate and detailed sound, Pres-de-la-Table sounds great as well.
    As with VSL, good dynamic range, all 4 layers are well used.
    Even though there is true damping, the releases tend to stack up very fast, so not really good for strumming.
    Sample content quality - 48000Hz 24bit Stereo

    Spitfire Audio - Skaila Kanga Harp
    Part of Spitfire's Signature series, this instrument is exquisite by just who is playing it.
    All necessary articulations are included, Plucked, Flagolet, PDLT, Bisbigliando, Slid (for glissandi) and some FX.
    This library is true signature of how meticulous Spitfire Audio really is, one sample per two notes, 4 velocity layers, but 8 repetitions, 3 mic positions and true damping (sons-etouffes)
    Beautiful sound in nearly every setting, but sometimes I feel it misses some juice.
    Excellent dynamic range, well balanced to the playing style
    Perfect for strumming, nearly zero overlaps and no release build up. Great work yet again Spitfire!
    Sample content quality - 48000Hz 24bit Stereo

    Hopefully, this little experiment in my reviewing endeavours will be of use to somebody.
    As you can hear for yourself, every harp is different. And every company approaches the recording, sampling and scripting process in a different way. Which one do you choose? Well it's up to you now.

    PS: I needed to make two posts because of the allowed maximum for media items.
  4. SkyRed

    SkyRed Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    One important entry is missing, if my eyes serve me right. It's the exquisite concert harp included in Orchestral Tools' Symphonic Sphere. Very worth adding.

    Since i don't know how to embed them, here's the Youtube Link
  5. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    You're right SkyRed, that one is missing, I'll add it soon *yes*
  6. Tonk

    Tonk Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Andrew, this is an amazing work.
    I always wanted to know the differences between those harps
    but I never did the direct comparison.

    One question:
    does the Spitfire harp sit well in a pop-mix?
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Hi tonk,
    that depends, it's pretty wet, but its close mike might sit well :thumbsup:
  8. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I think the list it's missing the best (imho) harp library available today: Garritan Harps. ;)
  9. tjgoa

    tjgoa Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Thank you so much! Will try these out, I really love the sound of the harp and its good to have all these organized like this. Plus the review, its all very helpful to someone first exploring the kontakt libraries.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Pfff...I never wrote a thank you for this? This really is a truly excellent resource for people of all skill levels and an excellent addition to the forums. Inspiring is what it is. [​IMG]
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